1 - 25 of 143
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Map: Renaissance Italy 1350 - 1600 CE
2 Loggia dei Lanzi, general viewBenci di Cione; Simone de Francesco Talentica. 1376 - 1381 CE
3 Santa Maria Cathedral, Annunciation to the VirginSimone Martinica. 1333 CE, frame reconstructed in the 19th Century
4 Santa Maria Cathedral, Maestà AltarpieceDuccio di Buoninsegna1308 - 1311 CE
5 Santa Cecilia Altarpiece (detail)Santa Cecilia Masterca. 1300 - 1305 CE
6 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, top register, left sideGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
7 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, top register,right sideGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
8 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top register (detail 2)Giotto di Bondone1305 CE
9 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top register (detail 1)Giotto di Bondone1305 CE
10 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle register (detail)Giotto di Bondone1305 CE
11 Arena Chapel, interior south wallGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
12 Arena Chapel, interior fresco detailGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
13 Sketchbook: Birds14th Century CE
14 Memorie Villola, Preface: Parchment Seller's Shop14th Century CE
15 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, middle register, right sideGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
16 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
17 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
18 San Giovanni Baptistery, south doors, Life of John the BaptistAndrea Pisano1330 - 1336 CE
19 Santa Croce Church, Baroncelli Chapel, Annunciation to the ShepherdsTaddeo Gaddica. 1328 - 1330 CE
20 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, bottom registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
21 "The Elephant Clock", Folio from a Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices by al-Jazarica. 1315 CE
22 Chartreuse de Champmol, cloister, Well of MosesClaus Sluter1395 - 1405 CE
23 The Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, Queen of France: Lamentation (left), Flight into Egypt (right)Jean Pucelleca. 1324 - 1328 CE
24 Palazzo Pubblico, sala della pace, detail of left portion, Effects of Good Government in the CityAmbrogio Lorenzetti1338 - 1340 CE
25 Palazzo Pubblico, sala della pace: Effects of Good Government in the CityAmbrogio Lorenzetti1338 - 1340 CE
1 - 25 of 143