Title | Susan Sowards 1964 |
Creator | Susan Sowards |
Description | Student field notes from zoology classes in 1964 |
Subject | Zoology Student Notes |
Date | 1964 |
OCR Text | Show O okal Co. | santa Eg 4 !a Mh N Sal} Lave C, by Ba Y. Bae 15 — 19.4 Dorea vagraynS 19)-AI-13-b Emaration Canyon, 2 Miup Lanyon trom RoagleZoo, 5200 *} Sa) t hake ay8 _Utoh 1g Horil, QUA Whevotus montanus 1Sh-A4-19- | Mherotus montanus 140- 34-19-19 | ForhCanyon. 10 Mi NW Verna), Uintah J May, 194 Eutamias dorsalis QIA- 88-39-15 ley, 39 Mi NE Vernal, 5980 tt., Henini fo. Lak 2 May. \9UA Ondatra zibethreus $08-994-19-90 East Conyon Cree, 5800 th,Morgan 0 Ut 4 May, 19 UA of) LEMierotus montanus \H)-A9 -18- 19 Cotalogue | Pine Va ey bovest Cam o, 1100 th Washington 23 May, 1924 1o7Veromyscus manreularus Dee IM Vichfierd, 5500 FY., Qevrer Vo, Utah 92 May, 4.4 8 J Thomomys bottae 204-yYk-31-4 Ranch,Dam Wash, 900 FH., Washington Co., Utah 10 Berit i404 ‘Peromyse us Manculatus IAQ-vI-11- 29 Dipodomy s mMermamr I48-145-34-19 Q aRSa Susan Gor \QUA arch Qiver, Vk YY iW Balt have City Bay., AQ95 $2. Ly Vans 0o., Utah \4 Apri) ; ’ a embers of the mammalo » alags ae We then traveled east Lo ) uellerParks ; 7 fas north on High way ap YoBountrtul. Fae where at 5:60 p.m, we set traps. The traps were placed on a west-Facing slope and serub = was abundant. The remaining traps were then set year the hal a Ve aston @sen. hal eas aI the Follewrng morning. Only ‘Peromy seus. es vound art Mueller Park : while Yerthradontomys megalotis, Sorex Yaarans. and more ‘Peromyscusmamenlatus were Collected Lr the Sordon Puen Frap lines. The weather was clear, ¥ tion ee y — 59001Salthake Co.Ut avilyn Hoss and T left Yhe Campus ar Se pm. and Yraveled past Rosle Zea for & Miles “Toking O dirt road Xo the maht, we found a Qrassy area and proceeded to set 80 Traps, 10 of Them dena W)useun Specials and 10 derng Wouse traps. We placed the traps near burrows and m Wrcrotine runs. The field was quite tat and consisted of grass and owards a wy na Ermiavation Canyon. & Mi.up Canyon trom _togle Zoo, 5900$}., Salt hae Co.,Utah atew small Trees. We aollected the traps at I o'cloeX on the tnorning of Hori} he Tind ing \ Ore myscus Mamenlatus and 5 Wheretus wontanus — but atl in close Proaimity at cach other. The traps near the buyrews were empty. The Wea her was clear. =f BreenRiver avea, \5 Mi SE Vernal,Untah VoUtah U traveled south of Vernal a¥ 1:00 0clocd with the intention 0 tinding a few C nomys. | he wind was bitter and it ad. rayed Ward. the niaht before. L saw only oye vabbit but wasn't Yoo Suceesstud in hitting ib. Hshley, Mi NEVerna 120 Vantah Co, Hier an unsuccessful afternoon of hunting, L traveled South east of Vernal to Hshley where heon Aidd and set } muskrat TYa\ps at A‘ om. The area was marshy and the wind was sir biter cold. H+ ¥ o'clock the Next Worn ng we gathered The Traps, Hrnding 9 specimens of Ondatra Ute F ‘ aE 7 4 5 ek { ERAS | eA ‘ SERS ‘ * ps Ng dea aS, 2 oes SS eatee on s ay ee NPN he ; Dowd Journal 4 Ory Fory Canyon, lo Mi NW Vernal , 5900 ft, Unnta) Go. Utoh L *vaveled WW trom Verna) fon b mies Ond at 6:00 p.m. Placed J0 mouse traps 7a Qrassy freld Near the left side of the road. Y then proceeded § miles urther UP the Fanvon where LU set 90 YYUSeuM Specials in a wooded area with some rocks and underbrush. LT eorlected the Traps at 10:00 am. the next morning and found JQ Specimens in the Traps 10 wiles up the Canyon, while the Y)ouse Traps were ae 4 Manroulorus an Peromyscus a Eutamoasdorsalis were Yhe q Speermens Calected, LP Wasa cold day and the wind was blow rng extremely hard . East Vanyon Cree, $200 ft. Morgan Qo.Utoh Bob Warburton, oO member of the Ormtholo Y class, did the Collecting. soled Was quite moist and VaYIOUS weeds and Qvasses were Present. Wrath the ord of a Ward-soled shoe and a Pew eatro Pounds - Tea montanus myer his water loo. - son Cowards G, 1 Touryg - TaeValley Forest Namp 1100 Ft, Washi qton i eae On Utah With Hashtigh?, peanut butter and oatmeal and $0 museum Specials nN hand , Faven Fnderson. Mamtyn OSS, and LV set our traps sust east of the Main Camp. Lt was 8:80 Pm. and we place the traps in a wooded Area Year a stream. Ht $:00 aclock the Following Morning we Collected. Q Peromyscus Mameulatus — both year the end of the trap Vine %n a Sheltered area. Lhe weather was clear, — On the evening Martyn oss and of Way 99 at 8:00 am, set 38 traps on the east side of Pine VolleyReservorn. 19 of the museum Sperals were placed in oO Qrassy areq with oa few BS Serub Oo. \he ae \9 traps were lated LY) O wood e and rocky OXeEO with Uitle grass or low vegetation. However, there were a Sew low everqreens, On the morning of the and we found \ “Reramyseus. ymameulatusrn the QYass\y ayea, and do across the stream nN the wooded area. Sig eR es aan Sen Se ss Ducay Yorard Ss \Qd4 Tour ya &: « Pi MW Yrehfield §500 ft. Sevier Co, Uta THlr. Boss set traps for ~oehe} gophers on hrs oe two males oi of ae Because of Flood waters from Cottonwood Lanyon MN the mountains Yo the west, the burrows were flooded and the traps washed out of the se The yeat Morning he teset he traps and Was Successful mn catching two Thomomys_ bottae ipa te Held in whieh the gophers were caught was Plat with Surrows for revigation Grasses were os mM the field “The weather was | Clear and warn. Riso, on this samme dap. ust below where the eines were caught, bales of hay were turned over and g eaten Se were caught, AQarx » a hard-soled s hee and afew extra pounds | . Terry's Kan oh, Reaver Dam, Wash. 9¥00 Ft.. Washington Vo. Utah \ Apri! John YJeil Tensen and Some of Yrs trends Traveled Yo the Southern-most parts of Utah on a _sane trapprng trp. While at Terry's Ranch, Seaver Damddash 3 Soward S oo Souryal Terry's Ranch, BeaverWash, 9800 f Lashinaton Co. Utah LY] Washington Vo., they cought 94 Dipedomys merriam:, 4 Dipodomys desert} A ‘Perompyseus Cremieus , Thomom ys bottae, and 16 Peromyse us Monriewlarus. A trap line of 190 *raps had been set near an altalta ‘eld a 8 miles below the ranch house and on Mye west side of the wash ab abouk Q5o0 Ft. ards Sorex vagrars VordonDiver, ‘y Mid Salt hake ity Bay. A995 fF} avis lo.,Utah ; Three Sorex Vagrans were Collected Tvow OY) undetermined of traps. 8 ecryjen SA alas found WM a tray Sere oy the bank of rhe TVordonRiver. The Sort was sandy and the ban} Served. asa corch-all for rubbish Which Plows down the Yiver. Vegetation was sparse as Stated by S chert Yeynolds. Pape . at a i 5 ns Dusan Sow ards ! n a \ OH | Mhevotus mmontanus E maration Canyon. SMi. up Canyon trom Yoale Koa, 5800 $%., Sart Loe Co.Utah Dpecrmen SS. *¥ was taen Trom one of the heaviest traveled of the marerotine runs m This Grassy Area.The rus were esperrally NOtreceable in rhe Morning whey we gathered the traps, thus vndi cating that they do most of their running ab night or in the early morning .T he Mueretus alse appeared. to Wave been running through the Traps, Yather than eating the bart. The arass was ta nthis area, but had deen Yrampled down oy the marching of Ne eet. T he Qround WAS quite damp and 0 small tree wasat the edge of this avassy Place, The Maicrotus oles were visrhle at the end of the yung, and the area wag Pat. , Specimen S.8. #3 was taXey 1y vhe Same qrassy area, the Same trap line Duk Na different rum. East Canyon Creek, 5800 tt. \Yoraan Vo., Utah Dypedimen SS #L Yad hee privacy mvaded and after bering forced out of her hole was tudely Sauashed.. Whe TCUNS =e wards Wheretus montanus East Canyon Creek,5 00 $3 MorganCo. ¢ were visible ond the ground. Was eatremely dam . There were Various Qrasses present, Much the same as 0 meadow. \raps were ot set. 3 Dy DAS: y usar]D owards OG =a @ F uramas dorsalis Vex Cor¥ Canyon, 10 Mi NW Vernal, Soa tt, Urytah Vo Utah _ Lyn his wooded area with some underbrush and O few rocks. Were. aBSS Fallen logs. Tt was year one Y these Fallen logs that Specrwen started tor the bait when the SS. #4 was ra\e ald had apparently Spring Yeleased . H a large CVs runs to the north 0+ this Oe ond sheep ond QCattle were Qrazing in the fields near-by. The wind. was blow ina extremely hard and was bitter cold “The Specimen nad been taker ust prrov to the ealleet ing of beck fe its bod y was Sti) WOACYT) . = ‘ey Susay awards —7 & ieee abherthious Ashley, 3 Mi NE Verna), 5dg0 $4 i Uintah Co., Urab This specimen S$ #5) was tought Yo muskrat trap in O swampy, Narshy area of Ashley. The water Forming the marsh OVeO Comes trom Ttshley Cree. Tt rs ear Farming Areas andis a _ Favorite Spot for rmuskral Yrapping. The Muskrat was tahen near We edge of the Grasses and marshy anca and tall u)) rushes were prevelent. H grove of trees was located Yo the east of the Swamp, 4 LY i eI EN F So ifni NaS > es y ee %* Bere : BE See ie >, " S i yam See ere U Savy Sowords \%UA eared ‘Veramyscus maneulatus ~ Pits Valley ' orest Cam, L100 Yh Ww D {o.Utah ehuehs This Speamen Si +7 was tower Tory Q wooded and shad ed area, quite year the stream entering into “Pine Vale were eseTvorr. he yellow prnes the dominant vegetartranal form and the ve were Many prne Yeed les oy the cae ‘This drea was Syaded, hus preventing Q qreat eal of undergrowth However, #1 was tarer under a low evergreen and Near a Smart voed Ivachs of larger mam mals were. eresent near the edge of the stream, indicating that rt served as a water Source. ‘Terry's Hane, DenverYan ash, 9800 ft. Was) ington Co, Utah This Speamen S&.#9 was trapped byTohn ei] Sensen and party. I? was Caught 4 the west ak fee est and asad ung to Ra Bullock Was Trapped 171A QVassy, dry AVE a with QO :. abi sagebrush. \ he weather was warm. a Dusga ae owards \0 vA *» QMiN Riehfrerd, 6500 Sever o.,Utah Fae AQ May pecimen SS. 4#F% was a on the Ross Form, whieh 18 a ta cultrivaréd freld Tra ps had been get Pre v10 usly, but due to the high waters Trom Colton wood Canyon Yad been washed AWAY. Ob rasses We YS the ommant vegetation and the ground Was write water Soayed. 5 traps wene set. The Gopher was velatwely large in ee and laalt wW Color. T he largest sulospecies of T.boltae bie ean ad in this avea. ZY < i <P Dusay owards Lae Vpodomys Merriam Terry's Roanels Beaver Varn Wash, 9800 Washimnaton.(o., Utah ecrimen 3.8.#\0 was trap ed by Tohn Veit Sensey and party. Feeordina to Ed Budlock the habitat was much the Same as Specrmen #9, only the sagebrush was much theker and tonditrons were quite desert )rKe . The weather was warm. |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6xh5h4z |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1636526 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6xh5h4z |