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Show 6- 1142 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES INDIAN SERVICE Consolidated Ute Agency, lgnacio, Colorado March 10, 1926 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C. My dear Mr. Commissioner: Replying to Office letter of March 3rd relative to the school children in Allen Canyon territory, I have the honor, to advise that at the present time there are 29 eligible echool children. Of this number 20 are in the Ute Mountain School, the other nine are in and about Allen Canyon tending sheep and goats. Most of the parents of these nine children have some children in school at Towaoc. Inasmuch as none of these children were ever in school until two years ago, it is a matter of congratulation that so many have been obtained for school. It is probable that next year a few additional ones will be sent to the Towaoc school. Yery respectfully , E. E. McKean, Superintendent |