ISO Updates by Steve Scott. A. Are you reading your scan logs? Hopefully you're seeing a lot fewer scans due to the automated blocking that ITAC approved. You do have the ability to look at the hosts being blocked - Steve will send out a link for the blocked list; you must be registered in the POC. B. Severe vulnerabilities announced last week - make sure your users are patched. C. Nelson Beebe and Pieter Bowman are doing an exceptional job - they send ISO information regularly. 4 pairs of movie tickets as a reward to the Math department. D. Tool of the month: The Human Brain. We should train our users to use their brains. Even if it's not in our job description, it ultimately makes our job much easier. There are resources available - Steve has a couple presentations he can do for your departments. Also, see good website for end users. Suggestions? Let us know.
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