P2P Update Kevin handed out copies of the RIAA letter to U Presidents. Volume of industry complaints for campus P2P violations has jumped significantly since Christmas; particularly video complaints (making up 90% of recent complaints). Much of it is campus - not housing. Mostly not hotspot zones - 3 or 4 out of the hundreds of complaints. Corey (ISO) can eventually trace it down to a person. Bandwidth limitations for housing aren't going to change. Content is not correlated with user on the ISO appliance - it looks for copyrighted media, sends resets and stops the information. Looks at bandwidth over a 24 hour period (around 2 GB). ISO will increase that limit due to legitimate uses of video. Some software products won't let sharing be turned off. The industry has written their own products to go online and see the sharing taking place. The U is only looking at outbound traffic to off-campus sites. If a violation is identified by an industry complaint, the user gets their network access restricted; they eventually contact the Help Desk who refers them to ISO. ISO has them sign something in person which says they understand the issue and won't repeat it (this agreement is between user and ISO). Repeat offenders must go before some student committee. This is very rare. Now, the industry seems to be going after anyone, regardless of it being the first time. ITC Update Feb 2007 meeting: largely about data management issues. Committee on Institutional Data Mgt wants it to favor access. Permanent data center within 4 years. CMS: questions on timeline, if Media Solutions does it for the department or with the dept.
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