51 - 75 of 219
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51 Contract with Dry Gulch Irrigation Company dated September 14, 19111911-09-14Textuaida_main
52 Council transcript between Uncompahgre and Agent H.J. Brees dated December 2, 19101910-12-03Textuaida_main
53 Court filing Dry Gulch Corporation v. Ute tribe of Uintah & Ouray Reservation1908-01-01Textuaida_main
54 Dept Interior to U&O Agency 19071907-01-05Textuaida_main
55 Dept of Interior Chief Engineer to Acting Agent Hall of the Uintah & Ouray reservation 19101910-05-01Textuaida_main
56 Design of canal system including canals, gates, and drops1910-05Textir_etd
57 Dr. Andrew Barnum Oral History Interview1996-10-16; 1996-10-23; 1996-10-30; 1996-11-13Textdha_uhsoh
58 Dr. Henry NIcholes Oral History Interview1998-03-11Textdha_uhsoh
59 Dr. LeRoy Nisson and Janice Schmutz Oral History Interview2002-12-04Textdha_uhsoh
60 Dr. LeRoy Nisson and Janice Schmutz Oral History Interview 11998-04-03Textdha_uhsoh
61 Dr. Ronald L. Garner and Allan B. Laidlaw Oral History Interview2002-11-20Textdha_uhsoh
62 Dr. Walter Snow and Virgie Snow Oral History Interview2002-11-06Textdha_uhsoh
63 Early experiences with microphaco2004Textir_uspace
64 Ejection of Dry Gulch Irrigation1909-09-16Textuaida_main
65 Eldon McArthur Oral History Interview2002-11-13Textdha_uhsoh
66 Elizabeth "Bessie" McArthur Gardner Oral History Interview1998-02-03Textdha_uhsoh
67 Elizabeth Cottam Adams2003-02-03Textdha_uhsoh
68 Ellis Everett Oral History Interview1998-01-28Textdha_uhsoh
69 Elmer Picket Oral History Interview1996-11-08Textdha_uhsoh
70 Engineering Students1942Image/StillImagedha_kued_trc
71 Estimated domestic, irrigation, and industrial water use in Washington, 20002004Textwwdl_er
72 Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 19951998Textwwdl_er
73 Estimated use of water in the United States in 20002004Textwwdl_er
74 Expedition to the valley of the Great Salt Lake: Including a Description of its Geography, Natural History, and Minerals, and an Analysis of Its WatersImage/StillImageuaida_main
75 Fairbanks, Morse, and Company, at Fairgrounds1912-10-03Imagedha_scp
51 - 75 of 219