676 - 700 of 1,591
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676 Katholikon, narthex, north portal, east wall, lunette, Crucifixion of ChristImage
677 Katholikon, narthex, south door, lunette, Harrowing of Hell (Anastasis)Image
678 Katholikon, view from the southwestImage
679 Katholikon, view into dome and apse over sanctuaryImage
680 Katholikon, view towards the eastImage
681 Kinkaku (Golden Pavilion)Image
682 Kinkaku (Golden Pavilion)Image
683 Kojoion Guest Hall, diagramImage
684 La Virgen Milagrosa (Church of the Miraculous Virgin)Image
685 Lateran BaptisteryImage
686 Lateran Basilica, ground planImage
687 Lateran Basilica, isometric reconstructionImage
688 Lateran Basilica, isometric reconstruction as in 320 CEImage
689 Lateran Basilica: isometric reconstruction with fastigium and soleaImage
690 Leonardo Bruni TombImage
691 Lincoln Cathedral, eastern part of Angel ChoirImage
692 Lincoln Cathedral, exterior view of Angel Choir from the eastImage
693 Lincoln Cathedral, nave looking eastImage
694 Lincoln Cathedral, south transept with the Bishop's EyeImage
695 Lincoln Cathedral, vault of St. Hugh's ChoirImage
696 Lincoln Cathedral, west facadeImage
697 Lingaraja TempleImage
698 Lingaraja TempleImage
699 Lingaraja Temple, detail viewImage
700 Magdeburg Cathedral, Choir: St. MauriceImage
676 - 700 of 1,591