Title | Marianne Peterson 1968 |
Creator | Marianne Peterson |
Description | Student field notes from zoology classes in 1968 |
Subject | Zoology Student Field Notes |
Date | 1968 |
OCR Text | Show saaeranenRNEEIOUNNp ues] af — Uuwiuy 2b) Gl avn G v- ) XC6ojywu Y yy, araren LA AEE PENSECI hn h ah te se “ae> ers ee Catal e446 Ss : /'tArianne Fe tersa PICS EG mi. W. CityCreek Canyon, Sovoft,, Salt lake Co.Ut. =f April 13,1968 hs Sorex Vagrans 7%- ¥0 -J2Z-©6© : Se .ark, Bountiful Canyon , Sooo ft. DavisCo.UE: “4 Mueller F April AG) V6 coe Vagrans 102R- FO-12-6- ‘ SPero myscus maniculatus [30-SO0-20-/0 — a ae — odRecomyscus maniculatusIS8-708-20-20 Bmi&. Emigration Canyon, $000Ft., Saltlake Co, Ut. May 4, 1963 oy an maniculatus IS0O- 70-20-20 —North-East mound Unwersity Usllage, 500FfF. Salt lakeC.Ut Maye ates = eee eras a 20>“7S>>SUS OOThemes: betiae 240-5050 40.J mi. E. Brighton Canyon , Sooo Ft. Sa lt Lake ce ut. May 13 IFES 8 ocas PAanicnw latas 2 ae = D Reo myscus maniculatus ee 7eee pesFecomyscu > maniculatus I | ——= maniculatus pms kM 1I30- 60-20- is. (S0- 65-20-20, 35= bo-(LO - 2 /S5 - 75-20-20 ,000 fF t.,UintaCa., Utah May as.196 & oemaniculatus ISS - 70-20-15” OA RE aE ee NR aner S Rromyscusmaniculatus =o 27pees de SCDi; od om = ee silty | microps 2490-14b-Y40-/o ¥ CynemyseReAIO- 50-10-60 ; {‘ Dhacaenlecinehhareagiitenatsaontaiah- etiam dtieetiidsaacnaanicuag. + annernner | Ltin era ry- ska SS Marianne Feterson 16 6 ——— 13 Apeil I-Yy ma i iV. City Creek Canyon 4 Sono tt. SaltlakeCo UF. _ Motored northup canyon ,passed the gate, info § the water shed area . East of the guardshouse | 10mouse traps were set down by the river. The traps were placedbeneathfallen branches,|ogs andstumps oftrees. The_ Trapswere set aperox. four feet apart | =n eS One Ss rex VOGLER S Was caught under “- moist — Fallen log. Se @20 font|| MuellerAckBoaatifalpa. 5000 Ft.Davis Co, Ut. LW| Motered nF Boun tiful Canyon to end ot the road 1 to Mueller Fark ‘ AO mouse Frayes anol 3 museum Special traps were set approx. sixfeet apart | along thestream, They were placecl under __ bare tree rots, in paths leading to Hee stream ‘ 3 mo re mouse trays were set Onn. h:rt) Ffteenteet Alaoafrom the stream,= Na. threewere placed ander apine_tree” And OnAwdargebrulder. TwoJere ySERS aSSA Sate etgee en manicalatuses wereAgo nearthe Stream ema € cenprenmenee ce emt eer aero 7 a | LARA &Sorex vagrans was Caught by the eeos eerae boulder ontheWell. pe et eee ace ceSS SRR: eo os Hae Ttine rary ¢ ant 9s f : = Marianne leberson — May 3mi.E. Emigratun Gnyon, 5000 tt, Salt lake Co. Ut hos atoreo — Far=e. Canoe st East Canyon ae zB and over the summitinto Em gratia Canyon. — Bmousetraps and 2 museumspecialfray2s Z In grassand sagebrush terrain, Motorel_ on down Emigration Canyon to approx, Bimiles_| Cast of He month of tHe canyon and set ten hore meuse traps in tHe berler between oe brash arel cak. Dne open ended ee metaltrayewas setbeneath a knawed = _pine tree. A peromyscusmaniculatapes were caughT nearthesagebrush. The agen ended Trap was sprung batempty - Mothing was caught jn the area of He firsttrapsxf. Ze JtMay ME. Mourcl , Aniseraily, Uillage ,S000 Ft, Saltdake Co. Ut, Onthe Aint mound East of He mainread within the UnwersityVillage havts ,Four eeea apne a oe EE Sn Re eene | Be htn ree, were setjh newlyBeg —gepher heles. Two Thamemys bo ttaewere <a mene nee er _Gang ht, Bo fh were caught in holes @ ——— thet appeared to be infersectioms hetween other holes leaking ofF ve ol. fLerent 8 OT om ae see oR EEE reeceote sere AER A wo ~ OO eee - ec A trectiwns . A eR ES INN SeSRN PnP RESIS NRE an wom nes SRE ORGY AS RE GE SR NAR > NE a SARNe SP Me : | Ttinevary cont. 196% [s tte 10.7 mi. BBrig h ton Canyon, Sovett. Sa It lake Co, Ut Motoved up Brighton Canym 0.0miles east of the moufhK of He canyon. BYmouse Ee <7po: ard 3 Pmuseam specra/ traps Were 2 er 4 feng the bank of thecreekander tree trunks ard stw ays.Theoyen encecl metal tray was S¢T oalong spreada fost ef apine tree. Four Teromuseuse 7 a | —Manrcalatauses were caught a along tte — — of fe creekThe metal trap wasunstirred , Amuskrat was seen battherewasno— : 2)May _Ymiles E. Myton, Scoott. Uiata Co.Utahq Begored: s0ufleet field fryacawy. [I musennr Special trasswere setow a ree ky hillsides befween rocks ane re . Smore wT a5e ees apposite side hadScesial3. Were. seton theo of tre —trrigation Aitch in grass andsage brush ~40 Peromyscus maniculatuseswere cau eS all of whichwere ontHe roc ey ledge . A skunk was seenbut thereWasigHae sho shoot Le with. a ee = Mociaane Retersm sit = ec Itinerary cont. a ee GS olen A. sage brush Field westof tHefrelt-~ : Se a5May trip Camysite we saw abeat 20eynomys. _ cfPheFiel d was lying next te an alfalfa Field. With a 22.caliber rifle, weshat = _twe Eynomys. However, iKwas yessible a tac mae Pp Il out one of the prairie dogs + Sat rer They hed fallen ato then holes. _& _Frairie dogswerealsoseen anclshot at un Foothills south of thecamysite.Mone & were actually shot however. oe leen, Phe Sad dunes arta set _ The camp S(TO apprex. 7 Pypedomys : aseng! _ Were caught. The Dipedomysmicreps | Mat £ pat upg was caught by ansther + fellow ino the lass. = | Ob servations weve made ofHe trays set Inthebeaver Aamon tee same faray Asthe camp site. Mo beaverwas caught Feetee ere can es SeOR nN ney Seeee aee _ Hough « The Fraoswere set inholes found . = inFheAamitself, femoris : Go Cth Eat Se | SS < . MM,Aria a ne Feterse nl 3 Shs | 2Apri L Aaw CF, Creek Canyen , £000 Ft, Salt lakeG. At. Dpecimen MP. 7 wastaken under awe fallen leg and Stumps ofa tree near the strea ay : e E w e n fh wi t we s wa ca ar e Th . on In the cany fa Men rain. Legs audbranchesIETS Lyreg_all gucr the Around _ Many ot tte Frags were sprung. Dpne mousetray hadbeen carried roe ee a a __ayaprox. twe Feel trom whereit hadbeen nak22a E+ ayyparently got caught inseme tugs ad© the animal had beerable foescaye.T¢# lett ifstailhowever anckit looked Ikethat fm ee APecoyscasJoamentalas = ee 8 20 Avril Mueller Fark , Bouatifal Goyer, Sov0tt, Davis G. Ut. Specimen M.P AQ was taken ona hill about _/s Feef from the creek 1A Mueller ark. Four semen ae etecneee MouseTrays Wwer€ set up an tHeAd] next nee aelarg e boulder ender a poe tree. Dit noe Other Tee Was PYTwae be sides FAée.foe | that caught tte shrew : a would ha ce aa expected the shrew te he oo caughtolga near Ae creek. Lnstead, mice were caught a Nox t fotte river Andie Shrew WA S couldi On theAhtf se: shrew Ww $-much leegee than theone caught|(A 4a Creek CaAnyen. AtPS Ee sae A aECLA A ee i AUy a i ANN SLESALT vars OE LE a EIeae aE 2g TN TA NS RNRIE OTe re are e+ Segoe me ey ne . — amnaaneee Faro hae maniculat “$5 = Marianne Petersen | Meee ce ee t May 3 ee Be paar tim Canyon , F000 Ft, Salf lake Co. UF 2 Tn an aren ofsagerush ancloak , (0 mouse S ae were seh. Two manicalatases Were — =s Cauahft- Ansther~ animal hak core along ant Bed fo eat oneof fee mice in stsbelly‘fihas eS aeesee Jaa tosk the good mause hene aeoerPrightonCanyor.5DsOOnTH: Spice ee Ut.| IB mouse trays and Y museumspecialtraps : : were sefaleng He creek urcdertree restsard + paths /cadivg to flecreck.There were = ei2 E sgterels and male hehes | It ae _f tebe« perfecth unting ground. However, :ony Y manicalatuses wereeaughT The BDial ended metal tray WAS Pinte... oat ae i Ser hogs the animal J 4 led the trap at Se a iFclos edLetore the animal had erauled (4 eetomEMyton eS Oo Pr, (inten Co. Ut “1 Museum. specialtraps were seroy es | vecky ledgeofahil/. Thetreys eonesei= eeoe itccen therocks apist TheOss ree _Feremrys cas. manicalatuses Were Caghh See Specimens YY. eR AES a2eee eS 1 APREL RAR SII ARRS CE: _AfterTryingale paleko outareas +Hrat seemeal 4 {oon for eorcni otthenThings besides P ne andsfill catching themice,Thave decided enemies ie that Peromyscus sc omereesnpsenaasisanrrreaneinnt sictpaoenaiseetiaienia manrealatus must I yee Ut : Where through outtlestate.WecaughtHrem_| i rocky or grasf areas. Spec, MP12-1 “pn. wetOre Thomomy 5 hbo Ptae 2 MoyMEEF. Naas. teeta baHage 5000 €¢.Saltlake GUE. } On the ie Aint nvund cast of the mata read within the Unversity UVlage fins 1 Hope were Many gepher holes.In seme laces ! the tunnelswere raiseot abeve the ground a We triedte find those holes that hod bee<> a4sjust peten a dug.The €ust dayof frayping gave us enc gepher leg. “Thejaehe> had i= biHen its Jeg eff ard crawled a ee ee On the atter noon of the 3° Wwe tried 3 = : Se shovels In our bards. We set four - troyark therweat back te _ et on pen. The fast Praga set ful a bottbae in jt Hakwas trantically try icy techose ts hind foe Poe Te IO a.wey the anima! iane to ct aLe de: Sha fiife — About20min. later on fe otter side ofthefica | ie ee bo thae was oe This one was on Caughtinitr be My Dt wassfil/ very mach Alive howeve r, and so tokill if we Arewned it The holes tm which beth aninals were caught Scemed to be twtersectioms rr tletunnels. Her holes were leading oth iadifberentAiections. The holes had very Eresh Airtoatsideof_ th.Wedug backwithashove/ unt! Heholewaslee prSSM lange ardit let alot 9Oe i : ‘ i t Maeve re sce en cenooNNER Np ene mi se aneeeeenmd Dio domys mM 1c Yo Pe = bmi&. Myton , Zeoo rr. Ginkeae he erree ve the <n dunes areasoufrwestor he ftrelfdfrye i side, : Reeranseven VPipedornrys We re.caughtyn Museumpone” reeee fie”pl Cgmucre75 that petupway caughtBA ther fe llaw 1,te class.The sarkddanes adclesert a Are commen places fr fle Pyjadoms te a becatea h ft. Sce Ayce mumenS71 FFft=. Cy Ro mys lencurts — 29May | Sm. Eas tof My fon , 5,000 €f., Uinta Co. Utah _ As we drove up te the baren field , west of Cea). about '§ te 20 CVNOOSPON fe _ Runy From 4s founrds He allie Lid. — f Wh w 22. cali ben rifle we sat eonaleg ta ttemilleof tHe Feld ard werted Wecould hear te fravese do s cha Cy —butcould not sec Heyy, We steel ayzand ; g Alowl, walked aramndin He fell. Hage © holeswereevery where. Twas imterqguedthat Fe Niteaninals could do tet ha Lel¢. arg ay ence th awhile a prawieAon would pew its head out of its hole and chucy. Pome would & dact acress te Lelel ard xc faally stand and look atus while weaired arc bired. Two ef fem were shot arkwepulled one ont OF the Aole it Med bilen jutewhen ve chat it* Te other areurns tee for Gehar tereach _ eo EP APSPD. rently wasShotbat could ST a trawl deeperinte its taane/and 50 uecol& Stnerbeach oFWs wil bear ie mypering | |adit somnded like anasthmaticwheez ee We alse shot ata cowsleof dogsuninthe - f ls = southof el - bat neverCamghFany._ SS aleWeallenjoyect huntitgthe LynomysTovah, _ard learned elt abouttheirhomesand _ = SoeSa ie Theirhabitsund thechu cp: tootHeymao Ke. ee ee SecAt oe]5 scm aeae ie Observed Data ~ Marian ne Fetersm | ey 1 May . 5 ae A Deeiwecd tree was ob served gmi £ = | Em (gratin. Can on - Lt was near & SAO ede ground . Chis ofbark lay beneath fre__& oo od bree 7 An. apen-endcel mets | Frayowas see. 2 _ at He base of tle free. later the trapweas mal Te Sprung bat was found empty. The anae i & Eom. and Sprang the aled 4 f a ely _pit ios eeae ______| [heanimalwas probabl a ghickerce. _ —_ TiMay We were setting traps near He river im 4 Bria hto n Caryer whenWE SAWA _mus kraft = pi ee et Jeo bed af AS and stoo A there Afew sec= a & then slithered clown intoHe ereckanol Swam away. We had no ae to shoot — i Tos bed Arpuvd te areca Te cee oe its house was near ey, but Tcould wot §f find anysignof(fF. We were 10.9 mi — gh en CAnjon. ge cs Le Jastsou fh of thefield Tri) Cam sife we Se Sakskheenk.Tpwesiis ttegraces Nex} _ito tt rigatpan Otek. We hadnoqun _ toshoet jitwith. Tt watched ugandwe —watched him an otdarivig to move,Then we pslowlywalted tnHe yyosite direction. 25May as; fFttefield fryo camyasiteis anver. RL RE A CER TN ROE > OT Ne re + Re _Abranch off fromtheri vorwhichmovesslower ARN NEI TRAP RR =e . ~ — aoe es ee eee eee ee ee Soeecerm hada beaver dam busltacross it. Weobserved nate a a So , ae en sc or f, h ug ca s wa er av be %% m, da re off = Nene In te holes mommnemest baby weedaeckers was also observed omensamir |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6g21rts |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1636607 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6g21rts |