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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Basilica di San Marco (Saint Mark's)ca. 1071 CE
2 Basilica di San Marco (Saint Mark's)ca. 1071 CE
3 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Apse, Main Altar with the Pala d'OroPala d'Oro begun in 1063 CE
4 Joshua Roll (Scroll): Extracts from the Old Testament, Book of Joshuaca. 950 CE
5 Joshua Roll (Scroll): Extracts from the Old Testament, Book of Joshuaca. 950 CE
6 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), groundplanca. 1071 CE
7 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), general plan of the basilica showing the location of the principal mosaicsca. 1071 CE
8 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Pala d'Orobegun in 1063 CE
9 Book Cover with Christ and the Virgin orans (back: The Virgin orans)late 10th to early 11th Century CE
10 Book Cover with Christ and the Virgin orans (front: Christ)late 10th to early 11th Century CE
11 Book Cover with Crucifixion and the Virgin orans (back: The Virgin orans)9th to early 10th Century CE
12 Book Cover with Crucifixion and the Virgin orans (front: The Crucifixion)9th to early 10th Century CE
13 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Pala d'Oro, center detail: Enthroned Pantokrator (Pantocrator)begun in 1063 CE
14 Virgin and Child Iconmid 10th - 11th Century CE
15 Hagia Sophia, ground planAnthemios of Tralles; Isidoros of Miletos, the Elder532 - 537 CE
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