First Mexican Parade in Salt Lake City Photographs

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Title First Mexican Parade in Salt Lake City Photographs
Source Donors Delgado, Margie Victoria
Date 1973-09-16
Description Two polaroid photographs of Bernice Martinez and a parade float at the first Mexican parade in Salt Lake City.
Collection Peoples of Utah Revisited (POUR)
Identifier POUR23_0010_003.tif
Contributing Institution Genealogical Society of Hispanic America-Utah Chapter (GSHA)
Publisher Utah Historical Society
Subject Hispanics (United States); Hispanic heritage; Latinos (U.S.);Latinxs; Chicanos; Salt Lake City (Utah)--Social life and customs; Parade
Spatial Coverage Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States
Rights Management Utah Historical Society
Language eng
Holding Institution Utah Historical Society
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Scanned By Michelle Gollehon
Metadata Cataloger Lisa Barr
ARK ark:/87278/s6zyqev3
Setname dha_pour
ID 2197664
Reference URL
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