1 - 25 of 11
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 The Wheel of FortuneEdward Burne-Jones1877 - 1883 CE
2 La Pia de' Tolomei (Pious One)Dante Gabriel Rossetti1868 - 1869 CE
3 Beata BeatrixDante Gabriel Rossetti1872 CE
4 Annunciation to the Virgin (Ecce ancilla domini)Dante Gabriel Rossetti1850 CE
5 Hireling ShepherdWilliam Holman Hunt1851 CE
6 Our English CoastsWilliam Holman Hunt1852 CE
7 John RuskinJohn Everett Millais1854 CE
8 Last of EnglandFord Madox Brown1852 - 1855 CE
9 Awakening ConscienceWilliam Holman Hunt1853 CE
10 Queen GuinevereWilliam Morris1858 CE
11 Beata Beatrix (detail)Dante Gabriel Rossetti1872 CE
1 - 25 of 11