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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Brown, Gregory ScottCarnaval, carny, and cartoons: Carl stalling's cartoon music in historical contextCarl Stalling; John Zorn; Music; Cartoons; history2011dissertation
2 Maxwell, Devin ColeChester, NJ" for full orchestra and electronics, and, The chromatic scale and other iterative loops in Beat Furrer's Konzert fuer Klavier and OrchesterMusic2016dissertation
3 Prindle, Jeremy DavidThe devil's prayers: metal music in IranArsames; Blues; Iran; Iranian; Metalhead; Metal music; Cultural anthropology; Music; Middle Eastern Studie2014-05thesis
4 Kim, JunThe effect of visual and auditory coherence on judgments of tranquility to simulated nature experiencesMental health; Music; Natural environment; Nature; Relaxation; Visual effect; Philosophy of Science; Social psychology2013-08dissertation
1 - 25 of 4