1935 Allen Sorensen Banyan Yearbook

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Title 1935 Allen Sorensen Banyan Yearbook
Description Black and white photograph of Allen Benson Sorensen wearing a black graduation cap and gown personal copy of BYU Graduation yearbook photo (Page 66 of the 1935 edition of the Banyan Yearbook)
Subject Allen Benson Sorensen, Grant W. Rasmussen, Judge Allen Benson Sorensen, Utah Fourth Judicial District, Research Material
Creator Thomas Christian Larson, or Orville Blaine Larson, Larson Studio, 77 North University, Provo, Utah
Date 1935
Spatial Coverage Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, United States https://www.geonames.org/5771972/brigham-young-university.html
Format image/jpeg
Rights https://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Rights Holder Thomas Christian Larson, or Orville Blaine Larson, Larson Studio, 77 North University, Provo, Utah
Rights Management some negatives from Larson Studio have already been uploaded to the digital collections https://collections.lib.utah.edu/search?facet_setname_s=dha_obl
Contributor Brigham Young University
Holding Institution Utah Historical Society
Type Image
Genre black and white photographs; school yearbooks
Relation Sorensen, Allen Benson
ARK ark:/87278/s68gaqw3
Metadata Cataloger Megan Garcia
Setname dha_cdlgbtuh
ID 2592733
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s68gaqw3