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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Colter, Jourdan M.Design optimization of a hyaluronic-acid based hydrogel drug-delivery device for immobilization in the eyeCMHA-S; Finite element analysis; Friction; Ocular drug delivery; Ophthalmology; Biomedical engineering; Mechanical engineering; Biomechanics2016thesis
2 Shedd, Daniel FrancoisOcular Injury Following Primary Blast ExposureOphthalmology; Mechanical engineering; Biomechanics2017dissertation
3 Pfeiffer, Rebecca LynnePersistent remodeling and neurodegeneration in late-stage retinal degenerationNeurosciences; Ophthalmology2017dissertation
4 Hasan, NazmulTunable-focus microfluidic lenses for smart eyeglassesOphthalmology; Electrical engineering; Optics2017dissertation
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