176 - 200 of 633
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
176 Huh, YunsunThe effect of home country characteristics on female immigrants in the U.S.Cultural and institutional effect; Earning capacity; GEM; GDI; Gender inequality; Labor market success of immigrants; Self-selection of immigrants2011-08dissertation
177 Crenshaw, Alexander O.Effect of stress on empathic accuracy in romantic couplesSocial psychology; Clinical psychology2016thesis
178 Schindler, Sheryl RaeEffects of a brief parent intervention to increase attendance, positive outcomes, and satisfaction with their child's therapy treatmentIntervention; Parent; Psychology2010-08thesis
179 Hudak, Cristina M.Effects of a prebirth coparenting intervention on the parenting behaviors of young fathersParenting; Teenage fathers2010-04-26thesis
180 Behrends, Arwen Alexandria J.The effects of attitude familiarity on social interactions and stressAttitudes; Cardiovascular reactivity; Social interaction; Social psychology2014thesis
181 Christy, Pauline RichterEffects of competition in games and exposure to a model on children's aggressive and high-active behavior1970thesis
182 Haskell, sr., Richard EarlThe effects of dual credit enrollment on secondary and higher education outcomes: the Utah caseDual credit; Early college high school; Education policy; Higher education; Human capital; Secondary education2015-05dissertation
183 Carlisle, McKenzieEffects of explicit and implicit friendship attitudes on appraisals and cardiovascular reactivity during a negative event discussionCardiovascular reactivity; Friendship; Implicit attitudes; Social cognition; Social support; Stress; Social psychology; Psychology2013-08dissertation
184 Nishizawa, TakashiThe effects of military expenditure on economic development in developing countries: structuralist approachEconomics; Military studies; International relations2018dissertation
185 Madsen, Robert K.The effects of money, anticipation, and competition : upon judging scores and self-reports of motivational arousalMotivation (Psychology)1972thesis
186 Nelson, Joseph D.Effects of music on the performance of the rorschach test1949thesis
187 Katz, Roger CurtisEffects of Punishment on Behavior in Concurrent VI schedules as a function of relative reinforcement density1972dissertation
188 Barhorst-Cates, Erica MarieThe effects of restricted field-of-view on spatial learning while navigating: implications for strategy use and cognitive loadnavigation; restricted peripheral field; spatial learning2016thesis
189 Quackenbush, Debra MarieEffects of romantic themes in erotica on plethysmographically-assessed sexual arousal in males1996-03dissertation
190 N'Diaye, IdrissaThe effects of school quality on dropout rates in Mali and student achievement in SenegalDouble-shifts; Droupout; Multigrade; Elementary education2014-12thesis
191 Brewer, Cameron MichaelEffects of special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children (WIC) participtation on household food availabilityNutrition; Public health; Public policy2014-08thesis
192 Fife, Katherine RoseEffects of summer activites on academic successAcademic achievement; Year-round schools; Vacations2008-05thesis
193 Fraughton, Tamra AnnThe effects of utility value and choice on interest and learning in online classesChoice; Interest; Motivation; Online learning; Performance; Utility value; Social psychology2011-12thesis
194 Fox, Aimee LynnElementary school food environment and child food purchasing behaviorNutrition; Obesity in children2009-07-19thesis
195 Faulkner, Joseph KayeThe emergence of technocracy as a social reform movement1965thesis
196 Caska, Catherine MariaEmotional and cardiovascular responses to couple conflict in posttraumatic stress disorder: a study of operations enduring and Iraqi Freedom Veterans and partnersAfghanistan; Cardiovascular; Couples; Iraq; Military; PTSD; Clinical psychology2013-08dissertation
197 Munezhi, MarthaEmployment status, occupation and health among immigrants in the u.s.Employment; Health; Immigrants; Occupation; Sociology2016dissertation
198 Robinson, Jennifer L.Empowerment of American Indians and the effect on political participationAmerican Indians; Empowerment; Political behavior; Political science; Native American studies; Minority & ethnic groups; Elections; Politics; Behavioral psychology2010-08dissertation
199 Williams, Alta JeppsonEnhancing marital happiness: the effects of religious attendance on infidelity, religious congruence, and spousal supportivenessInfidelity; Marital happiness; Religiosity; Religious attendance; Social networks; Spousal supportiveness2010thesis
200 Hunt, Jay B.The entrance of Brazil into the United Nations1950thesis
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