1 - 25 of 322
Number of results to display per page
1 "Gays Claim Lack of Protection" Article1978-12-14Text
2 1893 Salt Lake Death Register1893Text
3 1922 S.S. Celtic Passenger List1922-11-27Text
4 1924 Lowie, Shoshonean Ethnography Berdaches-Two Spirits and Transcription1924Text
5 1924 S.S. Majestic Passenger List1924-06-18Text
6 1925 Passport Application for Ada Dwyer Russell1925-03-13Text
7 1925 Passport Application for Amy Lowell1925-03-13Text
8 1925 S.S. Cedric Passenger List Maude Kiskadden Adams1926-10; 1926-11Text
9 1926 Davis County Clipper Article "Two More Lose Their Lives on State Road"1926-12-03Text
10 1926 Ogden Standard Examiner Article "30 Witnesses to Testify- In Girl Mystery"1926-12-02Text
11 1926 Ogden Standard Examiner Article "Order Inquest in Deaths of Two Girls of Strange Love"1926-11-30Text
12 1926 Ogden Standard Examiner Article "Poison In Dual Death Identified"1926-11-29Text
13 1926 Ogden Standard Examiner Article "Ruth Drake is Suicide, Says Inquest Jury"1926-12-03Text
14 1926 Ogden Standard Examiner Article "Unusual Love Believed Back of Two Girls' Deaths in S.L."1926-11-29Text
15 1926 Ogden Standard Examiner Article "Utah Chemist Sure Case is Suicide Pact"1926-12-01Text
16 1926 Salt Lake Telegram Article "Divorce Decree on Nonsupport Charge Given Sarah in 1925"1926-11-29Text
17 1927 S.S. Baltic Passenger List [1]1927-12-05Text
18 1927 S.S. Baltic Passenger List [2]1927-11-21Text
19 1928 Double Suicide Erma Hancock and Pearl Jones Corry article1928-06-08Text
20 1928 Double Suicide Erma Hancock and Pearl Jones Corry article and Transcript1928-06-08Text
21 1928 Erma Hancock Funeral Announcement1928-06-15Text
22 1928 Newspaper Blurb George B. Hancock leaves for California1928-06-22Text
23 1937 Newspaper blurb on "The Un-Natural Sin" Film1937-10-25Text
24 1960 Paul Banham Utonian Yearbook photos [2]1960Image
25 1970 Salt Lake Directory Listing for the Broadway Lounge1970Text
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