1 - 25 of 39
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1 1995-1998 Utah Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Local Health District Report1996Textehsl_ophl
2 1996 Health Status Survey - Lifestyle Factors in Utah1996Textehsl_ophl
3 1996 Health Status Survey : Lifestyle Factors in Utah /1999-06Textehsl_ophl
4 A Motivational Interviewing Toolkit for Providers to Address Weight Among Pregnant Women2014Textehsl_gradnu
5 Acute exercise and academic achievement in youth2015Textir_etd
6 An Integrated Wellness Approach Targeted Toward Reducing Depression and Anxiety while Improving Outlook2020Textehsl_gradnu
7 An Integrated Wellness Approach Targeted Toward Reducing Depression and Anxiety while Improving Outlook2020Textehsl_gradnu
8 Beyond the Gloves: Exploring the Mental Health Benefits of Boxing2024-08Text; Imagewc_ir
9 Cardiovascular control during exercise and the role of the sympathetic nervous system in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction2015Textir_etd
10 Community-Based Exercise and Cognitive Decline2023Textehsl_gerint
11 De la danse : considérée sous le rapport de l'éducation physique1830Textuum_rbc
12 Determining the Barriers and Beliefs of Salt Lake City Iraqi Refugee Torture Survivors Related to Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease2016Textehsl_gradnu
13 Eccentric strain at long muscle length evokes the repeated bout effect.2005-11-19Textir_uspace
14 The effects of heart failure on the muscle exercise pressor reflex2013Text; Imageir_uspace
15 Exercise Induced Transient Diplopia2006-02-28Textehsl_novel_nam
17 Exercise-Induced Homonymous Visual Field Loss in a Young Healthy Adult2006-02-28Textehsl_novel_nam
18 Feasibility of administering the national diabetes prevention program at the university of utah: a pilot study2017Textir_etd
19 Function or fun?2000-03Textir_uspace
20 The impact of exercise on hematopoietic stem cell patients2013-08Textir_etd
21 The Impact of Regular Outdoor Walks on Depression in Individuals with Early Dementia and Informal Caregiver Stress: A Pilot Study2023Textehsl_gerint
22 Increasing Mental Wellness Through a 30-Day Lifestyle Intervention2021Textehsl_gradnu
23 Indicator profile of recommended physical activity /2004-11-30Textehsl_ophl
24 Ion channel gene expression as objective biomarkers of training induced fatigue2014-12Textir_etd
25 Joe's grandfather, Leo Frazier scrapbook1985Image; Textdha_pour
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