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1 A Novel De Novo KIF21A Variant in a Patient With Congenital Fibrosis of the Extraocular Muscles With a Syndromic CFEOM Phenotype2021-03Textehsl_novel_jno
2 Acute Convergence and Divergence Paralysis in HIV-Related Rhombencephalitis2021-06Textehsl_novel_jno
3 Brain Imaging in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension2015-12Textehsl_novel_jno
4 Cerebrovascular dysfunction in primary blast traumatic brain injury2016Textir_etd
5 Characterization of the pressure wave from a shock tube using numerical simulations2010-08Textir_etd
6 Comparison of image quality measures in cerebral magnetic resonance angiography1998-06Textir_etd
7 Double Vision and Headache2021-06Textehsl_novel_jno
8 Erdheim-Chester Disease Presenting With Diplopia: A Challenging Diagnosis With Effective Treatment2021-09Textehsl_novel_jno
9 Gadoxetate Disodium-Enhanced Imaging of Gradenigo Syndrome in End-Stage Renal Disease2021-09Textehsl_novel_jno
10 Hallucinatory Palinopsia in COVID-19-Induced Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome2020-12Textehsl_novel_jno
11 Implementation of The CDC's Developmental Milestone Guideline for Infants Corrected Age 2-4 Months Hospitalized in the NICU2022Textehsl_gradnu
12 Implementation of The CDC's Developmental Milestone Guideline for Infants Corrected Age 2-4 Months Hospitalized in the NICU2022Textehsl_gradnu
13 Information transfer and transformation in the primate ventral auditory processing stream2013-08Textir_etd
14 Interesting Aspects in MRI of the Brain1986-02-25Textehsl_novel_nam
15 Intrauterine growth restriction alters hypothalmic programming in the developing mouse brain2012-08Textir_etd
16 Is Gadolinium Staining of the Brain a Real Concern When Ordering Brain MRI?: Pro vs Con2022-12Textehsl_novel_jno
17 Juxtaposed Homonymous Hemianopsia Due to Neurotuberculosis2021-09Textehsl_novel_jno
18 Localization and characterization of dopamine D-1 receptors in the central nervous system.1986-06Textir_etd
19 Mechanisms of Entry Into the Central Nervous System by Neuroinvasive Pathogens2022-06Textehsl_novel_jno
20 The neuromagnetic brain activation patterns of induced compassion in advanced Zen meditation practitioners2011-08Textir_etd
21 Neurosarcoidosis and Ocular Inflammation: A Case Series and Literature Review2021-06Textehsl_novel_jno
22 Opsoclonus-Myoclonus Syndrome in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma2016-12Textehsl_novel_jno
23 Pathology of the Brain and the Eye in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2-Infected Patients: A Review2021-09Textehsl_novel_jno
24 Pediatric Optic Neuritis Prospective Outcomes Study2016-06Textehsl_novel_jno
25 Persistent Placoid Maculopathy Complicated by Cerebral Vasculitis2017-09Textehsl_novel_jno
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