76 - 100 of 143
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
76 Book of Hours of Jeanne d'Évreux: Christ before Pilate and the VisitationJean Pucelleca. 1324 - 1328 CE
77 Book of Hours of Jeanne d'Évreux: St. Louis Burying the Bones of the Crusaders and Text Page of the Office of St. LouisJean Pucelleca. 1324 - 1328 CE
78 Book of Hours of Jeanne d'Évreux: St. Louis Administers to the Sick and Text Page of the Office of St. LouisJean Pucelleca. 1324 - 1328 CE
79 Book of Hours of Jeanne d'Évreux: The Procession of St. Denis and Text Page of the Office of St. LouisJean Pucelleca. 1324 - 1328 CE
80 Book of Hours of Jeanne d'Évreux: The Death of St. Louis and Text Page of the Office of St. LouisJean Pucelleca. 1324 - 1328 CE
81 Book of Hours of Jeanne d'Évreux: Christ Enthroned and Text Page of the Psalms of PenitenceJean Pucelleca. 1324 - 1328 CE
82 Book of Hours of Jeanne d'Évreux: Scene in a Chapel and the Education of St. LouisJean Pucelleca. 1324 - 1328 CE
83 Palazzo Pubblico, sala della pace, Bad Government and the Effects of Bad Government in the CityAmbrogio Lorenzetti1338 - 1340 CE
84 Santa Maria Cathedral, Maestà AltarpieceDuccio di Buoninsegna1308 - 1311 CE
85 Arena Chapel, diagram of painting programGiotto di Bondoneca. 1305 CE
86 Chasublesecond quarter of 14th Century CE
87 Palazzo Pubblico, sala della pace, Allegory of the Effects of Good GovernmentAmbrogio Lorenzetti1338 - 1340 CE
88 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, top registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
89 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, top register, left and right sidesGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
90 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
91 Palazzo Vecchio, Studiolo of Francesco I de' MediciGiorgio Vasari; Giovanni Batista Adriani; Vincenzo Borghini1570 - 1572 CE
92 Santa Maria Cathedral, Maestà AltarpieceDuccio di Buoninsegna1308 - 1311 CE
93 Campo Santo, Triumph of DeathFrancesco Trainica. 1340 CE
94 Bowl14th Century CE
95 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
96 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
97 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
98 Arena Chapel, interior west wall, Last JudgmentGiotto di Bondoneafter 1305 CE
99 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
100 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
76 - 100 of 143