26 - 50 of 46
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
26 The Katz Twins at a Polo Game in Frohnau, Berlin1928 CE
27 Otti Berger on an Atelierhaus balcony, DessauGertrud Arndt1932 CE
28 Lotte Gerson playing the saxophoneT. Lux Feiningerabout 1929 CE
29 Double Portrait of Loew and Trinkhaus in the Studio, Bauhaus Dessau, Double ExposureHeinz Loew1927 CE, modern silver gelatin print (1988)
30 Portrait of Ré Richter (later Ré Soupault), ParisFlorence Henri1930 CE, modern print (2007)
31 Self Portrait with Bauhaus Fabric, Ball, and Corrugated PaperMarianne Brandtc. 1928 CE
32 Preparing for a Party (David Feist and Tibor Weiner)Ivana Tomljenović1903 CE
33 Self Portrait Reflected in a Ball, Bauhaus DessauMarianne Brandt1929 CE
34 Untitled (Young Italian Man)Max Peiffer Watenphulc. 1931 - 1932 CE
35 50 Years of Walter Gropius and How I Would Like to See Him Still: For His Birthday, May 18, 1933Herbert Bayer1933 CE
36 Living Room in the Guesthouse of Countess Heriot, by day and by night, ViennaAtelier Singer Dicker (Franz Singer and Friedl Dicker)1932 - 1934 CE
37 The ChumpLászlo Moholy-Nagyc. 1926 CE
38 Behind the ScenesMarianne Brandt1928 CE
39 "Mädchen wollen etwas lernen" ("Girls want to learn something")1930 CE
40 Joinery Workshop in the SphereGeorg Muche1921 CE
41 Virtual VolumeUnknownca. 1940 CE
42 View of the Metal Workshop of the Weimar Bauhaus1923 CE
43 Working in the Bauhaus Plastic Workshop1930 CE
44 View of the Bauhaus Pottery Workshop1923 CE
45 Bauhaus Instructors
46 The Bauhaus Buildings, DessauWalter Gropiusca. 1925 CE
26 - 50 of 46