1 - 25 of 47
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1 "Der Sträfling" Monteur John Heartfirld nach Franz Jungs Versuch ihn auf die Beine zu Stellen ("The Convict" Monteur John Heartfield after Franz Jung's Attempt to Get Him Up on his Feet)Image
2 'An Alle Künster' (To All Artists): Cover of a Brochure of the Official Publicity ServiceImage
3 1 Copper Plate 1 Zinc Plate 1 Rubber Cloth 2 Calipers 1 Drainpipe Telescope 1 Piping ManImage
4 Arrangement According to the Laws of ChanceImage
5 Art of This Century Exhibition, Abstract Gallery detail of Frederick Kiesler's adjustable wooden painting supportsImage
6 Art of This Century Exhibition, Abstract Gallery installation of frameless paintings on vertical cloth strapsImage
7 Art of This Century Exhibition, Abstract Gallery installation viewImage
8 Art of This Century Exhibition, Abstract Gallery installation viewImage
9 Art of This Century Exhibition, Abstract Gallery installation viewImage
10 Art of This Century Exhibition, Abstract Gallery installation view of paintings hung on v-shaped cloth strapsImage
11 Art of This Century Exhibition, Peggy Guggenheim and Max Ernst in front of his two works "The Kiss" and "Zoomorphic Couple"Image
12 Art of This Century Exhibition, Study for Surrealist Gallery, detail of ceiling and lighting systemImage
13 Art of This Century Exhibition, Study for Surrealist Gallery, detail of painting supportsImage
14 Art of This Century Exhibition, Surrealist Gallery installation viewImage
15 Art of This Century Exhibition, Surrealist Gallery installation viewImage
16 Art of This Century Exhibition, Surrealist Gallery, Frederick Kiesler and journalist in front of Max Ernst's "The Kiss"Image
17 Art of This Century Exhibition, Surrealist Gallery, installation view showing Alberto Giacometti's "Walking Woman (left) installed on a Correalist instrumentImage
18 Art of This Century Exhibition, Surrealist Gallery, paintings installed on inverted Correalist RockersImage
19 Construction for Noble LadiesImage
20 Cover of "Die Pleite" Journal: "Prost Noske! Das Proletariat ist Entwaffnet!" (Cheers Noske! The Proletariat is Disarmed!)Image
21 Cover of the Book 'Dada Siegt! Eine Bilanz des Dadaismus' (Dada Triumphs! A Report on Dadaism)Image
22 Das Grosse Plasto-Dio-Dada-Drama (The Great Plasto-Dio-Dada-Drama) in the second room of the First International Dada Fair, BerlinImage
23 Der Weihnachtsmann (Santa Claus)Image
24 Elephant of the CelebesImage
25 First International Dada FairImage
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