Title | Jon D. Manwaring 1967 |
Creator | Jon D. Manwaring |
Description | Student field notes from zoology classes in 1967 |
Subject | Zoology Student Field Notes |
Date | 1967 |
OCR Text | Show S.D.ManwaARrint O67 Little CotowmeoonCrere fami N Granite, UTAH, 5126 ft SSAct Lake Coonty , OTAK Pa Mad ow Soeex yvacrans ASG Me S57 15 2% 20 May, 1907 oe Microtvs Oo Miceotys ManTAnuUsS 187° 59-23-10 momtaAnvs 132-32- 19-6 SKIN ONLY - SkoLL ¢c Cosneo BY tRAP Rg Miceotus Mont ANUS 143-38 -20-8 SICIND ONLY SskUhL ¢CROoSsHED BY tRAP 5 Mikes NOW, Creen loan Soup tion Ano Minne Mave Utan 53. 7500F¢F, Carron Co. , OTA : — 2B May 1407 ie: ee J MAN CULATUS Peromysevs MANICULATUS L ER : ee 9-16. /150~- SB~IG13 : Sf Peromyseos manteuytatus 152-67- 20-16 Peromyscus manreurarus 148-S49- 19-14 29 May, L167 Oo” 9 Thomomys Canpor DES Crterros armarus IGi- S6-27- & 2V4~ 69- 44-1] A.D. Manwarinte \967 vB May Little Cotonwoom Cree, Granite Ota, la N SI25 f+. SALT Laue Co, OT. Drove to Rew. ke Little Four Granite ano then WALLED CoHonwoon Creek. sTAwBARD Viator MOUSE tRaps weee BAItED orth OATMEAL, SEt, AND places AROONMD tHE DASE AND EXPOSED Roots of ALARLE Cofftonwoom tree, TRAPS WERE CHECKED Cha NEXT DAY ONE SoOeex vVACEANS AWD YIELDED AND two Peromyscus MANICOLMTUS. TWis time 10 teaps woBRe sed Ano PlaAcen Lt SAME PROoKImiTy, TRAPS LOERE e@wWtciwco the NExt OAy AND YtEup Eb A Sorex 5 Mic Rotus MONEtANUSG vAeeANS AND a MANICULATUS, Pezemysous LOACING Sm. NAW Minnie Mavo Cecere Roan AL Suowetion coith Utan S343. MSOOFL, CARBOW ©O., UTAH. Ageiven At CAmP BDAY WAS Aum BSPENE Wee ERECTING tents thatdroente jit RAINES SO NO FRAP were set, May, 47 May, thal 50 Ehe next DAY 28 Museum Speciac BAIEED tortkK LPaps OATMEAL AND PEAWot Bote re, 6eb, Aud phacen S—- 23 f+ Apart, in thi Loathiles of A+umBie Powwn Roecds ANA SALE BRUSH ABool 7/2 mick N. of endmb, CHr EAtiy 4 teans wree checken the next MoRnine AND YIFALBD Peeomy seus MANIC OLATUS ' LOA A BOS {Raps Loree -WAS SPRUNG Bot Empty, this Ate potten to the Lact that if han Paz EARLIER LHAL NiGte. \.D. Manwwaerne IQU7 AY May . DAME Location AS 28 Many, Bot tt) 6bTEAD of sEetkivue Museum Speeint teaps, GopxHee And GRoomd SQuirerer CRaps WERE USED Che savirece Cenp wwAS set over the OpENiwn «fF A Boreow, OHheee A S@vIRREL WAS SEEN to eEXdtee. Ombre ALARLE SALE BROLH A moowd of ADIMt LIAS mottcen, AL ter BtGeeNG Wwro 4his moows ‘+ PROwED to be A Gopher Boreow, the Lore was Coomds Aue paps WtRE SEL Pw Both tonnwecs. CcHEeecen WERE AGout RBOth Bath taps WERE 4hu, LatER awd Epi, Lith the Sqo€e ee teap yifibine a Qitellos ABmAtOS Awd the Gopher Y FELD 1b Al Thomomys LAL poO.ees, WAR OG i ORExX VUALRAWS nenemeeer Little CoHomwoon Creek 14 A). Grawite, Utan, 5/25 €4 Saer Lake Co., UtAH DIiNeLe spemmen, VM [, +Aeen AL bASE ef LARBE LotHonwoon tree. Since Chin Cr SHREW NESTS In STUMPS Lows, I presome 1F was tAKEW) As it Lelt+ west. Sow boos, watveds {oop of Shrews, useee notices to be eeawiune on the oftmeEAL of traps LAAL WEE wot SPRUNL. Nii CRoltes mon tANUS As) Litihe Cotlonwoon Crece ‘JAN. GeanrLe Ofan, 5/25 £4. Salt Laue CoO. OTAH a Specimens, J.M. a z,3,4, LOERE. Leakey APounn base of LaAece CotonWoop teez. Since the Uoles hapreat Consrets ef UALLIES of the Geeat Baan 't WAS NO SupRisE Lo cate them At the Nooth © f CaANyow Lible Cotton we00b a SD. Manwaeine \9L7 28 May Reo My scus a m1. NWS, MA NICOLATUS Avection Minne Maus Cetere Coan AND Utan §3. 7500 C4. CARBON Co., UTAH. 4 specimens, \M.*5,6,7,8, Were LAKEN tr) Rocky, SAGE RRevsA County, South of BASE CAMP, Rain han peohibiten CeaApine 2a May. THESE Mice wree PRoBARLy tarcen Crom Qzouws Nets Ay THomomys mae NY.UJ, Creen tA popes Sunmetion Minnie Niavp loan Ann Utan oS. 7SNHEr Cargon Co., VAM \ SPECIMEN, i 4. sae tAwEN With A STANBARD GOPHER Pap At the fore of the RoRRow, Located UNDER A LAfue the BrRusn. 14, meaDOw lOHERE this specimen WARS taverns, there weee Many SAGE ‘BRosH Facer CHAR ACTED) S410 At SALE wrth the Mmounas eft Diet the SASzr, SEEING this, RAISED Che @0ES1 (ON, LOHE EKER OL NOE, GopHee Live PRAIRIE DOGS. ia) cities Sim. Lawte ~S. M arnwARING \Qu77 ¢ iLeityus aem ATUS ZA MAS Sas NAN, Nonmetion \Coas ann Utan 53, Mince Mags Crcec 750d $F. CARBON Co, UTAK. \ specimen, VL Bt1IO, Was taken At epenine ef borrow. Tt was ebszeeven thax these SQOte2ElS4 AB Oo NS UdtLe Borrow most ANY OHERE, Chatis BoRRows WERE OBSERVEh AMONG LUMBLED Bow v BOULDERS, ONDER SAGEBROON, tH tha MIDDLE o€& MEAROW AND IN tHE BANKS LORRE RETAIMING A Pood. Femares NerED to HAVE CHEE MaAmmaAgiIEs INBrentinse CECENt FEEDING OF youve, THis Uwas pRoven WHEN SQUIRRELS UVFRY Yoone WERE SPOrHED AND LRADER ._ |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6wd9rhz |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1636565 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6wd9rhz |