126 - 150 of 173
Number of results to display per page
126 Lucy Woodruff Smith correspondence, 1909 January to June1909Textuum_gasp
127 Lucy Woodruff Smith correspondence, 19261926Textuum_gasp
128 Malcolm J. MacGregor, Park City, Utah: an interview by Benjamin Bahlmann, January 3, 2002: Saving the legacy tape no. 476, 477, and 4782002-01-03Textuum_slohp
129 Marvin J. Miller, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Luke Kelly, June 11, 2001: Saving the legacy tape no. 2422001-06-11Textuum_slohp
130 Melvin S. Larsen, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Becky B. Lloyd, May 7, 2005: Saving the legacy tape no. 7242005-05-07Textuum_slohp
131 Milford Bard Shipp, Jr. Correspondence1889; 1890; 1891; 1892; 1893; 1894; 1895; 1896; 1897; 1898; 1899; 1900; 1901; 1902; 1903; 1904; 1905; 1906; 1907; 1908; 1909; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1914; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1918Textdha_ersp
132 Muhldorf (W), Bavaria 1:50,000, sheet no. 72W1944Textuum_llp
133 Nathan J. Fullmer, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Luke Kelly, August 11, 2001: Saving the legacy tape no. 2822001-08-01Textuum_slohp
134 Newell D. "Newt" Moy, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Benjamin Bahlmann, November 2, 2002: Saving the Legacy tape no. 6302002-11-02Textuum_slohp
135 Niles W. Drage, Spanish Fork, Utah: an interview by Benjamin Bahlmann, February 15, 2002: Saving the Legacy tape nos. 495-4972002-02-15Textuum_slohp
136 Orval D. Gillen, South Jordan, Utah: an interview by Becky B. Lloyd, May 26, 2004: Saving the legacy tape no. 6522004-05-26Textuum_slohp
137 Otto Carter, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Bob Stack, October 8, 2001: Saving the legacy tape no. 2972001-10-08Textuum_slohp
138 Owen W. Burnham, Ogden, Utah: an interview by Winston Erickson, August 28, 2000: Saving the legacy tape no. 92 and 932000-08-28Textuum_slohp
139 Paul O. Huber, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Winston P. Erickson, July 14, 2000 : Saving the Legacy tape nos. 69 and 702000-07-14Textuum_slohp
140 Postcard from Prof. Vlaho Bukovac, Munich1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1914Image/StillImageuum_map
141 Postcard, Garnison-Schießplatz, Regensburg, Germany1913Image/StillImageuum_map
142 Postcard, Hamburg, Germany1913Image/StillImageuum_map
143 Postcard, Scenic view of the Rhine River, Germany1905; 1906; 1907; 1908; 1909; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1914; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1918; 1919; 1920Image/StillImageuum_map
144 R. John Pizzello, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Winston Erickson, April 16, 2002: Saving the legacy tape no. 347 and 3482002-04-23Textuum_slohp
145 Ray E. Brim, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Winston P. Erickson, June 25, 2001: Saving the legacy tape no. 1092001-06-25Textuum_slohp
146 Raymond W. Peterson, North Ogden, Utah: an interview by Winston P. Erickson, February 15, 2001: Saving the legacy tape no. 189 and 1902001-02-15Textuum_slohp
147 Reece B. Robertson, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Benjamin J. Bahlmann, March 7, 2002: Saving the Legacy tape nos. 498-5002002-03-07Textuum_slohp
148 Relief-panorama of the Rhine: in coloured offset-pint1930; 1931; 1932; 1933; 1934; 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1939; 1940; 1941Textuum_llp
149 Richard K. Cluphf, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Winston P. Erickson, August 18, 2000: Saving the legacy tape no. 90 and 912000-08-18Textuum_slohp
150 Richard V. Thiriot, Midway, Utah: an interview by Benjamin Bahlmann, November 8, 2002: Saving the Legacy tape no. 6112002-11-08Textuum_slohp
126 - 150 of 173