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Show Sealetitanthteed ener AT ALOG) & . NEB. Price , $820 St. Ontah Co, Ur. 21 May , (907 Bowe-Ne-4l-12 Skin only e Ctslws armatus ite lluS ac Ss 28 May Gtsllus Ormotus 268- So- FA-G 1959 202 -19-34-l4 | 54 £ 238x + : LM 4 $ Bs TINEPARY —Apx. i mi. E. Fort Dovalas , Sddocd. i q % 4 9 # 7 j Drove to genced reszeuoirl ard balked SISTING ‘South Qaross We wer. drags — SPORES: os G mouse traps, 2 tat traps tras we Set ol. and two Gopher Apart. Zach way Rarted with Peanu 3 birds, buttec avid cactmeal. § 4 i a f mM. fr. Kamas | 6$64 o4 > No mammals, 4 asateh dy, § Drove to the ranch at lames Gl Dordering on Prove iver bet Keetly and Kamas, Prmaily meadow eres Vand wrth sage brush hills 5 cock y by mer. Set 20 movsé traps in fled, then \alkedd S00 yds. to muer. \ lange ERTSOEare q g eas wale Wormer Was shet eu the West gidé ac Mugr. Peturved to traps and und Deak Qone. Walked to dim d WE focouPimMe). emalse 21 May COME ON Gd Shot one ® 6 MANE, Once, SE30.0+¢. Uintah Co, Ub 2 mw. E. of Campon focky South Slope ar mountain, 2 Gitellus onmatus + Nean ODUMoWs. Retocned to scume. cad. Shot 1B mae arwretys ond lacdecotis Un scm Meade. mi. WE. Pree , 582084. Yintahls Ub Retunmne 45 Sat loke one Leas - Calutornios was Shet. Seen runnwe lang Minne Maud svet ot Gil # fe x i a) sf b i) 2m. Ww. komas , 6800st., Wasatch Col. Single soeainen , 3B. 44 ,uas token Female pore bing had Swollen ples +tom Worshy anea Next 4s 7 ond we Condluded She was nursing YOUNG Somewhere. Ane OXeCy “sas -YIOWN Luh trees afordme ood vegetation and Shelter. Ane stecmen wos PaTatiy Skinned Wo actecnoon. in oes Me Skin Was Wen Warped ahzess Clot Sor 24 Wes oe Skinning Gud Skull arin WKS pleted Lyhon Sedaie UGS Ned cuecr , Wweven he estt on. Two Adis later Gulls We Skul Usag disposed ag by JA Kearns, lavdlored. Macmota Flay: IS 2m. Ww. Kamas , 6500 4. Wasatch ©,u. Smgle, Speaimen ,S.B a2, was *Aaken Cocky owe adqe . Trios Were set adiaazitl to lbumme here ocesh SeezS Could De found. Same. proceed- ore Was vS2d O83 wah Prine With Same Cesults. TAO ROA TOEI AN a ; Bs x « nm x es ey Lal 2 “tellus acma: 2-28 May “Ahces. sozaunens , 3.B.% 34,5 Haken stom até EF. ac dawn. Many luece Seen in tne Geld Yearby ind on ‘he rack ledges o¢ tne Sanh Sid=E ar WE | OUMIAIN. ’ ently, Suzy lus in Doth areas | \ i j t We noticed twat seweles talkeuw equally well Were, Orimarily , lh Sus len unth milk and eretably nusin UW orde cQraund ape sakenerd and pot vosed were muribted tos Dadly by Quashat Wounds. ; ® ee Hyorifiber caw Ss € aad cs ea vas Cele ie aw art cnaree te eeer ae ce ; ao IH NewoaisBateaytSg eeeSe Sees > sy . 5 ‘tellus us speamens were Mel, 3 $8- Ma\ES ,an2 MAT. Was Unable te pcepate. 4hese Were token iin He exact atea of # 3.4.25. |