Image of an art project Esmeralda created representing her culture

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Title Image of an art project Esmeralda created representing her culture
Creator Farmer, Ashley
Source Donors Torres, Esmeralda
Date 2024-12-07
Description Color photograph of traditional costume for the men and women from Chiapas, Mexico, la Chiapaneca and el Parachico. The Small chiapaneca outfit belongs to my daughter Nancy. It was a gift from my mother to Nancy when she was born. The embroidered cloth and cotton fabric was made by my oldest sister Rhosbita Lopez Aquino. She gifted them to me three years ago. The embroidery is a sample of traditional Zoque embroidery of Chiapas. My mom taught me and my sister to do this kind of embroidery. This tradition was passed down from my material grandmother. The materials used in this type of embroidery are tulle fabric and silk thread. I have kept the collection of silk thread for over 20 years. I bought the mask and sarape online two years ago. The Chala was embroidered by a friend in Chiapas three years ago. I bought the metate online in 2024.
Collection Peoples of Utah Revisited (POUR)
Identifier POUR24_0058_008
Contributing Institution UMFA and Artes de Mexico
Publisher Utah Historical Society
Subject Costume; Decorative arts; Embroidery; Fabric arts; Folk art; Masks; Mexico -- Social life and customs; Musical instruments; Textile design; Textile fabrics; Yarn; Salt Lake City, Utah
Genre fiber art
Spatial Coverage Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States
Rights Management Torres, Esmeralda; Utah Historical Society
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Scanned By Michelle Gollehon
Metadata Cataloger Amy Green Larsen
ARK ark:/87278/s6yts521
Setname dha_pour
ID 2634955
Reference URL