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Title Intermountain Acoustic Musician, Volume 7 Number 6, June 1990
Creator Intermountain Acoustic Music Association
Publisher Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Date 1990-06
Date Digital 2015-03-25
Subject Folk music--Utah--Periodicals; Bluegrass music--Utah--Periodicals; Stringed Instruments--Periodicals; Intermountain Acoustic Music Association--Periodicals
Description Salt Lake City, UT: International Bluegrass Association; The Intermountain Acoustic Music Association is a member of the International Bluegrass Music Association and Folk Alliance, the North American folk music and dance alliance. Intermountain Acoustic Musician is published monthly by the Intermountain Acoustic Music Association, a non-profit, tax exempt organization dedicated to the preservation, furtherance and spread of acoustic music, including bluegrass, British Isles, folk, old-time and related music formats.
Table of Contents 17th Annual Telluride Bluegrass Festival June 21st - June 24th; Weiser Fiddle Contest and Festival June 18th - 23rd; The Pez Sez; Impromptu Bluegrass Concert at Trolley Square Mall May 5th; Impromptu Bluegrass Concert at Fashion Place Mall May 19th; Impromptu Bluegrass Concert at Layton Hills Mall May 26th; IAMA Spring Picnic Review; Red Butte Gardens Concert Series Opens Its 1990 Season; IAMA Announces its 4th Annual June Jam June 30th; Happy Jack Mountain Music Festival July 7th - July 8th; Community Service Performances This Summer; Prairie Dogs Add New Band Member; Second Annual Country Bluegrass Festival to Feature Bluegrass, Gospel July 19th - July 22nd; Gibson's King of the Flat-top Guitars: the J-200; West Jordan Western Stampede to Feature Alison and Kraus and Union Station and John McEuen June 30th - July 4th
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Language eng
Is Part of Intermountain Acoustic Musician
Scanning Technician Halima Noor; Niko Amaya
Conversion Specifications Original scanned on Epson Expression 10000 XL and saved as 400 ppi TIFF. Display image generated in Adobe Acrobat Pro X as a pdf.
ARK ark:/87278/s6v13x38
Setname uu_iam
ID 894692
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Title Page 15
Format application/pdf
Setname uu_iam
ID 894686
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