Title | John W. Morgan 1966 |
Creator | John W. Morgan |
Description | Student field notes from zoology classes in 1966 |
Subject | Zoology Student Field Notes |
Date | 1966 |
OCR Text | Show Cata lo ae 3% Wi. 27% So. Salt Lake tity, 4250Ft., Salthakelo, Utah ectiee LS April (966 On hy O Sorex bagrans 94-3 4-/2-5 ais Sorex “Magkatis G/-42 -/2-T Only O” | (day /966 Micro Lees LYOU1 Lands (63 -43-2/—¢3 3 MaineFOG are LY (crolyus P0OWLEA MUS (69 -#F-23-/F ThousandSprings, NillCreek Canyon , 6650+? Sall Leake Co., Utah G May /966 O Ll. MWerotus pwontonus 16-33-18 -19 OL. Mirelus montanas 1/8 ~34-[8- Ul /4 Mi, NE Keetley (Mme), 6300fL., Wasatch Co., Utah 8 May 1966 ODMarmota frlaviyertris C0OC-R200 -806-78 € CifeHlus Variegalus 38/-/75-S6- 24 ThousaqudSariugs, MillCreek Canyon, b650K¢., Salt lake Co, Utah (0 May '%7é¢ ODLlet(thrioupmus Gapperl (2R-3F-17-13 O” Sorex merriaquti (32-69-/7-4. Y2 M/.W. &olitudé, Big CottonwoodCanyon, 77cott,, SaltLake Co.,Ultah (1 May /9€E@ SO Tamiasciurus hudsonicus 349- (EF -49-24 Salt Lake MaateipalAirport road, SaltLakelity,a2s0ft, Saltbake CULE (3 May /%é Ouly ° Microtus pontauys 127-35-(9-1! Catalogue SM.SSW fish Springs Widile Refuge, ¢#00¢¢.,Jugh Co, Utah ZT May 1966 O Kipodomys micraps 270 -/64-39-/3 @ Neeale taniculalus (35 -C2-/8-1é O Peromyscus maniculatus (23-b/-/P?-l fish Springs City, W. Side Fish springs WL. 5300ft, Juah Co., Utah £8 May 1766 Th: fereaua thus formosus 9/-/09-25-// OGuly =e Zz Lerognathus formosus /90-7EA-23- 9 Only F Leroguath as formostis /32-F3-24-F (6M. We Sympsou Springs, 440° #0, Jooce/e Co. Utah 30 May / 76 . Chats: Dundee /IPGP-49- 30-6 éinerary . S. sepi 23 Apri/ 8% Ww. 27% So.,Salt Lake City 4250+, Salt Lake Co, Utah Motored South on 8% yest Co Grassy, moist field north of South Salt Lake treatmentplant, Sel 24 Craps, batted With peanutbulterand reliedcats jotl, qpart en east side ofroad. Cafoh.: 2% Sorex vagrans,2 Patemyscas mauicwlatus. 36 April (Mi. Wside Farley's Canyou summit poootl,, SaltZake G, Utah pee Notovedrhth kawrence fd7 Ap Eraigration Canyon, WCrOSS Little ME, summit, nlo Parley's andadjacenl canyous. Carried. LR IPeS, Infenl on shooting Cr¢efies, Shot ote Crlellers armalus tn bottom of Larleys Canyou. Habla. : several Swall SPLIAGS (2 GLASS Mea dow With several fallen @52Cn. BAW. 27% So. Salt Lake City ¢250tt. SaltLake Co., Utah Notored With Lawreuce Riding south on BF Wesk foGl@SSY, Molsl field north of South SaltLake treatmentplant, Set 24 Craps, bailedwith peanul butter and toiledoats /oft. apart on 2ast Side ofroad. Catch: / hedonlaniys MEGA le Lys, ¢ Micvatts Moulanns, 2 Paromyscus aaiadlalis. Same fecality sel 24 Stauderdmouse traps barLed wWhritte peanul buller aud tolledoats. Catch: / Marolus montands, V2 Mi. So. terminal building, Salt Lake Municpaltiipertroad#250th, S.L. Ca,Ut Motored Wilh Lawrence Riding on North jemple St. & airportroad. Sel 24 slandardmouse Craps baitedwith peanul butter and tolled cats 6FE, apart on west side ofroad between canal bank @ud srall eramage Ntch. Mabjtal: LDeuse Cal’GlaASSES aud Weeds (u Wet soi/. Carech: / bhicrolys AONTAHLS, / Dotex vegraus, ¢ Laromyscus thaniculatus, 2 Mus wusculas. it Morgar. (966 SFMay ; GMay Samelocality andparticulars es above. Catch: / Saver | vegraus, 6 laromyscus Thousand Sp rings, UtCreek Canyon, 6C650¢E., Sall Lake Co., Utah Moteredap WillCreek Canyon wilh jichardBaumann on agua lynvertebrare research study. Set so standardmouse Epags batted With peanut batter Jott aparl under Douglastir Canucspy and@monF elder berry andrelatively GPGISe. 91aSSeS fear creek. Catch: 2 Miiretus montanus. Njotored with Lawrence Riding to same erea as #4ay entry. Set /2 standerdmouse rays en West side canal bank in tel/ grasses aud Willows; (2 traps oueast side between Canal bank aud fraina ge Sitch. Catch. 4 Mierofus trontenus, & Paromuscus maniculatus, 3 Mus musculus G Mi, Ne: Keetley @tmine), 63006, Wasatch Co., Utah. Metored on highulay 40 Lo keelley, turnedwest Lo Unjitedlark City mine ll mi from tighway. Wantedwith 22 rifle (4 rock “Vie. hear rar/road Cracks. /Varmotla tleviventris shot pu tecks hear streawu iu Lottom ctsmallCanyon Hear standofhawthorn GhadLal! GASSES. / CVeMcs LALOPGGlas shol tn standof scrub oak onside efsame aanYou. Same focalily and tircumstauces as 6May/9ét Entry. Sel 25 museum specla/ and /2 /\ve Craps bailed withpeanut tam butter nsame habhilal. Catch: / Cleithrionomys PILLELs, / Sorex werriami, 6faremyscus waniculatis. la Wy. Wh solitude, Big ColtonywoodGnyon,7Hott, SaltLakeCo, Utah _Melwedwith RichardBaumann up big CottountodCanyon ott aPthiad1 payveviebrate research study, Shot ( Bavasctutus hudsonicus from 60%¢, Douglas ¢it tree neqr streau with B2 piscol. f2 Mi. So, terminal4uilding, SaltLakeMunicypalbirporitesote, SaltLate Cut ss es Moloredwith Lawrence Riding i same grea as 4,5,aud7Way (Wb a entry. Same habital andcireumslances appl), Cateh! I Microtes mentanus, = Lavomyscys mantcilalss. 14. Mi.E. Mouth Emigration Canyon, #500¢C, Sall Cake 0, Aah Motored wilh Lawrence Kirditg aud RichardBaumann Co Emigration Cauyon, ty ME. oftts mouth, Sel 34 StaudardMOUSCy re musedm Sfecdal end 7 live brags, Wlbotted with geanul butter aadrelied sats, EFC alart near creck i Cauyon Lottem, Habstal: Boxyelder aud Cal/grasses. Catch: #¢_fgromyscus Banteadlalus. 3M SSW Fish Springs Wildlite Felage, A409 FL, Mab Ce, Ltah. Netoredfo Fish Spriags Wildjite ketuge On mammalagy Ziel trip. Set 7P museum svecialtraps with Lawrence Riding (7 shadscale -GTEASEWEOA Covered sauddunes, on Goth wind~ Wardand lee. sides, Batt waspeanut butteraadrolledcats. Catch: B Pyp2dOM Ys gucraps, 3 Bromyscus manicalalies, | Micpodipe gops gregacephalis. Ants hadpartially eaten / Leromyscus ondChe Merodip eceas. Ze liste SPrugs City, W Side Lish SF Sarings, Mt. S$3cott, Suabh Co.,tltah Natered t» antag Ghost Cown On West Slope ofmauntaln. Witla LAWTLECUCE. Riding set SO MuSCULH specialaud5.stan dard fal fraps, Gattedwith peanal butteraudrolledcats (na small :7 rtic, Grea, se de y dr s wa l la bs Ha . lls thi ree (a pocky wash Cumple weed ard Ch2AtGLASS. Ca leh:5 Aereguathus LOCIUOSELS. es z (OMWe Simpsen Springs, #200+L., Tooele Co,, Mtah Tre yeling back -row wanmalegy Pee Lrip Chrough Greal Salt Lake desert, Sheol # Ctlellus Lowasend’ Wilhtte JO yards ot toadwilh .9l0 Shorgute . Lb0 SOLHIEUS J gestroyed, Bolea ~¥Lie neeSS:Lill, Yfaby Apenally ae VL shadscale . Pee Cite//us armatus IM. Wo Side Parleys Canyon Summil, Becott, Salt Lake Co,, Utah coe ( Specimen Cakeu with ,22 ¢14/e (4 bottom ef Canyon Gea gs SG ACa Sow Lol lh SCVE'VA [ SPLCUGE, S4orlGrass oud several fallen PSPCH . Citel/us Lownsend/ JO hi Wo Spnygsen Syriags, F4000, (e0@e/e Ce., Uitah 3 Specimensi iil. ff /Z, Tadea kO A tron fodw7tle 4/0 SAorlge rt - 4labslel: Wyplea/ Grea 1Sal?Lele feser? tye of Greasewood!-shadsca le cagcheatGrass. 2? Spectres ; : destroyed, Lo 7A shin aud skull, Cflellus variegatus YaW. VE. keettey (ine)6300f? Wasatch Co, Utah S1gle specimen, SWI. #8, taken with .2R2 rifle (un swrall canyon. Sides ofCanyon, where specimen taken, Covered with scrub oak; Lottom 4as small Stream wit4 staudof hawthorua ond Callbunch GLASS. Cle/thrionomys gapper/ ThousandSorings, Mylcreek Canyon, 66501,SaleLake Co, Yéah ae Syug/e- OT"SeC/1Clt, S WM. # - Yakenu fear Creek — lid elderbewy audSLaArSE GLAISES ager Louglas tir Cauopy, (4 bnaseum sypeciql trap batedwith peauut butter aud rolled oars, RCHGdst Dipodomys /Crops FM. SSW Fish Springs Wildlibe keluge, 2400+¢.,Juab Co., Utah EL specimens, AWM. #13, Caken with museum special Craps bailedwhithpeandilbatter and rolledcars /# Shadscale ~ greasewood Covered sandAitwes. NMarmota F-laviventris Ya Wi NE. keetley (mine), 6300¢¢, Wasatch Co, Utah Single oO specimen, SWM. #7 taken wit.22 ritle tn frock pile near stream in potlem ofsnral/ Canyon, hear staud of hawtharn aud tall grasses. Specimen LASking Ou large rock When laken: Microdjpodops megacebhq/us SM; SSW fish Springs Wildlile kefuge, 4400tt.,Swabh Co, Utah a 1) Specimen taken with museum specialCrayz barted gam with peanul buffer and polled cats 14 sShadsca/2 — j greasewood CoveredSand dunes. 84 YW 27th So. Salt Lake City, 4250 tt., Salt Lake Co. Utah Single @ Specimen, JWM. #3, Laken in Wet, densely vegetated ee Lield with standard mouse Crap batted with peanut butter and rolled cats. Skull crushed by trap. Same focalLy. Single OF Specimen, SWM. #4 lakeu ensanme BAC. sd Ya Ws, Keenebutlding Saltlakelumeyzalbiipales0Ft, SL. Co. ut. 2 ; Siugle specimen Laken tu tall, dense grassqudweed Vegetation on moist Canalbauk between Canaland drainage. ditch, Standard mouse traps battledwits peanut butterandrolled0a7s used. VhousaudSprivgs,, Mr ieicind ayou, 6650F¢ Sall Lake Co., Utah Llmmature Oeeeseeyang SPaArs€ GLASS of Louglas fir forest year stream, Standard mouse traps battedwith peanut bulteraudrolledoars. Seme locality audperliculars aS May 4 Eutry. 3 Specimens Caken- Save locality. 4 Specimen, SWii. #12, taken. Skillcrashedby Crap: Mus musculus V2 Mi So. brenna/,building, SaltlakeMunicypa|ArrbortAzsott, Sllaliee Z 2 Specimens taken 14 standard mouse traps batted ‘gam With peanttt Gutter andpolledcats on westside of road on canalbank Gefween Caua/ aadsual! a Zo Stara ip& Witch. Habltfafl was Yall 9raSSES audweeds ze tn ble? ground. Same feo lity aud ar MEulars 3 Specimeus YnkKeCn. Perognathus formosus lish Springs City, W. Sie ish SpringsMe. 5300t/, iab Co., Utahes I Specimens, SWM. #'S /6,/7, (P, laken ph WIUSCL Special fraps battedwith peaual baller andtalled ee eats jnasmall vocky Wash coutarn WG greased, : Ze tumble weed aud cheat grass. Specimens /7 and Z (8 irrepasrably dantaged by A75. Peromyscus manicu/atus 9% West 27#So. SeltLake City,d250tt, Salt Lake Co.utah 2O Specimens takeu 14 grassy, puorsl tiel/porta of South salt hake treatment plant. Caaghl 1u standard Gas mouse traps balled with peanut butter and tolledcoke BE Sasre (ocality AAdPartielars. Rk Specimens 1S, 1P) Caken — Y2 Mi So. terminalbuilding SaltLakeManeyarport,Sa/tlakeQ,Ut, a FF Specimens (30,19) Caten on westside oftoad between Canal bank audsmall Arainage dtc with Standardmouse traps bastedwith peanut Latierand tolledcats. Crowadwas wer andcovercd with ceuse, Call Grasses audweeds. Seme locality audperticiilars 6 Specimens (EO, F >) taken. ThousandSprings, MillCreek Canyon, 6650¢t., SaltLake Co. Utah 6 Specimens (40° 29) leken tu museum Specialtraps baitedwith peanut butter ardrolled200s, 2 elerberty, audSlarse GASSES duder a Louglas Sip Canopy: Same lacahty audparticalars a5 ¢May eutry oSSpecimens (2E,3f) taken V4.Mi. E, Mouth Emigration Canyon, a500tt, Salt Lake Co., titeh F Specimens (2O07,2Q) taken tu museum specia/and Standardmouse. traps batted with peanus bdutterand tolledoats 12 Goxelder trees qudtallgrasses 4G Streqm (a Cotfom Os CanYoun. Perom vVSCUs maniculatus 3M: SSW. Fish Serings Wildlile etuge, 4400¢?. Suablys., lhtah ae 2 Specimens (207,19), SWM. #t's 14 and /5, taken ee In maseum specl(G/ traps bated with peanut butter aud rofled 0a%s, 14 shadsco/e - greasewood a Covered saad SuUwHes. KeithrodontomVs mega lo Z/s jr ah it @, ke la lt Sa ¢¢ 50 42 ty Ci ke la lt Sa So, 7 2 B41, jam of h rt no / 2l f7 sy as gr t, we 1 Specinen taken i Souls Salt Lake freatment plaal fh stpudard toouse trap baited with peanballer aud rolled cars. Sorex merriami Thousand Springs, NyVereck CanyonGESO LE Salt Lake G,, Utah es Single & speciman, IWM. # /0o, Caken near creek (u elderberry audsparse grasses Under tir Canopy, 7 musedm special trap batedwith peanul butlerand ‘ polledoars. Sore Va Gans 2West 278 50. SaltLake City, $2501. Saltlake Qo, tah BESpecimens, WM #55 fand2, Caken in Wet aeasely Vegelatedfield With slaudardmouse Crass. Skull of #/ Crushedhy lrap. Ve My; So, terminal building Saltlate thunccpalAurport$250tt 5.4. Cli Single specimen taken (1 deuse Call grassandweed vegetation ou mast canal dank between Ccaual aud Walaa ge VM. Standard mouse Crags battedwilh peanal 6yutteranud rolledoats used. Same focality aud larticulars Single Spec men Cakten. lamiesciurus hudsonicus lz Mi. W. Solitude, Brg LotlonwoodCanyon,770044, Saltlake @,litah Single SF specimen,/UWM. #1, Ceken with. 22 pistol trom 6oft Louglas Sit Near stream tee botlom oF CaANVYOH e |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6422p1x |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1636540 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6422p1x |