KUTV EXTRA Episode 16: Ute Indian Reservation - Colorado, Singer Family - Marion, Utah, Gwen Wilcox

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Title KUTV EXTRA Episode 16: Ute Indian Reservation - Colorado, Singer Family - Marion, Utah, Gwen Wilcox
Description Video recording of the 16th KUTV EXTRA episode (color, sound, 29 minutes and 13 seconds), originally on U-Matic tape. It aired on November 30, 1977, and had 3 segments. Ute Indian Reservation, Colorado [0:00:00]: Karl Idsvoog investigates what happened to the Ute Indian Reservation's three million dollar budget, suspecting that tribal leaders have misused the funds. Despite his efforts, the tribal leaders refuse to speak with Idsvoog, and he is removed from the reservation. Singer Family, Marion, Utah [0:09:54]: The Singer family removed their kids from school, and legal action is now being taken against them. Gwen Wilcox [0:21:03]: Gwen Wilcox claims to be a psychic who had spiritual contact with Brigham Young. She talks about the vision-receiving process and attempts to use her powers to answer some questions for EXTRA.
Date 1977-11-30
Creator KUTV (Television station : Salt Lake City, Utah)
Contributor Roberts, Larry C.; Idsvoog, Karl; Severson, Lucky
Spatial Coverage Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States, 40.76078, -111.89105
Subject Ute Indian Reservation (Colo.); Woman psychics on television; Magazine format television programs--Utah--Salt Lake City; Television broadcasting--Utah--Salt Lake City
Collection Number and Name A0303 KUTV News
Collection Name KUTV News
Holding Institution Multimedia Archive, Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Type Image/MovingImage; Sound
Genre U-Matic (TM)
Format video/mp4
Extent 0:29:13
Finding Aid https://archiveswest.orbiscascade.org/ark:80444/xv245086
ARK ark:/87278/s6s3heqx
Setname uum_kutv
ID 2634762
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6s3heqx
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