Clearfield City Council meeting attendees via Zoom

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Title Clearfield City Council meeting attendees via Zoom
Creator Peterson, Nike
Date 2020-04-21
Spatial Coverage Clearfield, Davis County, Utah, United States
Subject Video conferencing; City councils; COVID-19 (Disease)--Prevention
Description "The image attached shows the Zoom screen from the city council meeting showing members of the council and city staff who were participating. "
Collection Number and Name Utah COVID-19 Photograph Project
Type Image
Genre born digital
Format image/jpeg
Language eng
Rights Holder Nike Peterson
Access Rights Permission to publish has been granted to the University of Utah or through any of its departments or operating units by the rights holder of this work. Unless otherwise specified, the rights holder retains copyright of this work.
Note The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect any views, opinions, or official policy of the University of Utah or the J. Willard Marriott Library.
ARK ark:/87278/s6kt23sc
Setname uum_uc19
ID 1550843
Reference URL