1 - 25 of 122
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Monument to the Third InternationalVladimir Tatlin1920 CE
2 Project for the Monument to the Third InternationalVladimir Tatlin1919 - 1920 CE, recreated in 1968 for exhibition at the Moderna Museet, Stockholm
3 A Negra (The Black)Tarsila do Amaral1923 CE
4 Calmaria II (Marinha) [Calm II (Sea)]Tarsila do Amaral1929 CE
5 Objecto Rítmico No. 2 (segunda versão), Déc. 70 (Rhythmic Object No. 2 [second version], December 1970)Maurício Nogueira Lima1970 CE
6 Composiçāo Ortogonal no. 2 (Orthogonal Composition no. 2)Anatol Wladyslaw1952 CE
7 Abstracto Geométrico (Geometric Abstraction)Lothar Charoux1952 CE
8 Ruptura Manifesto (English translation with photo of Ruptura group in a Sao Paulo Bar)December 1952 CE
9 Manifesto Ruptura (Ruptura Manifesto)Ruptura Group1952 CE
10 Ruptura Exhibition in the Museum of Modern Art, Sao Paolo1952 CE
11 Movimento (Movement)Waldemar Cordeiro1951 CE
12 Manto Tupinambá (Tupinambá Cape)Lygia Pape2000 CE
13 Decorative Motif Study for the Olivia Guedes Penteado Pavillon of Modern ArtLasar Segallc. 1924 CE
14 Composição Abstrata (Abstract Composition)Vicente do Rêgo Monteiro1922 CE
15 Abstract Geometric Details in Vertical Format for Olivia Guedes Penteado's Modern PavilionLasar Segallc. 1924 CE
16 Retrato de Tarsila (Portrait of Tarsila)Cícero Dias1929 CE
17 Composição (Composition)Georges Valmier1921 CE
18 Untitled (Geometric Abstract)Ismael Nery
19 Stained Glass for Mário Cunha Bueno's ResidenceJohn Grazc. 1930 CE
20 UntitledCássio M'Boyc. 1935 CE
21 UntitledCássio M'Boyc. 1935 CE
22 Manifesto do III Salão de Maio (Manifesto of the Third May Salon)Flávio de Carvalho1939 CE
23 UntitledArthur Amoralate 1940s CE
24 View of Geraldo de Barros work in the Fotoforma Exhibition, in the São Paulo Museum of ArtGeraldo de Barros1950 CE
25 Composição Geométrica (Geometric Composition)Antonio Gomidec. 1922 CE
1 - 25 of 122