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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Warner, MerryCenter for consciousness studiesTechnology; Media; Consumerism2006thesis
2 Pasha, TalaatIslamists in the headlines: critical discourse analysis of the representation of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egyptian newspapersCritical discourse analysis; Egyptian media; Front-page reports; Islamism; Media; Muslim brotherhood2011-12dissertation
3 Dahl, Raymond AlexanderReconciling differences between technologically and socially focused theories of group communicationHCI; Interaction; Media; Mediation; Rich-media; Technology2013-12thesis
4 Munn, Marion AlisonReligious freedom versus children's rights: challenging media framing of Short Creek, 1953Abuse; FLDS; Framing; Media; Polygamy2014-05thesis
5 Faust, Casey MichelleStyle shifting in Egyptian and Tunisian Arabic: a sociolinguistic study of media ArabicArabic; Audience design; Dialects; Media; Sociolinguistics; Style shifting2012-12thesis
6 Harris, David AlmaTesting a conditional process model for the diffusion of use of "nonprofessional" journalismConditional process analysis; Internet; Media; News; Newspaper2014-12dissertation
7 Zemmels, David R.Youth and the new media: constructing meaning and identity in networked spacesIdentity; Meaning; Media; Morae; Social; Youth2011-08dissertation
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