426 - 450 of 2,223
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426 Muscle Bound or Unbound?Dane A. Breker; Jonathan D. Trobe; Ann A. Little; Sandra I. Camelo-PiraguaA 52 year old former Olympic athlete developed myalgias, cramping, and stiffness in the upper arms, chest, thigh, and calves in 2009 after a blood transfusion for hematochezia attributed to antiplatelet treatment following coronary stenting. Symptoms were worst in the morning, when he could not walk...
427 Renal Red HerringJohn J. Chen; John J. Brinkley; Namrata Singh; Amanda C. Maltry; Bruno A. Policeni; Richard C. Allen; Reid A. Longmuir; Matthew J. ThurtellA 71 year-old Caucasian male with a history of Wegener's granulomatosis presented with vision loss OU and horizontal binocular diplopia. His past medical history was significant for Wegener's granulomatosis, which was diagnosed in 2000 on the basis of a renal biopsy. He was previously treated with v...
428 A Candid Look at a Missed DiagnosisEdward Margolin; Jasmine Gopwani; Robert WillinskyShe was diagnosed with migraine, stress, and 'drug seeking' presumed from a history of past (intravenous?) heroin use.
429 Almost CatastrophicDanielle S. Rudich; Samuel Yun; Anne Liebling; Jonathan E. Silbert; Robert L. LesserA 36 year-old Caucasian male presented to his ophthalmologist with one month of headache, blurry vision, and intermittent diplopia. The patient denied transient visual obscurations, tinnitus, prior medical problems or use of steroids/Vitamin A/antibiotics. He was 235 pounds and 5'9". Because examina...
430 Innocent until Proven GuiltyHeather E. Moss; Tiffany Stroup; Amy Lin; Oliver Graf; Jeffrey Borgeson; Aaron Halfpenny; Howard Lipton; Tibor Valyi-NagyA 31 year-old male experienced right eye blurring and pain. He was diagnosed with optic neuritis and treated with IV steroids. Nine days later he developed headache, worsening vision, speech trouble and right-sided weakness. Two days later he developed low-grade fever and trouble walking. He had NLP...
431 More Than a Cu-bit of Vision LossPhilip M. Skidd; Rebecca C. Stacy; Waqar Waheed; Mohamed-Ali BabiA 45 year-old, right-handed, man, presented after awakening with no vision in his left eye. Two days earlier he had experienced a brief episode of binocular horizontal, and then oblique, diplopia. One week prior, he developed left facial numbness and "sinus pain" on the same side; a five day course ...
432 Much-Ado About Acute Vision LossMahsa A. Sohrab; Andrea Birnbaum; Michael Sidiropoulos; Lois Polatnick; Nicholas J. VolpeProgressive fatigue and right face, arm, and leg pain.
433 Burned by DiplopiaBonnie M. Keung; Reuben Mari Valenzuela; Meena Gujrati; Jeffrey R. DeSanto; Jorge C. Kattah; John H. PulaIn March 2012 he sustained a concussion and forehead laceration from a motor vehicle accident. In August 2012, he developed painless, binocular, vertical diplopia, which limited him from painting art. In November 2012, his examination showed -2 limitation of up-gaze OD.
434 Burned by DiplopiaBonnie M. Keung; Reuben Mari Valenzuela; Meena Gujrati; Jeffrey R. DeSanto; Jorge C. Kattah; John H. PulaIn March 2012 he sustained a concussion and forehead laceration from a motor vehicle accident. In August 2012, he developed painless, binocular, vertical diplopia, which limited him from painting art. In November 2012, his examination showed -2 limitation of up-gaze OD.
435 Wear and Tear VisionKonrad P. Weber; Caterina Schweier; Veronika Kana; Thomas Guggi; Katarzyna Byber; Klara LandauA 66-year-old woman presented with a four-month history of insidious bilateral visual loss. Ophthalmologic examination revealed visual acuity reduced to finger counting in both eyes. On fundus examination, maculae and optic discs appeared normal. Visual fields showed bilateral central scotoma with m...
436 Wear and Tear VisionKonrad P. Weber; Caterina Schweier; Veronika Kana; Thomas Guggi; Katarzyna Byber; Klara LandauA 66-year-old woman presented with a four-month history of insidious bilateral visual loss. Ophthalmologic examination revealed visual acuity reduced to finger counting in both eyes. On fundus examination, maculae and optic discs appeared normal. Visual fields showed bilateral central scotoma with m...
437 A Case of Cotton Wool SpotsGolnaz Moazami; Hermann Schubert; Sampson Jacinda; Riley ClaireA 31 year old Caucasian male was admitted to a local ER after being found unresponsive on a couch at home, incontinent of urine, and having vomited with tongue bruising. He was arousable in the ER but febrile to 102 F with WBC= 19,000. He was loaded with dilantin, and emergency CT showed a left post...
438 It's Deja Vu All Over AgainAileen A. Antonio-Santos; Yanny L. Phillips; Baha El Khatib; Howard T. Chang; David I. Kaufman; Eric R. EggenbergerA 51-year-old male with a history of amblyopia OD presented in February 1999 with hyperemia, swelling and periorbital pain of the left eye. Visual acuity (VA) was 20/80 OD and 20/25 OS; color vision was 10/11 Ishihara plates OU, and Goldmann perimetry showed an inferior quadrantanopia OS. There was ...
439 An Ironclad DiagnosisMarc J. Dinkin; George Parlitsis; Sarju Patel; Alex Merkler; Audrey Schuetz; Cristiano OliveiraA 43-year-old man with AIDS and a CD4 count of 4, non-compliant with HAART, presented with four days of headache, photophobia and vision loss in his left eye. There was a history of treated syphilis and CMV retinopathy. On neuro- ophthalmological examination, visual acuities were 20/40 OD (formerly ...
440 An Ironclad DiagnosisMarc J. Dinkin; George Parlitsis; Sarju Patel; Alex Merkler; Audrey Schuetz; Cristiano OliveiraA 43-year-old man with AIDS and a CD4 count of 4, non-compliant with HAART, presented with four days of headache, photophobia and vision loss in his left eye. There was a history of treated syphilis and CMV retinopathy. On neuro- ophthalmological examination, visual acuities were 20/40 OD (formerly ...
441 Is it Naughty or Nice?Daniel Gold; Madhura Tamhankar; Laura Balcer; Thomas Coyne; Clyde Markowitz; Steven GalettaSubjective fever and cold symptoms were noted 3 weeks prior, and she had experienced transient visual obscurations for 2 weeks.
442 Double Vision? - Give Your Head a ShakeVivek Patel; Danah Albreiki3 month history of constant binocular oblique diplopia with mild worsening, progressive disequilibrium, and a wide based gait. No vertigo, loss of coordination, loss of vision or oscillpsia, hearing loss, or tinnitus. No history of cancer, hypothyroidism, GI malabsorption or anemia. Occupational his...
443 Spots, Spots Everywhere, And Not A Spot To SeeSarkis M. Nazarian; Kelli Y. Shaon; Kenneth R. Habetz; Ayman Al-Salaimeh; John D. Schwankhaus; Joseph G. ChackoAdditional history revealed that the patient had suffered a tick bite about two weeks prior to the onset of his rash.
444 A Wolf in Bear's ClothingPeter W. MacIntosh; Agatha Bogard; Pete Setabutr; Heather E. MossAn eleven-month-old African-American girl with medical history of reactive airway disease developed a bump and bags under both eyes which her mother attributed to minor trauma. There were no signs of systemic illness. A week later, her mother noticed more prominent right eye edema and a new bump beh...
445 A Difficult Bug to SwallowKenneth Lao; Blake A. Isernhagen; R. Michael SiatkowskiNon-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and a right ventricular thrombus.
446 Deaf and Dizzy. Have We Been Susacked?Jorge C. Kattah; John H. Pula; Paayal K. Patel; Meena Gujrati; David E. Newman-TokerAcute vestibular syndrome (AVS) with unsteadiness, nausea, vomiting and decreased hearing. He is diabetic, has arterial hypertension, and was taking losartan, metformin, clopidogrel, and atorvastatin but was not on ototoxic or vasodilators medications. Examination at presentation showed left axial l...
447 Admissions Ad Nauseum: A Cryptic Case of ChiasmopathySara Ann Simpson; Alex Merkler; Ehud Lavi; Joseph Safedieh; Alan Segal; Marc DinkinA 38 year old healthy female presented with blurred vision. Her ophthalmologist found acuities of 20/200 OD and 20/50 OS, a central scotoma OD and a temporal hemianopia OS. Neurological examination was normal. MRI revealed patchy leptomeningeal enhancement. VEP, SSEP, BAEP were all unrevealing. ANA ...
448 OMG, I Can't CChantal J. Boisvert; Daniel Sand; Andrea D'Auria; Peter A. QuirosHeadaches for the past 8 months that became more severe in the last few weeks. They were pressure like, came and went, started occipital and radiated to the front. He was able to get initial relief with ibuprofen, but for the past week it didn't help. His past medical history was significant for DM,...
449 A Case of Mistaken IdentityLindsey B. De Lott; Patricia L. Robertson; Suresh K. Mukherji; Andrew P. Lieberman; Jonathan D. TrobeA healthy 6-month old boy was sent to a pediatric neurologist because his parents had noted "irregular eye movements" for 1 month. The neurologist found horizontal nystagmus with a rare vertical component and ordered a brain MRI that demonstrated a suprasellar mass, prompting hospital admission. We ...
450 Diabetes Does Not Explain It AllPhilip M. Skidd; Joseph F. Rizzo; Florian S. Eichler; Dean CestariSystemic hypertension, type II diabetes mellitus, hypercholesteremia, anxiety and depression.
426 - 450 of 2,223