51 - 75 of 366
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
51 Leng, ZheAutomated parameter identification, path tracking control, and trailer analysis for autonomous trailer operationsAutonomous ground vehicle; Control; Identification; jackknife; trailerc2018dissertation
52 Israelsen, Jason R.Automatic collision avoidance for manually tele-operated unmanned aerial vehiclesCollision avoidance; Reactive and sensor-based planning; Teleoperation2014-08thesis
53 Doyle, Courtney E.Avian-inspired passive landing mechanisms for perching rotorcraftBio-inspired; Grasp; Passive mechanism; Perching; Underactuation; Flying robots2011-12thesis
54 Kunjir, Rahul SubhashBiaxial and failure properties of passive rat middle cerebral arteriesCerebral arteries -- Testing; Rat middle cerebral arteries; Failure properties; Biaxial properties; Axial stretch tests2012-05thesis
55 Wagg, David SpencerBingham mining district, UtahMines and mineral resources -- Utah; Copper mines and mining -- Utah -- Bingham Canyon; Bingham (Utah)1914thesis
56 Nelson, Isaac DavidBioinspired freeze casting of iron oxide subject to uniform low strength magnetic fields2019dissertation
57 Ogden, Taylor AndrewBioinspired ultrasound freeze casting: engineered porous scaffolds through freeze casting and ultrasound directed self-assembly2019thesis
58 Ho, ScottBioresorbable multidrug delivery conduit to promote peripheral nerve regenerationdiffusion model; drug delivery; nerve conduit; peripheral nerve regeneration; PLGA2016thesis
59 Ho, ScottBioresorbable multidrug delivery conduit to promote peripheral nerve regenerationdiffusion model; drug delivery; nerve conduit; peripheral nerve regeneration; PLGA2016thesis
60 Newman, Devon KBoule shaping of single crystal silicon carbide by wire electrical discharge machiningBoule; Carbide; Silicon; WEDM2010-07thesis
61 Stebbins, Scott LawrenceCalculation of response spectra from incomplete shock time historiesAerospace engineering; civil engineering; mechanical engineering2016thesis
62 Sriramasamudram, Jai KCase study of turbulent fluxes during a wintertime persistent cold air pool in the Salt Lake ValleyCold air pool; Inversion; Meterology; Persistent cold air pool; Turbulence2010-07thesis
63 Christian, Kyle LynnCharacterization and evaluation of a passive three-segment foot2019thesis
64 Arremsetty, VenuCharacterization of a microscale cross-flow based split flow then fractionation (Splitt)2018thesis
65 Kim, HuijaeCharacterization of brain surface strains during controlled cortical impactBrain - Wounds and injuries - Computer simulation; Brain - Blood-vessels; Controlled cortical impact2015-05thesis
66 Zundel, Jared M.Characterization of friction and moisture of porcine lingual tissue in vitro in response to artificial saliva and mouthwash solutionsOral tribolog; pig tongues; porcine tissue2015thesis
67 Saffioti, Jami MarieCharacterization of pediatric ocular material properties for implementation in finite element modelingBiomechanics; Eye; Finite element modeling; Material properties; Ocular; Pediatrics2014-08dissertation
68 Bokil, MukulCharacterization of the pressure wave from a shock tube using numerical simulationsBlast; Brain; Numerical; Pressure; Shock tube; Pressure wave; TBI; Blast wave2010-08thesis
69 Moran, Patrick RyanCharacterization of the vitreoretinal interface and vitreous in the porcine eye as it changes with ageMechanics, Porcine, Vitreous2012-12thesis
70 Hoffman, Kyle C.Characterization, modeling, and feedforward compensation of gas sensor dynamices for aerial robot chemical plume mapping and swarm-based localization2018thesis
71 Nelson, Joseph O.Characterizing Mode I strain energy release rate associated with interfacial debond growth in sandwich composites2012-12thesis
72 Warner, Jacob JohnCold expansion effects on cracked fastener holes under constant amplitude and spectrum loading in the 2024-T351 aluminum alloyCold expand; Cold expansion; Cold work; Crack; Fatigue; Spectrum2012-05thesis
73 Walther, Raymond G.Collagen mimetic peptide as a marker of mechanical damage in cerebral arteriesartery; blood vessel; collagen; damage; stroke; traumatic brain injury2015-08thesis
74 Brown, Nicolas NelsComparing user performance with multiple sip-and-puff control strategies for adaptive devices2018thesis
75 Raphael, Matthew C.Comparison of four manual wheelchair designsManeuverability; Manual; Metabolic; Propulsion; Usability; Wheelchair2011-05thesis
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