Decorated full-body dress Catrina

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Title Decorated full-body dress Catrina
Creator Amezcua, Clara
Source Donors Amezcua, Clara
Date 2024-10-31
Description Color photograph of decorated second Catrina (full-body) that donor made for a Dia de los Muertos event. This one is setup at the Dia de los Muertos event. Calavera (skull) on the table is made by Clara's sister, Rosario Amezcua.
Collection Peoples of Utah Revisited (POUR)
Identifier POUR24_0059_010
Contributing Institution UMFA and Artes de Mexico
Publisher Utah Historical Society
Subject Art objects; Calaveras; Festivals; Flowers; Folk art; Holiday decorations; Holidays; Interior decoration; Mexico -- Social life and customs; Skeleton; Ogden, Utah
Genre caricatures
Spatial Coverage City of Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States
Rights Management Amezcua, Clara; Utah Historical Society
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Scanned By Michelle Gollehon
Metadata Cataloger Amy Green Larsen
ARK ark:/87278/s6jv7zrn
Setname dha_pour
ID 2634966
Reference URL