151 - 175 of 173
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151 Richard Wight Burt, Centerville, Utah: an interview by Becky B. Lloyd, November 19, 2005: Saving the Legacy tape no. 7502005-11-19Textuum_slohp
152 Robert A. McGregor, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Winston P. Erickson, June 13, 2000: Saving the legacy tape no. 402000-06-13Textuum_slohp
153 Robert B. Clay, Bountiful, Utah: an interview by Benjamin Bahlmann, April 27, 2001: Saving the legacy tape no. 390, 391 and 3922001-04-27Textuum_slohp
154 Robert D. Teran, Sandy, Utah: an interview by Winston P. Erickson, May 23, 2000: Saving the legacy tape no. 18 and 192000-05-23Textuum_slohp
155 Robert E. Irion, Sandy, Utah: an interview by Benjamin Bahlmann, September 20, 2002: Saving the legacy tape no. 537, 538, and 5392002-09-20Textuum_slohp
156 Robert H. Allred, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Benjamin Bahlmann, August 18, 2001: Saving the legacy tape no. 360 and 3612001-08-18Textuum_slohp
157 Robert W. Hatch, Bountiful, Utah: an interview by Benjamin Bahlmann, 27 September 2002: Saving the Legacy tape nos. 542-5432002-09-27Textuum_slohp
158 Roland R. Wright, Salt Lake City., Utah: an interview by Winston P. Erickson, May 23, 2000: Saving the legacy tape no. 202000-05-23Textuum_slohp
159 Roy Bird, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Becky B. Lloyd, December 4, 2002: Saving the legacy tape no. 5542002-12-04Textuum_slohp
160 Rueben Joseph Farnsworth, St. George, Utah: an interview by Becky B. Lloyd, August 19, 2006: Saving the Legacy tape no. 764 & 7652006-08-19Textuum_slohp
161 Seventeen men and one women standing outdoors1983Image/StillImageuum_map
162 Simon K. Benson, Provo, Utah: an interview by Benjamin Bahlmann, August 29, 2002: Saving the Legacy tape no. 5262002-08-29Textuum_slohp
163 Slug (Diamond dogs)1942-12-09Imageuum_map
164 Stanley G. Smith, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Winston Erickson, January 18, 2002: Saving the legacy tape no. 310-3112002-01-18Textuum_slohp
165 Stanley J. Brady, Provo, Utah: an interview by Benjamin Bahlmann, August 18, 2001: Saving the legacy oral history project2001-10-26Textuum_slohp
166 Ted Frederick, Salt Lake City, UT: an interview by Chris Dunsmore, 18 September 20152015-09-18Textuum_elc
167 Theodore Woodhave, Jr., Bountiful, Utah: an interview by Benjamin J. Bahlmann, October 25, 2002: Saving the Legacy tape no. 6092002-10-25Textuum_slohp
168 Todd P. Smith, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Becky B. Lloyd, August 5, 2004: Saving the Legacy tape no. 6952004-08-05Textuum_slohp
169 Utah Law Review 1997 Number 41997Textuu_law_clp
170 Wallace Baldwin, February 2, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Frances Merrill.2004-02-02Textuum_slohp
171 Weltkrieg und sein Ende1915Textuum_rbc
172 William A. Wells, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Becky B. Lloyd, January 28, 2003: Saving the legacy tape no. 6262003-01-28Textuum_slohp
173 William H. Thompson, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Winston P. Erickson, January 19, 2001: Saving the Legacy tape nos. 137 & 1382001-01-19Textuum_slohp
151 - 175 of 173