Title | Bruce L. Kotter 1969 |
Creator | Bruce L. Kotter |
Description | Student field notes from zoology classes in 1969 |
Subject | Zoology Student Field Notes |
Date | 1969 |
OCR Text | Show Cataloque | mile west of Lehi cutett, 4300! Utah Co. Ut. ee 6 May, 1164 + Miceretus mon tanus 154 ~-4O-2)-Ie F Miceotus ¢ Mictotus montanus montanus I42-35-~20-\] (35-43-1/9-Il Co Miceotus montanus 155- 349-21-12 Turpin Unct ; Be of Farmin aton Bay, 4200’ Davis Co, Ut | [U May, 1964 of Ondatea zibethicus 215-91-44-I5 ¥ Ondatra zibethicus 210-92-45-14 FT Ondatea 2ibethicus 231-41-4S-12 ‘Tercy Kanch, Beaver Dam Wash, 22S0° Wash. Co, 22 May, 14649 f Thomomys bottqe Lmile south of 264-671-27-6 Grantsville, 4200, Tooele Co, Ut, 25 May [© {| Ut, & Thomomys bottae ce Themomys bettae ‘ 14649 234-72-3/-) 1206-56-26 -Y |se0 ran below gate, Ked Butte Canyon, 5150, Salt ake Ce. Ut, = | 2s S'Thememys bottae | May 1464 230- 62- 24-5 = Itin erary | mile west of Lehi cut off 4300" Utal Co, Ut, te Redwood Road on South N otore 4 eae Lehi curotP at which pornd we Ata crossed the road, In the Field was saae bry sh, many Turpin Here cultivated Of Scared we montanus +hem by hand, and UP and | cauakt Unit of Farmnaton Bay, 4290° Daus Ca. , Ut. nerth on | proceeded 1-89 North miles and then took Refuse cutoff fram Sat’ or +he dike hake about $6 Farmington Bay to the Left Upen reaching +he headquarters, \ proceeded The frocks ecimens. I motored City. Gt@a an Microtus roa Us oF a middle Was willows. afew and mA AS peush The predominant encountered Ucagetation Stopped a Culvert where point We miles, 3 Approximately west croceeded and tig hd + urned te the wes t Turpin Unit. Len, aa Having B, vatter proceeded 196g Dike Vor about ° May car and | mile, walked North. At +his In OF MWarsh ve was on The Turpin : parKed the about peint | ne an found myselt habitat , the Primary etation alkals west being SabL+ yrass pbulrash, the water abaut musKrat G inches dens Aperoached deep, were one and here Nhany Visible. | gnd discovered s yauns musKrats in the Top of whe den. There was a muddy Flat nearby where | F lic Ked these They | onto were them, Wasa Franklin's Aa May Terry wll _ se + he caleny at and White faced phic had eas ane Ranch | Beaver Dam Wash, 2250" W ash, Co, Ut. St. Seerae then drove disabled sung, Motored We beots, Obkso sn lLarae both of which Qtew my Tem@orarily deowned Atta with d pprexim ately te. the turned (oO miles Beaver Dam Wash Seuth Castle CLIEfSs En west te 30 miles Highway Qi. on adind coad the Terey Ranch | then of walked and in from =< the ranch abeut So vards West sy a hay trehd where pocket 7° eher mounds about idem, wW diamefer were Ahandant., Se 7 ot G2 & au Traps Wac of ites The seta> Were quer sandy. Ln Lie ; Zone tee qrea fo 0s i da ae Jhe the f£ anc hk Lowen conse ls Sonortan went ty con ee aby eS yx e i specimen /n the 0 ouads bioeates @aAd a Used. causAti the traps the of uite, Toshua Trees, Chella cactus and eae bie i} 2 ae day JA 2 was akSo Yer y | mile Saath M orered ywho east tne mam Toe nsec: A oes vets DOS A8 aleaut \0§ 4 at Gran tsuille 42 00° Tose Le. Ce., UF, THe Wil ow Nis } Granta eee and contnued street Cany on rests anowner south to turn of F be sex South Caend oN the Which Ne) ee ee hile 420 Lmile, 2 OO. yas, tat arn ges i acctdee Bh ee 1 ee 5 Lady 2 nee proceeded aGhout Pas: Saath hay On Aa Ag btast with Piel ae Geen. eae lay Kee ae T°. Moke hie stopp<4 | where “hee west UT he wheels pee Wak S Awe brush Saye. the alfat i. field. eotigee epher maands oc KKert fee cod w hick Man Te GN ey hg gakaut Rett 4-4 Traps = O diame ter. in, | pe tie oO Sect) were set. agercorimarttly ASE‘ apart. Havin 5 sep ppe mornin Ke xt were cata b 'Soa fi: below Tht: niversity WA e os t motured Wowakes and proceeded Whore ok Len dc Canyon, and we of ve eC Se Glhee The Car tad, Up Thron yh The ate Ked Bat was walked Lef + — here} aftout ints Canyon. Fi comp ley To into east igoo 3 the ave, (Ped Batte Canysa, SLC From 7 he eS ; aod baeld came and Let4 trap the l-Jere mews Ate B Kotter | 14u4 aS May au wa a meaduw B sets set of of abet Specimen other small Lin kt CAA Diteaps Was CAU Caueced SOLUS were aes ‘agar d, surcoundins primarily 1ass Gas Bne the ues © tation Saselbrush. WAS B, Kotter Lab@ G May z monSanus ANiceetus l mile west of Leni cutett 4300’ Utah Co, UY, fe Specimens #4 2,3,4,5,ewere taken frome OM ored ot rane brush which was Located in the Ymiddle cultivated Sid field. When nests “tunning (was but uite thick Ni Very would acound The at times Sa Ge brush and they elusive key and than was could have igere diffecudt 7s Coase toa many mire be stll, We found nr over LoeKed. Capture really eytensive Flushing as they techniaues seen The mice re quire not afa we use SAW captured. Be = a = eee B. Kotter \AGG Turein ee Zi bethicas Ondatra Unit of fal nin ai ve Bay You Davis Co. Ue ae Specimens BG U7 and HPerwere lle May Captured Ina in which The G inches j } ) | | t j deep marshy water and Aatea wags App tov imately is the primary Surrounding venetation bulrusk aa salt The 9 were male or initia Lly den “taken dtowned, female nest, €sca Thesk One ed raid down gal dhe Was oF the | the vourn below Lar _ den when other WAS A Frank (ins tram arent but esca ped Te ptthe Either onthe surface proceeded | ALL ot an €xgosed an of ae alKul; arass. Specimens were Zee é wd LA water colony at white faced = ibis plus “some yellow -headed = black birds in the area. | Tried then, Whether to ascertajn The muskrats were ether raiding the brds atall Or bother n6 them hed no | in any WAye SUCh bthauut = Ze bs ttae Thomomys B, Kettee Pi Terry Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, 2256’, Wash. Co. Ut — 22 AA ay Pina le | Specim en, + q. WAS SUCCESD Was nt “Tr ag ping as Traps ad Teo _ eat cS 2 ae siy ontof one wit trapped. a ep bees. ASMay |mile south of Grantsville 4200! Tecele Co, wim Specimens Trapped Trappins as In a an !/6 SUct ese. but sf the # li Bewere alXal& ». only theee cawrht and fYeld., Was whew hiyh Aaghers 1% OS Atpnees wecee Teas, ‘| we were prepared 1500 + below > nate, Red Butte Canyen, 6150,$t.CoU, €cIMen zt 12 A eo fhe Only Was meadgw ta hoeu In Cram which mounds were prolife eee Yaad s cau5H |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6d27pmx |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1636623 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6d27pmx |