Title | Creator | Description | Department | Date |
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 | 100 anos: revolucion Mexicana 1910-2010 (100 years Mexican revolution 1910-2010) | White, Luz del Carmen Paredes Almeida de | This is a final project paper based on the celebration of the centennial of the Mexican Revolution 1910-2010. 00 aiios, Revolution Mexicana 1910-2010 is a multimedia exhibition inspired by the celebration of the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution. The exhibition is composed of a series of magneti... | Art/Art History | 2010-08 |
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 | A history of the Utah Museum of Fine Arts | Allen, Ronald C. | In April 2003, an assessment of the Utah Museum of Fine Arts was completed. The results of the assessment revealed that there were substantially differing accounts of the museum's history. This study raised a critical question: What is the history of the Utah Museum of Fine Arts? The last few years ... | Art/Art History | 2005-05 |
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 | A revolution revealed: David Alfaro Siqueiros' from porfirio to the revolution | Peay, Casey James | In his mural From Porfirio to the Revolution, found in the National Museum of History in Mexico City, David Alfaro Siqueiros paints the history of the 1910 Revolution. However, the history of the 1910 Revolution is only one topic of this complicated mural, which contains several layers of meaning... | Art/Art History | 2007-05 |
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 | A study in form: process and results | Burgos, Francisco | This thesis documents the interests that inspired the body of work that is the core of this MFA; it mentions the biographical antecedents that led to it; it muses on the thoughts and dilemmas that were present while the work progressed; it describes the technical details of such progre... | Art/Art History | 2006-12 |
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 | Across the Road | Meikle, David W. | The rolling foothills, rugged mountains, and sharp red rock found in the West have always held great appeal to me. I am a keen observer of the environment around me. I am constantly making mental notes about what is happening to the land at various times of day and at different times of year. A... | Art/Art History | 2006-05 |
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 | Aerial Alchemy | James, Jan | On a trip to Egypt, as I was floating down the Nile, it was easy to envision the alchemists observing the mystical powers that transformed the desert. Black silt borne down the river is deposited on the land when the water overflows its banks during flood time. The black earth gives a rich lining ... | Art/Art History | 2010-05 |
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 | American landscape painting: Dutch influences in the works of Thomas Doughty, Thomas Cole, Asher B. Durand, George Inness, Frederick E. Church, and Albert Bierstadt | Napper, Angela Sierra | Many connections exist between the American artists of the Hudson River School, specifically Thomas Doughty, Thomas Cole, Asher B. Durand, George Inness, Frederick Church, and Albert Bierstadt, and the Dutch landscape painters of the seventeenth century. Among these connections are similarities in ... | Art/Art History | 2007-12 |
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 | The architectural development of block eighty-eight, plat A, Salt Lake City survey during the era of Brigham Young 1847 to 1877 | Rogers, Janie L. | The object of this thesis is to document the architectural development of Block Eighty-eight, Plat A, Salt Lake City Survey during the time of Brigham Young's presidency of the LDS church in Utah, 1847-1877. The history of the block is introduced by discussing the architectural trends of the per... | Art/Art History | 1996-08 |
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 | The art of Aaron Douglas, the evolution of jazz and the Harlem Renaissance | Duffin, Lance W. | Never before in American history had there been a more concentrated and energetic outpouring of literary, visual and musical artistic production than that of the period known as the Harlem Renaissance. This period, from 1919 through 1934, was an optimistic, dynamic time for many African Americans ... | Art/Art History | 1998-08 |
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 | The art of staring | Graham, Richard Nathan | My Master of Fine Arts exhibition consists of six monoprints on paper, two acrylic paintings on paper, and eighteen oil and/or acrylic paintings on canvas. My goal has been to explore new ways of paint application, to further develop my skills in dealing with formal issues in painting, and to reach ... | Art/Art History | 1996-03 |
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 | The art of the book | Powers-Torrey, Mary Noreen | These six books were produced between May 1999 and November 2000. The process of making these books became inherently involved with the process of formulating the story. The story is my own story. These books that I have written, designed, illustrated, printed, and bound are made of my experience... | Art/Art History | 2001-05 |
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 | The art world expanded | Truxes, Anna | This paper explores the evolution of the concept of the art world, starting with the going-away, in order to show that effective art criticism requires knowledge of the art world. The nature of criticism implies that a critic logically identify, define and evaluate a work of art. Reasons are use... | Art/Art History | 2008-12 |
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 | Automatic Processing Pitfalls | Watson, Justin | I used this text to examine processes by mirroring the internal structures of my mental processes. This paper is arbitrary to the source of the experience examined, although this arbitrariness is also an impetus to the survival mechanisms depicted. When we elucidate our meanings we grow more lost. M... | Fine Arts | 2016 |
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 | Be somewhere | Habben, David | I've always been intrigued by the idea of creating motion within my work. Simple dynamics in composition or figure have failed to truly capture, from my perspective, the sense of fluidity that can be found so readily in other media, such as film and animation. It seems odd to be so concerned about i... | Art/Art History | 2017-05 |
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 | Be somewhere | Habben, David | When the School of Dance welcomed me into their studios and performances, it quickly became apparent that there was an opportunity to explore the incredibly expressive movements they performed. Their manipulation of their bodies through three-dimensional space combined with the powerful live music t... | Art and Art History | 2017-05 |
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 | The big unknown | Beard, Keith | My MFA experience has taught me that when I allow myself to be vulnerable to the unknown, it creates a better outcome for my work as an artist. My unknowns are based on fear of not knowing how my choices will play out, and a fear of not achieving my full potential. The unknown also represents my rel... | Art/Art History | 2016-08 |
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 | Bodily housed | Perreault, Alison Marie | Exhibiting work has to do with communication. Like the Berkeley illustration of a tree falling in the forest, a receiver must be present in order for the sound to be heard. In the sharing of the work is the desire to communicate the experience. My Master of Fine Arts graduate exhibition consists of... | Art/Art History | 1999-05 |
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 | Break the square | Wang, Fei | This thesis traces the process of my two years' study. After graduation from college in China with a BFA degree in graphic design, I still felt something was missing in my education, that is, the typography experiments. It became one of the reasons I chose to pursue graduate study in the US, a Weste... | Art/Art History | 2004-08 |
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 | Carl Theodor Dreyer and La Passion de Jeanne D'Arc: expanding avant-garde modernism in the early twentieth century | Dixon, Hilary | Danish film maker, Carl Theodor Dreyer (1889-1964) is acknowledged as one o f the world's great directors. His 1927 film, La Passion de Jeanne d 'Arc is often cited as his greatest masterpiece. However, the works of Dreyer are rarely screened or discussed because they cannot be cate... | Art/Art History | 1999-08 |
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 | Change through process | Coberly, Claudia Furnish | After maintaining a professional painting career for more than twenty years, my primary objective for graduate school has been to gain maturity in my painting. I was determined to expand my work ethic beyond self-imposed limitations. I believe growth and renewal can be achieved through the willin... | Art/Art History | 1998-12 |
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 | Concerning the spiritual in Spiral Taffy | Christensen, Kent David | My thesis documents the body of work I have built since May 2004. This work was the result of an exploration o f the Still Life tradition since the 16th Century. I looked at the unique aspects and historical evolution of the Still Life tradition from the 16,h Century to the present. An examination ... | Art/Art History | 2005-12 |
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 | Constructed realities and metaphotography Gregory Crewdson's twilight series | Cook, Ashlee | Gregory Crewdson's Twilight (1998-2002) is a series o f photographs depicting scenes o f American suburbia embedded in psychological anxiety and uncanny undercurrents. Crewdson stages these photographs, constructing fragmented narratives evoking fantasy, magic and the supernatural, pulling fro... | Art/Art History | 2009-12 |
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 | Creative visions of community | Moyer, Sarah Elizabeth | Wondering how to utilize my freshly issued BFA, I became captivated by the publicly accessible format of mural paintings. Always on display, murals can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless o f their age or socio-economic background. Many have become landmarks in their community, often catalysts for ne... | Art/Art History | 2008-08 |
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 | Deficient | Spurgeon, Tyler | The work in Deficient is composed primarily of large-scale oil paintings, yielding from two bodies of work that have merged to become something greater than the sum of their individual scopes. The combined body of work is able to more clearly encapsulate the ideas I am interested in exploring. A... | Art/Art History | 2012-05 |
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 | Design methods inspired by the Bonneville Salt Flats | Conger, Jeffrey Scott | This creative project examines the unlikely topic of automobile racing at the Bonneville Salt Flats to foster new ways of working with graphic design layout. Through this project I created four graphic design methods by studying the principles and methodologies of hot rodders and dry lake racers... | Art/Art History | 1998-08 |