Title | Mark A. Port 1980-1988 Catalog |
Creator | Mark A. Ports |
Description | Field catalog for collector Mark A. Ports for specimens collected in 1980-1988 |
Subject | Vertebrate Zoology Field Catalog |
Date | 1980; 1988 |
OCR Text | Show ween , County| - Sof r. ew HelaAAd Obbama City, LS7 HP, rp . Giihe fpe la sucley} 14-GRP —LP-MEX testes 2X2 mm tr ind fain” OLKLRHME‘ Otlahone County 3 Lake Holner 20 March 148, l70 - Lavus aid fensis ci. as ZZ #72, Lhing EILY,bated); Tar S2, Ovaries faye l'Be y NE EVADH: Elks { aunty salvaged YO mu Haale mi of Elko. on Sheep Fe ie, iv] mm thITLh Lay x ec /0xs) eramyscus Manicuhtus Co//. by RP. WeHdzo IES—70-lV-/Z=yx NEVALE: Elka County 5{ tod pal 24mib/ ray. ‘Ranch ot & 17K 7-On Siheep ceely 20 May LLX2 B (LaNT 3rAmm) col). by Kent “cAolos lIZ7- (A-~2S5-[F¥EK HE[Ko County 5 Sams st damit of £) ct Crea F Dee ge > oft) THON, RSYE } 09Nat: LS ee sayert ael SEX NEVADA: Cou Elko nty ¢ Yesmi Mand zZmi af at Elle, on vidge absve SheepCreok, R =n : 2 Coll. Bext“ke Hedloo Viardomys ardii VMEVApA: FIA ms =) 239—U2-40= ZEX iy * Head i Loni ee Sheep C reek. #5 M6 Say) 1950 aTx 17S” eromyicus iraniculatus (Tuy. ) aDRPAH el faa 6%—/BASHAX VEVALPA CELE. Coanty 5 Ln} NI an Soni LJ ak E/|Ko or Sheep CreeK, 16 lay JF 30 cal. Ri /%cRdoo , a (7xS) Per aoyseus Maniculat Us (al) a (exe) Yep. KR. Grey £50 — 62-—/9-JZ=X coll fi. A-filos Pecorayscus yanjculat-us (ad) ELLE: Elko County a5 Hay Stac anch b) of 5 ($26 F ~ 20-/Z=x ml : Mai = Ld 7, hell 5s Creck basin. = /27 174\, = [no embs} MNictatils Ol Crasxz rieps Ho embs, Zapspeleps XY, pLap cp Cxz) j 10K elo(sci s t May (TB0 col, B. PcH#A26 fig At i Se call He eHale6 LC IES-32.-/ZEX [fifef= 28 /=EK DLP -/49~B0-YW=K 4232—-19-32Z-(7 EX 173-26-[8-(7X Nevada: ElKo County eyes WaneoA Lr) of Elbo (by ed ' peheeg Cesk. { ene 1430. Juy:) ¥Sylvi ngauta Coll, F. Mc Wdoo (Sut ) (95-23 -FxX-W=EX ticksaround eyes Oo (SK4¥nm) Aapus princeyps eal]. fh, Ac Hoo AA -13]/-30-HE=X Maniculatug(iTy.) LLF—- &.eee zrny WoT t an LG NEVPOR: ELK County+ Porat AH, hes Sheep Creck and St My S/ Y Jone 120 (We evcries) (ternsswollen) (TN KSEEww ZSec2l : (much tat) +Spermny es 273-%0-FO-/ “Chal only) p eotoma NEVROR: Elk County: 40% mi Nand $mi W of Eh (by read) a racgtmgyMay L4E0 Lay Be awn [-7ZZ -Fee NEW: Fibs County)’ EW [by cmd). G3 mj AJ, oi! b) ae uz 2May [730 Eutamius minimus 173-75 -27—(3 MAL 1990 pe : eT Pea a bd, af Haystack Ranch, — Flo County, Ktralcerbehyy along a ee el atoe basy S/S 1GL6 a uivie 191 ermp, (Tyow RSSE, ie Sec.2)) Ver fate eldinn: 73h FS Serré Eo CSU es ‘e uUutesus oe NEVAON: ElKo County ° SY2m£ WScad ee ot Elko of) Sheep on 192. ra Vea a Fao thus Very tat ‘ MLdi C6 ovaries ahs (43-3997- 4/-é6=% (tes- 1X 7mm) fecamyseus maniculatus NVEVA ‘if SS6- 62-RO— ME=X ou ty ee Cael 2 Ft) otthe Haystack Kanch: /R June 2 (Fo varies, Ve 147 /9,70__ is Pall] Paregne thus - = Ve Tela a Meapo 2 -/=X OE Icae ORME aoe eek } A3ZF \~ ~ 397 -/¥= ; EUMDEEL. Country + 3 ny and J£ Pu 77 by rad_ef lhe, Mahala 6 Creck ab srdess, g Cé ovaries , 2 )9C AAicrotus mantands AGVe/ oyrod WEVALM EM County B& Ranch — \ /97 € STAC Sheep he \ \ Fai LS a (tes, 9x6 mez) l7/ay (9%6 eroMyscus Maniculatus LS7—-6X%-20 -/7Z=x Ne CARRE nicenesews MAF a 1990 - MEVADH:Co. mi Ligases S otf the baystack Kanch, above Leased ~&(perforated, as Lae Zip 198| £49urus curtatus , LOZ - 20-( E— FZ Ja — og ad te VMEVEOR. Elk Co. § Hon b , Sj AJ of Laystahe , ok on Shee Cree Ke: 244 Juno 19% 2 lactating 179 Euctawt us rainimus LIL LEZ NEVAOR : Elke Co, “ Ranch , Z00 Snj AS ee Sof Haystock on LYhaly Creek (6500 fe ‘ Se LThomuny.< ma ne Sf. YK nt, practive NVEVADA Elks Ge. Khanch J Above UK X62 LY9-39-X3B-GE ZF nd J of the Saal (ravce (Creek. (6boott)Gr;PONASYESE S gon pds __20!| 5:y/vilagus idahyensis. y S745 LU~IR ~ GREYS Jo 2 (b6embryes] er5 apiculate LSE = FI[RfZEX NEVADA?All Cr.Emil) cthaystackKanch, art Sheep CreeK RR / ae 203|Spéermophilus eldiay Ju Ne BZ-F7YRYfhEX Specimens Sent to Central S¢ate Unyorsity, Efmond Ohta, by. Gill AsPecimen 183 Pero myscus maniculatus Ivs' Zapus princeps (71 feromyscus maniculatus 190 Eutamjus Minimus 176 Sf Yotus Wontanus aE” Jipodeniys ordi 192 197 {iz 131 en) /77 /9/ feeropnathus parvas erortyscds san jeWatus Lapu6 Princes Lapis arinceps Peromyscus manicalaLus Spermophilis| belding ) Caire NEVADA: Ee Guney: abi) ondP£oaf LJ. ot the Haystack Kanchy. a,Ly (9£0 Herriychilus [atera Lis A397— 43 =— 7: NEVADALE F/ ko cL eunty 3+ ZB mj 1 and 74m{ 4) ot Haystack, ranch, i: Oo) Grn. AMnt. 8 edly [9£0 Ue 20s, Sermodhilas afernjs Rog Eutu PUAS YH):HY{PAUS broote) LM- IB—- BO-fKEX 189-75—30-/h=X t——___ A bolt NEVAOF: Elo, Gurty 2shy 5 ! p din 7hinf4) H prot: Greet= of HayetecKKanch on ee abave Abbranes Serieg “yt=7£0 ASag viA _5hin spoiled— oH : ASS Pian472em ZB) tam/ [fe {S —AOHAES. mihimus lh JJuv SIGS [ogee M3g— FOS7-fSoEX sp Hunt (WEVADLEM. County § 2 Fei Manel eo olf of eof Haysta Karchy bebe) Cdternls LU- CZE fe) LA July 190 4/6 “Speehilus © osi, (tes 6X3 mor) /98wk-5/-/EEX Juvenile NEVAOR? ElKo Coundy 5 Zr W and 2 ni bl of the Saved Kuaa) on z as July LTZO AZIZ tp) aati Lee 72-1? “1b EX iat {Fas oxsrmm) (ane eee eee NEVACH ¢ Ey C County 5 Zoi aad Ze idWok:the. ealfed Dngee. ot 7) 214 Az Y.Jub 1950 Sa) « Be Ling, £6 0-65236AFEX s Kull ond ote belLingj # 2SB- 62-35 CEX ee MEVADA: Ella County5 Su Al spel BFmi Je Bic Saval Kanch Abuse ee July 19F£0 : SM (1K Pmn) Ai)| Wicrotus Cmontanusf) J82- 2Y- 2/-/R2=X een MEV i Elio County * ad Seas / atthe SadAo :i L5- Taly /7¥0 ARZ Lapus pf rinceps »KAL-L57— 29 -[¥EX (lactating ; us ents) , — <= nn eat me e era? bo i NEVADA: Elks County 5 23 Adged Soab/ at 2hMaystachAanchs Siwy Creekcanyar|ixacy LZ July L980 £43 byotis_evotis x (status un,‘) forearm MSE. ICANT Pre ite NEVADA: LIZ County + JZ mf 2 ae emi b/ 4) ofthe Hay stad,Kanch, = Sy he, On iene Crook bela Ci fe Stn ’ Ls Jah free hi (év00fy ) ingi__[very fa\ 262- 59-36 -/42X a Eee Pe) Alin Pea aeoe NINmuKS ee oe 183-75—K7—/B EX ae emer NEVADA: HM Countyj Ci and eats atthe ORT Moh tan Hoystachfand eee lintsh thts, faecony Be wales (‘6300f¢ ) 7 eee LIBFh ESTea ; al NEVADA: Elbo CG County 5 Luni A) Wet bs mi Aj ot the Hay stab oe eae Creoh canon (Ssoof IZ July7 £420 @ (oviduct yecessea) zy SptraphNastaleral: (THONRYE,Szec55 | a3 92 —36-hhax te3 Yxxmny Petagine paths parvus [70-38—~LY -ZEX ee NEVA UA: LOR, Couart-ybd at eh Z yy ee | 22? Sava / Mich ae £2 Tah 19% Lh Mycratus long frauds Y(lactatings noomtps) Al7 Peromyscus Manic Ostithe (10xsmnm} Ue Se (T¥onRSYEsity, Set E (7606 #e LEB-EZLP —8B LS7- 68-ANIH/SEX i NVEVAOP:Elle Gunty 5 & mi SE of Saval Kanh, ioauie Creek Males ( hein. Asd5 swH SOC 4) LB Hugust L4Z0 I SBulTonly 153-4p-197-JEZ z5 eeALsineinues £ MyCYotUs Montunes 227 2 (Sembryes, 22x/¢mm) od ATION. 230 ae< mantans Tes /ox7mm) sKudlonly 43) Aicrotusmontanus destreyed F (Tnactive ) : LLYN, 233 a3¢ Z Tie, AL to jaefe “a Chagere M8 A (Tnactive ; £ nied shullonly nactive ‘ lls 3x2m) 236| AG:om ManNtanas ~~ \ aa? hee US"=4A-|9-I7E S39 : VE Nowa Sadeel L¢9 - (Tas. axanvr] Helou 23 : sKull only 130 — 33—/9-FEwSo Bee eee 136 —3S5-/9-9= 26 ‘ [32 34- 7-2? 2/9 JF 321 7— es l7e / [32 ~36—/Z—F2 [hg WEhhs: Ee cust somal Tamiofthe Sava! Kan ) algue L4¢}ta ra(THOM RsvEpyi/tsec l9 i Heo Be PST /93) De f) cs xK vam Ber Po npuathas saree ne LY LIDS 2K-A22H ee NVEVEOH: ESke County 5§ 5% wu a at Ley ach fanch , (THN, ASE, wh seclh)e is De L2£0 Z (lactating, neembs)/ A3Z (crotus Meas! te qX 7mm) A314 /Dicrotu lS- 40-19 -sO=. Mb¢—-4UESVI-MZEX WEVAOH: EleCounty j ui and 2h) OS) of Lhe Save] Kanch. 2b July [9£0 ‘caudus Stic ZAY (ron, RSZE, Bite 2) IPin Lf=Bie EX on (tes Zxbmm) inel NEVAIA: Ella County 5 SS Wan! ZZ ai Z/ othe Hastuck Kanch, (al KEGE AL A o> 42s cre — - ¢ L24- 5b~20-/ZEX JS" — mortanus ? ALG enn cus Manicu/atus cl LET—CO-AILGQEX. aes —_———— ies oeDilick had. a oeHSYE, mere Z) (200 fe) ee. Llagast [4 £0 LAT LO ptis Volans F (penal oe eee 6yearyi 7 €. ear — MAS. 14% PEVEPE 2IK Cun. 1! a Aanch, (LHW,RES EE SEF secl7) 7 1RIE oe August 194£0 ZU) tis ej; ti geet Ni rll /22- k7-17-12 — Var. eae NEVADA: Bh, CountySriLh) , Pes IT fe faystuck Ranch, ( TON, HEYE, center sec ao e 30 Hugust [920 , &(Post lack.) 4 embos 264 /gmm) 44] zi. © 1CroLus Se aes —— 139—=== atta — —/9—/2Q= Z04yr ae es WEVAEl CH: taCounty: LémiWV andFm: b! at Have / Lo fu, * 0 el (In ctive Jes SX2mne) AGL Pevoguuthhes ll—7h-22-=/Zor £93 he 153 —Sh-24/—/Z= “ ni wile MEVAUD Elba County = $m; Al and) hm: bof d HaystachKunchs - Sheey Creekry, MRE ZAugust é mall FeatedMe, otis <ubylatus S-% c 00 LD aYul! lot2H bos SoH. farsaTmt) i Dee ei ~2zr Car - | MEVELH: Ee County 5 5Fi S and tanhof HeystadKane (T 39H Rese se4 sec (Z| (S#00 Fe| u we Hupast-l20 Crm ; LEore ie L168 <3 “RYDE Z3qn, nce SLoeee 7: Elke County ;c SSaf bdot Ha CCK 6260 f6 Kanch, Shee Cree Die ic[Hon ASHE, wart sec/o) he a e_IZ0 ise afi R & ee RY EEPES § LG of! (Tes "IK oe 7 Sapageting— MEVALY : County El e ; £34-/37-30—7=x As AnyLi of SiaAf HaystackKandh Gover AEYE,swt, Sec/l) (s100fe) mr AVY g riesepLember L9L0 (no enbs) YY,‘cYotus eee Tes, SX Zmm See ee tAovitanus LE9—-3R—-/7SRE BEGr favs) 132-39— /5—/2= 2/oree VMEVHI:Elf County; S¥ml S and £miie Haysdach foarchy [Tspal ASE,SEG se iZhls-soo te) Lb 244 ASO a Agus2.LPLO a7 (Tes tio xEm. 24/1F3 SPYOF539r wt 2 vano embs) LK7—]24-36 — FE Sor podouisordi Nee NEVKLP‘ElleCounts) 5 OB im! —fe tot LJof LhYstahh fanh(Tee)RessEbsel7) (spoote) — 73 Sheletor LZ fageost Z¥D , 25/ oe y¢ \ £SZ fycemictl$s 253 Fea Larnedanit } Vex -u | porvaLrnys asy Luter eto rene Eats Af iffMis 259 tinea, missies Zz 5 eleH Shela 7 Futarings inimas | L8tlaBYRH1p 2: opr Shiefefogng. Se ledwy — — —— /23 -SS_—Z9 UME3 4r SU SF7— £8 UBBGN YSIS—Z8-(0 2 3/on S63 ideQI-/02 Sign | IES—-97- 47-232or 188 — 34-27= 33ep . ROO ae Md | ene cme _ a aeLee se]— pis eton ISZ-SY—-ZE-1] =30g agae omen 7 = gl Lia 1Pictam jus Hieiaus ELVA29/08 B59r ce ae [£2=— Y6-2B“3ton Vy eee VAOH : ElKs County a fae ME of Save/ Franchhause (TH0N, RSYE, sh sc33) b32z0fe) f (Permes, 20x1X0m7) ¥ September (450 Lagu rus curtateas Eeathes peri . 12/-RA3—/6-F= 24ar K2— 28 —2Y—VEX NEVAEH : Life County < (Fi NM of Sav! Ranch /ouse Ga ASE, wet sce 29)( és00fe) 9September [22 Mustele — 364-0937 -12=ogr NVEVAL!: Efho ( aunty ¢ Stim L)ot faystaky Ranch, Ae 204 fAasir ht BS! (Tes FXormm) ot A F soc tb} 6200¢ S September LI3O crotus Motta Aus 2 (no embs) Exxtamius LUNMS Eitanpitty /of.oa) v-/,SL =Axar “ 18% —X7BO<a,=I,V~ L¥S—3¢ —- a ee a. IF SC TR 73 cKins / A aea a FI fedyoy 5 Kills only SG Vy, e NEVAVH: Elko County; Ij M/ and Fol of = iD aa oe ve $ sec/z) (2200 fx) Haystach Aanch (T¥au ASSE SED — 2b September 1920 Eutamus ysttrinns AMpent> Z0k-V¥F-30-1VEYE VEVIDR 2 EleCounty ee(Ld cf Haystach, Kanch (THoWAscseb,seclz) Sheep Cook 36 UK b ztLegnathaispreres vl i (Tes. xb rym J end 0 149(~L02.-29-7EX 269 Meithradantoinyseget (nb L225 128 -E5+/6~/2=X embs 220,Laycharbys”Liscovester L42— 33 A7SLIEXK ae WEVEOR: EloCoun5 ty BRlS ardThmni bdat the Ha ayStach fanch on on _Gance Creck. elev. ésaote | (T34M ASYE _£ ide al eek): eae LSL4i/_ oes Sorex ? MWattans bz-3¢-x-/ = Soran _| VAOHf 3 MulSand Pout i it stackKanch, SH Creedmzadicls re9A KESESEZt£OC6) e/ev. LS;Mey EY. ISO f | AP 148) ] SSE, 1 Solace20] elev, S9¢04, 14Mas UNR 273 ij nsis ee ~S—H8-35(E=6L7 Piutevusseller MVEVAUH: Elle Co. ; mi § and24 -mi Aneh Maha] Creck . { ] LOM, KSYE, sh otsoc Kh). 24 Hay 14 F/ Mo sftnl/ UR ATA —@ ot fl , ’ Car A Zaneticn - ALG)22-35-FZEX NEVALHé £ureKa Ca; S3 yn S Le [4£ ot Et, la Va de 6. ED) Ey tamius ge oO lac Simpson Park Rago é oh: Alf ¥F-3b S75=X NEVOLL Lik C2.;| SSeSandTZ Liblot Layctacke Ranch. (7-344, ASVE. Efofsec b)ete séfen ZIMay [98 UNESotexpalastriic fSofex alastri ss Se X77 é: iw SOCx UK ae [eu—-b2-19-YEX L4I-E6—-(7-¢EX WEVAE: Ello Z, Co.; Hot SandBiMat Haystalk, Ranch >. hale Crock, [Tien R54 z oeelev ae L UNK272 nd Sorer velfriars Pleasure ments esKull lost 7 June (78 S ane i YA EVADE:" £/hi2 Cj 3Gmf Panhe. fomoxe (re K. Va . ab,[EE a 4 ab as $L0 L AA, a 4 a Saez SES Org 3 June [ZI/ J tes- “4 prex unpticolus 99-36-L0 “SEX 2b May L9F/ OTFeeFe s- NM, ie IS —-39-7-F =X be a Vanch pea ( ag eo aes S ae,ec 7 sovote F Post lactutiny Etats minibas ZOb- FSE-RE-/Z EX oH"Inactive 2| Evptarnus ninjas L88- 897 -RFVWEX AS Tune /FF/ NEV‘ho Co; aSlee wie lelhe Hay.<tac 4 Kanc MIS se c&%S FRZ00TtE Lb Xd ae Unk 2x3 Mictotuslorgicaudes LEVAOR: Elks Cos Fn SA addosMe tte [00-45-22- 3 WCRAATIE artnetewer } frYeve— MEVACR: Elke Co; 2hmi.§and Imi lotthe ce oA 2 Haystack Kane ee wedstse 2)Gance ae ZZ July L421 MOR 276Aeris [27-20-)7-14Ex Sand #2mibdetthe 5 3tmi.s NEVAOH Elke Co4 Hayst ACS) avi hi GAl, IR ' he al FO \SO ¢ Z elev£ OOF & Th [7x] He 29 Syhvilugus ida wets papsesta Zzni Adut the st sech | | efeu Z Wee uoust-TE, X/ Mukteh # R } oh C / f £ LUE DH : lio Co. AT! ~ GBATT e oe re 2 #, SOX unk ? font) if Warm, hone Rave or 32)7-3Y-/FEX MPs i’ Fi ae SF ¢ Sand Bees. + = > LZ GZ . OT Jo Tune L492 SP Hedt? reWait Sn moti ealSIG-3I7-M-YEX ae July /42/ a \ \ iy Pk299 em br dikehee AP-6EX Sorex opens DD $eX unk I. Orex merriam) 29 \_—UAR — }9x/ Vb -3h -12-HEX Tie al ZB LJ of ths L (THDAKSEE, Ww ofset3 hy JGR] ae IADy otis eet} 6 Ay otife evotis"ees oe MEVAIP: TL arm rs ee fu ee pel lly ar lik 243 Rha fen , ( f 5 ‘ 5 Y ; on CA ' Pae f aie, ear feo 59-77 & SheepCreok (THIN, RESE NES: “a a] +, ed im Creek £0, site June (98/ Eudamius mn) AiMus Peersebeen!/ 138-29—-A2X -H2X post bact Poe oe AOK- F6-28-15=K gg ie MV /E-VAD ! Eflao Co. + Sm! ee. Lomi bd o f A)orth bhr MorSaniruayy Creek Lanyon {fTHEN ASS.E,bec fo) 23 Hupust 428) Pest lact. S Euctarnae betatlaritiunfe AMMALS3-95 -2Y “HEX NEVADA: Con Elke Tade } oMountion c, Sayal Kanch. iri Ki ZL. "OD ot §$/62604 13 mo @/98) $| Ne 9 (Zowries) tie Yi2-[2k- Y7-3BYEX NEVA0A! Elke Co. 5 £5mi LM and oo b/)ctthe WaystacK Ke rch Col) aLVie C. t4 A I r Cir et”$21 Hf September /221 Sr a7. Meyrota. tletaveat IS Up 29% - iL c & 5s” (Kall ealy) eZ YiNVA / vf,tH? Gs fz) L¥o-Sa 37g NEVADA: Ek Co. 2mi Nand 2mi blet choi PlaytacBe wb)hgf eek : 7 ' a4 f Zz Med —aargen wo 12 September /LIL LIF LUtAius& 300 |Fictams yy = ws ls COS cE G37£S0 fe) 2058-36—~RIAVEFS3g om ens & roe 2 . ae TP DIME Lig FALhiPy, ZO2-F7-2IALE Lz 6-66 -17-/H= lay Mb -Lh2 lity FH-SRS, Seia NEVAUEElka 257 -87-5h-22 Lsé9 oe bai AM otche Hay stack SS on the Mosk Ectthe Pctaie Ki Yel. [THON eSaL, center sec lhJ is 700 fy) 7 Septembey L48/ Peete Liancond ii. Vf tes XY yam Fotearwi- U7 tag us —If 7ohz0.\‘ NEVA:Ele Co§‘tralS, asadZonbd otHysiacX | Kauch hw [reek[ir 7Hon J Rss uchabowc2s an+i /3 Sou (98) Microts oF £68 2x9 L67—¢YLI-SSK “dP 1981 2Zt E xe secZe,) KO September 1495) (fa, Lik 30% |icrstiss cagbe “us Uale 507 zy ag 3s—lb-/2e S44 ts (i, LBL“SS-18-S6=U,g Vl (ees Sx 3mm) NK 3/0 Ps1—C/-LE eelt oe Elka Co. i| Jarbielye Meuntians, S$ ofF Farbidee - pe aeFaxCreek hal ZSdih» Kivor. CT¥EWMRetseh, ‘soc53)?sto Fi AZO Septem ber LGx/ Mb-S§ -(9-13: 6F00 Zit 148/ qj lcoholic eee Bb Sb rex VAgin ns Obeohlic 3/2 Sovex VAGtats fi 3/3 I A 3)4) : ON N ' : —— LACATMLL, IS ~FbO-W5 RF 92-33-12 -32Y = G2 — 3¢-U- 32Ef 18July (2g! a! cohohe 3IS| SoreK Paghans wap- ‘G4/- 33-H-ZEY IS” June {i ap a 94§—23—-/-329 LAM, aoe LACS Hi MAP 198) v NEVALE LEK CO. 5 33miS and 74 woba tele taystacKe Kanch (GEST) hswe Ed sock) dt ] Grance Cre 63290FLE Z4 ay /9f/ aWF 3 ; LA LAY aleoholc 3/7| Sorex vuole ne 93-eeeoatSey UA g aleoholic 3/9 £ f1a'y [4 ¥/ Sorex | ae os la LAC INFA 94-35-I-Se VEVAOA:Elke (0. 14 aif MPSimi UoFhe | Haystack Kanch, Mahals Creoh [Tyne ee EGA Ng nde hus Alcoholic 3if\ Sorex mersigniy iB . ; sz ‘ t) : t ECA 7 WONT . as “— F& | pr skint skull ; Biaie yeAs 3 22 )h BREHRT 1£ July /4¢%/ orex rnerfinmif oA4210-3 12 lave faE,/ 4/rohslic 32) Sorex we rviauil; 9f—- B9O-p/-FE=S NEVADA,‘Elbo Co? Yiai ES aebsLge ot the Jarbidge hiver (THE.n) RENE, Secg12 26 July [99/ G ieateriC AL e tad \ £4,yobsevotis VOorearrn — z Efagzus- & Lokave:is NEVADA: Elf G.' Lem!NandthmilledHay stack Kanch ONbariia My, (THONAS3E wirtsect2) 7208Fe liHagust—[Ri >. A “ Qe iff? FA5 Ahyots valans t a ie 27, Pes. _ 1 A | MAP (48/ ka ec st ey tt Wa r b t nd Sa ui [L n; Co io El ? A WEVAD fe ae Kanchabove Mahala Cweek7re WEEsec23)boo 3/1 Jaly (98/ nt ie ; A stvetal EBSEXKZ par £29 hagurus Sumpatusarereiaee244g ay OWL a SFY “af ee J ¥ Zewsh / y— LAB ~FEZE Ale VAD.iEBs Co. : aeA, Al 75stuck, Kamel:; : [THb N KSSE, swtotsec16) 6Joote [Z Hagust /98/ UNK326 Ahyotis Cvotis sf foie date27, esae MEVAOH : ElfCo. ( Sto{ Planol 10yj bd oF North fotiNorth fe Ce th mbelt (te2N,, SSEseLO} RA Flugust L4H UNK 327 Laps nines L99-UFFIME F gnactive UNA 328 Sfereuphilus ee aS NEVA: Elko Cat ~ Sr} ~ ee Mot the Hay:tach hauch (THIARs3 ESOCSS)Grane CrECTSb te: ZA Teli 6 10-15 Hticrotus lon7caudae 7” *™ [#bENEVAIA‘Elbo Co.; FiniNantel25 mlLod Be HaystackRasch(Tana,R546Nilhioksecis) 100 fe 12 August 47/ alcoholic330 Logurus canta bus #* R-1S-14-£ REA ericWeeer NVEIVA0h «Eto Co.| edofeke Lastack.Kanch, Sheep Creek, (Tou, ASE, sebatcecl7) stoote13 May [4£/ e727 embrys f UVR 331 Sicro LUS mais : < actats:47 LIP 332 Licrots miontanus JV VAP : 14-359 M7 —~LlEX ILE VES—/MMEX ¥ a he. ’ Sr, ian stuj NM, tf AY allan ° PB AyCgee and/ernite MatYMKEYE, £061uu) S (Peto ber 145/ athens Kft, baa ES f ; , a OR q La Ree es 1 Way CT Ly) t LUVA 333 UN 334 , BEGn van €) v“Ao Latur, yatbe see= o> ap a oeoko cette gee Si Ex UNR 335] Fuca ynjns Ms Hl nts fT { (fn) Pe ee 0% ST -S7-ZISEX uu NK 336 faromyscus Maniculatis (57-67-60 -/7= UA Nfh 337 he ComYSCuS manicu/atus /50—£2-/9-[K= x “iyR 33S IZDcdeclares NEVE?:‘Efho Co, LI, - 64 “IPSTEX bmiW a ud eeAitthe Zz HaystecK Ranch ( THON KSYE,sect) elev si00tt 4 Ju ly 14.8/ JANR 354 On,yeh ths UNK 346 Bieehh ¢ beldLiag i /eucos aster NEVAEEB Co. ) GonSand Teri ldest- He [lay stacf, Kanchl[YOnW, ASE, SECIS) Garce Creofy ebv. b1504¢ 12 July ea) J) ECS 1KJmm ) feipicaults AM SAN, Mi1Cratus L76-Y0-/9-|b=X Nevada:Elle ©. ; Dray S$, Sern (THN ks¢e,ws?) web torh z200L/ ZY Tune/972 Wo skell S92 curtectus Sorex merriamis uN BOSI7 J M7 NEVADA:: of” (es 7K a (ees 2x2) gQ. [ Yembs¥ aa? = 4 G2-)7A1h- =159 Donated Uniy Kanweas 2/—33-//-7= 259 99-35—12-Z=39 CobL L@22PF). ase YTmi i atMatar City. (THEA RYE.a YTaly 1992 Sorex ( Slap oe tes toolsmell pg Shetep ona l0l—32-1/-V=x of ZKImmN Lutemins con; ser: Aticectushagicauds oOYXR Zhe£F-27-/9=K oo 0x6 pmmpte neey: SKS 7 16 7- Sb -19-IZ =X ISG-~S0 -j7F -7ZEX 4st — FF—Z7—ANSEX rmlov), é ae at -64-3i-IS=x Re caine? 2| Buta ins rinirnus Lb2Z-69-Z6 A 7=K het aaa A Kull o 122-794-27- i3=x Eutamius minkmus pe (99 -75-27-132x WEVAVR = Elko le.’ Jacbidae Mats, huiLand IW Fn S Steike ‘ (THE EGE NE=fccc) (7 July Fz. ¥ Lpnack{ Ve ua Zol ~25- 23-1 UK 354 Eutenies Hetocus GES LEutasits a £00 -¢4-£6—1S red. : A 0,2en ey Sgermophilas Laterals aay oo) ~ 37 ~lf alcotne dL LePEC, $fEL nelle « oa 49 fg oe fet ¢ ™ | NEVA, Ae f hf Cnt oo tn oAase City, ae Lot, Tes hs a = 357 f £ictawijus breraus anoegusS o SF ony LIKL-GFY-2P 1s" ( Bx2mm tes} Fr L32—-37-[4-~H WHE ss9|feyomySous Maniculatus NMEVADD=: EW, City | Mia ah, - 1S2— £6—/¢-Lb | saiano n l Se mi Eat Mountian| erp {4 aes 25 July 192 OU bXEmmt€s Spermpilus i beldiags ee H,satan Ranch, (ATHon : 257 —6 JbS- SUESand Peet tdof the Gance Crock SES sec 2 22 oehy /9¥2 tertiamn5 S.0 LEX Merriana ( 7SS ot O e) — IS—Y4—-Y—-Y nti99 — $41-¥ WEV,io, : Elko Co. 4a8 Pini S : and Fi £atNorebtck ' (THN Ree, SE$sec (7) SI Je /422 /) ao” (tes YK Lerapmuthus farvuc 5£4 : és} _" t (Fr tes #43) : | L¥b = 78-24-JEX LIU—78 -22-9zX [22-96 -23-9 x Sy/—Sy $2 , x/ SnJi | 104 3b) Praysy FMT E; RD MyATAL ’ ParserPOY Hap A TPEATTY ETT TOE OTF POUT NtaeTel ene X= £/—LY-LL-151 eeee “VAPES Aoet7 eraTTa} 2 (4 dFB FIW5PL GPs Le SCOOT HEL PT Ty LpPerrea ‘ 7 Ve L- 2 a/—-SZ/} 2E1-72-7b-5b/ FHPORTIWOLAOT (2 49 £GutA2 Sr FUTWOBMT OLE1 ar —Jh as oe 2 (Pw) = Tlaal ste Xase ae a a all Zsb[ Pry XE -vl-[p-86 [ATOM NOSOS- BIE (eartran Ay (mr 99) vsuv Zk GS= 7 FFVOSE ’ | =. p2eueg a. WL) PETPY Mal PO FIM: DMF AGUA TOGFEI]-1-LI bz] a 929) STPUPAD LE, [22°FP? WIE [vee Z&/ (STE FVgies oo N74 Grey Fee POO SSO he eee owe re GUUN AV Gel NEVADA: Elbo Co25 IBZmi ho ag) 2 iiia ideCreek (THsKLE, SEG cect) az 193g2. 25hapupt 275, ee us urfarv“as gnedh 170-99 “AB -FFAX © Elke cx>. lb. Smi NMEVA OY A). of Gitte iee em ity. [tis 2.1650 S$ecZ, Sand Ceca re ie EK” June 1472 on us t Aint u i = Zz£ cee Ty RE & lact } saul ore Lic geTNTEP Alana Boot rex 209-93—2 J62-S|—1P- (2=xX aa : NEVA! Elle Co.oe eae re ere Lok[ze00te) es Wis HaystaK Kayech = Sit 29 Juve 1973 279 3¥0 3Gf Liictetus montanucl? lact) és -— ¥a-149-20€ xe feromysCUS ntlin; hteclcal) LE¢—6 F-I2ZAVZ% Ly otis volar + lg fact) ferecrm = YO Bicedk ley ~~ he trips - ,tEe lof E MEV MOR: ElhoCo; Yui MV, he (Sf/ Aun Pa ibe Kock Cree onTYHAL ASZE, sec Z/, Nes) X00 Lfye oe | ee Jaly /PYZ Post [ 322 Lutamids Au ame eicys y Z13-a Fax ~2am Q =2729-142 a Zoe ne ieoes 3¥: 2 ee he ve = 3 ct ek !§/—- 74-19—ZE_X pallu strife Sorex 37 eee) ost act Ys 356 n $ 10K7 S74ovatus bs 152— 697—(8-7ZX 1S7- 53-)3-/3=) og} CAue “as El (esstoni AL, Jiang 2 DA NEVA a a " 4 13 Wek | Pilkey) at 2ul/ Aan 4,et Y , . Kok Cheefia SNe By VRanHo: ; Sear TOs) ae OD AMIN a ; | Rea f n Oy) BUea | r Love Whyte : . « Na out nia 1 23 Ja/y lors ee ea Hay £$@ = #6) 7X3 VONA 292)Futamrus 4robetmade amcoeRZOk— ys-29 ax lacé £VE6-77—323-/3 Ex Spervatebile pn“18 faseta Sigs ee oountian shea2 30 Tih LV EZ 1697-47 —22-~LZ2X 729leramyccuc tVue; 370 a 5 ; hp | fateralis virTH Sperm i ee 3/7 — (ot) —S$E-LZPEZ Ne Meotomacinereus pind’ $1Z | fnlo u| fas wm 373 nas er (2 ifs vn 377 Gemt is ROW HY] tse = V6-Ib -1b =x 4b4+ 7 loct-etalys RSA - 19 -35_ =fSX leteyr les £65 —-7?#7 Fh = =X ENE WnsSemier ‘ arbidge, ElKo : Kit Snad ten Boot Caon Cree t 4: oh Tertias arta tes RSE sec I3 Pyoote 9ire i fine creecs All/-¥E-ZI—LG 202-877 22-76 . 26/ ~ 87 -29-Lb (87-86-28 -/s- R0Y- 8/- 27-1 2 lect 206-849-2916 t lack: (sha2 TORT Se th Oe Zo a727 sé MEVADF: LSiis fitLoS eee ee West Facia Slope wanes 84g Le$4 AN mali * 494 A’ fos- Jacbidpe, bolasCopper Lhourttian - FPisote : Cuta miat oe i e Gmoenys 206-%32-29-1 LILOEP HAIL 198—-FE-ZIAL 200 -§8§6-Z6-Lk NEVALF1 Le 3 ngs 4 Bake Ff 30 October /GRF XZ $69 Eutartjus ; & § APE RS LS Lee bia = Y/o SF vreceeded UAeriNnuws b estes Ril oe AB - Pabrieas ce ; gu Vv [73 = Lute riesSumber Hiry el. ee &seve ElKo Cou + mi hl. of Haysta pA Rh: Sheep Cfeck I ae pendence pee LO October 4/2| ume ysl UY int Umni Sere 4 1975 Sani iheg “? (sHal! only,} tort4 class JIT Gorey ersLn Sorex 4S Sorex Wl Bofex Yaofan i Vagraus Vagrans " teoth clas o cheeK srta// Bx Y tooth clans T Ne: Meant A) Cpny 7 i Y7 boy ex rt Aticohes eee BA cass von 79] Gorex metriams " poothcbss 7 Vathery YF nw Seo nnn vzZ/| Sore x PP Vag ns ¥ tooth Chass 7 Sorex yagran1S VY desthcloss zr SofCx wt aft-ti cof % | Toot’ poo f AEE Naneenewer, NEVAOE: Elie. Co.* Kmih) atHayctoclh Karsh Shee Se ee Ny, lf TuneL92Y ea 4 Pinas monticoles Siallonly Perea? Class ZZ yf Ss, 42 eey >, Vegrens Kell enly Bo Meyruns chillsuly YZ Se ee a! ee ; ic 4 NEVAOP : ho ; Y -s4¥-/0 SaH/, aly Co. | ar So pee 6750 fe K,“Dy Lruntians, A iy 5. YIere / -sutayius utbrins ZOl- F£—30°-IF NEVADH: Lhrte Ftne Co,: ; Lomi ot ftCc Gill , Zimber Creek, ee Creck Kage 14 July (Qi S Eudamius umbrinus 424 /MiSotus lacpicaudis 436 Lticretius longicaudlds (697-SS—[9-168 170 - 6¥ ~—2Z/-(/Y VEVADH: E/Kosheng Lee Lot Haystack | SJ noependence heef Kar {2 CEVA WE 52h tt LO gs) Sorex Vagrans (MF S gent?874-403 D954 Sorex’ vaorees P pact BF99 Yon. 4 #35 Sefex alles £ tact Beaes53 “= Y34 Solex Ma LARS W35 Solex Lars Gk eH oe a test (RY/) 93 si eeEN 95—-b-N/— Cass TL os DA : Elko CG. D-9__B7- 3610-3 * 6 wm bof Haystack oa Sheep Creek ; ae LAE ee = Detsber jayeard LACANH FF6 Solex AcMWwH ¥st Se Wuhls = sha val Kullvay ZoJu/y ane So JaDa “CL OPegzy Soretmectiani 2h ull only oe : ZACHIMH 435% Sorex Same alyt! sory a LACAMH 4474 5. merriam! sKu//only LACM44¥l_S. monticolassalt Soa Us S. Yagligs Lon/y Zo July He7eae Da oO(A-1) 30° aly [c- z) ce an OFT “é-y/ BHereStcal) mont (o- e] hécmv4744s, Vagpans nek44S. ee ay See i OT ea | eya S matics S. Cans Se Vagrans CAINE 10S. vagrens Kull enly Shjenky Ray zchaulls SKuf/only 30 Daly f-2) C/ass 1 a Ot el Z hag Ip--lo} 7 ies Lelanky 30 Tal ag g lz a-9/ Cas TE | {c-3 ile (E-9) tox US| S$. veqrans ‘ BACHE LACMMH shal! only hus [8-2] shul { eG ZAud ;;A-7) 2 oe- _ ff bee kulfoal Kull oaly 454 5. yagrans BeSek 5. Vagrans 455| S.pogticohes Ldcnw HSb| S$. peonticolus ‘ ' ws 20July f-t! Bobet BF 24Kidfechisl 29 Tuly Sa skulloo zo JW lyf-to) TE aaaa then U57| 5. Vagina! slll[ogly Litcupt?s9| S. Vestant Kulloaly CA MaEL S. aa et Sorex Merriavn} Millonly_ 4 Hug g- 7) aie oo VIufy (PEF Epler Sofex ¢Fepe _(F-2) [seet (F-7) ‘ br Clasao ZT 79-21-1019 Juve 198Y 1 Ti yag fasts BA Pal ETATne tere i} i] LECHYES Safex | Vag bans ; LECHVES) Sotox Mandiesies! is is22 Sane I9GY —_'l Uh|\Sofey vonticofas LAC tay VET x VAGra n> *f-7_ 24 Jane (PIE |! as a6 Jame (PR4 a ee o8 June l?¢gy LECHWL GEE Sorex prorticolas MH f-? UF Sorex VAG ans Ltcetty Y70\ Sorex vagrans robles LASIME, @ [ Sorex foes, - nol i GJ Class SF June yy t/ og 1& Ju/y 1? B¢ be LPSuse (279 CessT 9o-35- YIuly (PSY Y11\ Soreyheatiilias het oe 1x Tully (184 473 I olex ponticolis 174 Sorex Vagrans H-7 /Z% July (SIH a . re 7s3 TE (9 Sate (729 lac. — — AIS aRWLner 725, Sorex yererriqrt LACAMH Y7ki Sele BZ Vagran) Fi 5-5-129June ARE LACAUH Y7K Setex a ee LACAMMY Y7E\E Ss ex WY, Sofex 47/ Soho. A-7 Vag sans oct LACM479 Sstox varrens Vag rans b-+ Vagrans 7Sept- (98 l Segt LIRS AF CS5eft 19% ze Jury M1) LafursCuptates NEVAOB:Ele Co. } fds be Hills Sri. t+ Elke, opt ASE,sec as) (2Ltay l9¢¥ — ONY YY Sorex merrianf Uiwey AT Sune i¢¢y cz. ee ica: sally LACHttYar [7 Sune egy C-6f-“sk2 (Hug 192Y HNPA3{Z| Sorex Veg rans LACHWY Wy. if Leet. (? 8S “ge lng “urns curdatus "KI enly ehd/ealy NEVADA:‘ElKo Co lamsilse Auby Mousttai ns. ay (et 25 /9¥3 iO oLtpf gre Be atl, Canyon Lp 20 -~360/68-35 NE VHDA 21 fg mi S. of Cliazte, Lincola Ca. on Gee 25 ALLE,Sec19 9 ra Ker hi) Ayae7 State Kec. Hreu YI7 rats lt fari{, Lars (2 SKullon/ eat toma (ej21ee is /y e = Kl/ oa ws [hotsys ; (From aw/eller) urrthryqs Sue ahaa) Fhu//o 490 7H 79Z oe Shullonly r arts unthriaus GLone awei “J Kiethraden tarry r4eanagintl 6 Shu/{tly Ball 7 ” ee Kiethradsatorays YACag ot 1's ei 6uu/ fort ou Tra 7 473 hulloaly _S0fex Herr ian! 474 sf,ate sal ie, ges leé Ou gelle€ or.) pe Yelfet . HovnoserNes unm nite eeO77 awler, 7 GIS. Keli ath Kiethaaduatoery pregalstis (From 0 / elle V7b wil at 4 jethtn SES tealatit Fis oulpelletJ NEVADA :‘Elba Co. 5 kof es AF fuby MarchFish Hatchery, canyon abavo Fyn Spiny ,# by /Tountain 25 Say (18S VATINGY ¥97\ Tapthas vrbyy.Nee 3 ZIG-X/ 2G -Ix”sclotal UK 79%! Specmoghilus AU 3-32-17} loctoctiny mw £79| FZ. ie Kal F00 Lites amblincns U3-TV-RIAE ITsctota/ anf Lenisoy Lamas urbrinus ue i SKeu//onliy Wein S62 Tamas vothrnes ?: Nut if Speraaphilas 193-7¢-29-f 4 oA Sc fetul LB -FS 30-E 4 lact, =e (T3 7561-86-1V_ © wuactiv f L2¢- EF-25-/7 2 unacthve i NEVAVA ‘ bIhite Pine Cae Lekman a la ee lO JuneL4%s— UMNE SOY Fudtaming “mbrinus Ce Z1B- IO-29— GF Petomy Cues ‘cul, oe 15-83-/8-16 506| Peromyscus maniculatus oe 1E% -k¥-18 -6 4] June 145° cornwy £07| Eutaptius tumbrings oe ZOf- F6“29 -f6 562| Fersmyscus maniculatus PO’ee Tee i NEVADA EKO Co.* 1-6ui Lot Beat Creek ialfee Cheah: Jacbidye ints 22 July 19YS” uP £09 Eutanjus aatsenus F laced LAMASArtACNUS 202 -8/-A2-/2 F lact (Pb =-7HPH-2 SI TAaswareys age YY/—17 = f c UMK S57Z. Miceatuc PT79-55 pgLage. of scree] oy UWA 513 LlicrpoGus leah !'79-—S9 -—/£ -I/ Ju V, $Kul/ ba}y S1I3Ba& pie pies Pest lact g RVG-147- 32-4 0}, ¥S4, N36 Creek, ; E Sfo Solaniosonts SLALS ‘ Sul Bq S17 SIS Sorex coll, CtolEvaas THON, AESE, sec/7 . = BNL / AG/S G AA Cans oe skal, SH GZ-5-34 8-10. —4 A#OS SKF fexVAlfun's besées heserTeb tEesées LACHITE See LACHAWfe VS. 3—24V.7-/p.5-#:5 lact S156 Onychaeys leucagaster” 135-3 Y-/6-/5 f Sish Soret Vag NunsCT) 00—39-19- LACHif 1G 435 A0 Jee/y Sex hank ~B1f c v Ot 5x3 WW4.517| Sorex sage ts Z- “4Y 97.1 39 -UKA NE June ie Yi skm + SKhua/! ag Sofex Vaee £19 Sorex E26! S0fCX &EAl| Folex 522| Sofex rans yy LA CHANH . $-I9-//f BZ a -F B48 vy aw TAH 13.5 -—[B-U 8-47 alcehelic agra $3 /—-34-9:7- 4:2 5% kh stul/ Ve | V3 3-33.8-/0.5-4.3 aleoltslf / y_/ Ltcawy LacetH LA Crtvi ey aD LACAN | | 33,f-23.S “LOZ -#S NEVAUA : EL4o iL 5hin WE ot LTontelte, Lake feservost. ce Legus CSIES oo scretal 7 VRSmg S23 bseth roo:on fortys flep g altry LEASAL-LEIR-LR-t3T KH rhs , AotAese. /0K6° UNR SLY Dipedomys ca AVE - (EBB -Zb615 —V/2 SLS| Ltyotis sz¢| 0;ipod<p PN §3.5-133-3b6-1/ s27|);padkoays” oe Wo 227-/4s-3b-U1 S2¢ Bch8e i 236 -/38-36-// alcoAplyc ot om podoary ARE (AF- 36-0] ordi * bugilols = feery er act fr nt * ca jana —3f-/L£- 9 SaaPp tap [03 ~ 3(~//- 5 169 — $714 -S 51 trap OSLAATNEY unerwisnewer teeth bedly worn skull only L08-39-- SF Lec wye S37 Plexvagran. ase ink, CG. Wildlav EE:lk EVAD Marth fork Humbshlt T¥2n A5¢E secs i LE June (486 S3et Avs on|y 2(ans bad hy oS WH Pe,gi £56 50 ie a bey-y-y OF $37! Sorex vapeadi_¢G6 -35-8-F 533Sorexvagcan'aa S27) So rok Se 2eo Sh Poy Si Poms lod- Y -j1-SSpee Sb alef tans SH) SF SYZ shull oaly /07-43-LA- 5" So (ex Yoavans Fob [ Bull only Vegfan) heh0stt 93-36 —/0- 5 skull only Boies Vagtans pier 99-3B9-[/-Y SHY Ze Vag saas WY ~ /-1/- 5 A Zored oi = . | lo] - F0—-// oe CHSorex Vidhan, Se ~ =32-1- 1 SLF Sarex eaten, S77 Soles Aseco EWN wut { 2751 sg lact © - ci cre thrown out = lhef d beh Ubeo [60 -—39-[(- Vagrans ¢ | wets NEVHON'Eh Cr, South farkske the. Sianh tl ¢ Kip ere Lb July/ 1926 S50 Sopex raas— | SS/ vo_grene th . emt Tact Y HO—36—/¢ -S— Cattaih = fast lac th BE te 5Ne rereenomtarwesiaar anerweennewer, Eecth badly soo lost lact 3 Na +f. sae Lex. 240ac ae = Sorex fu.oe SSS 10 £-36-7-s— vagrans Caton weed =. LSE ints G7-29-9-4 "%. Post laet £2 olen agro! Set Sars Le5Cons LAR eS fe ac, a S57 Sorex Vagsrans a ca eee Licwtt a [27237 Fe SS¥ Sorex Vog¢ans oe Liq-40- ee SS7| Sorex heen $60! Sorex Vagrant coe 13 -¥3- meet Seal oly eo H--¥ a Sh] Sorex Vasfads Mo. 5 (00-39 -9~ ¥ _Sh2 Zorer vagrads (vo. 59. foo~ 70 -9-7 S(3| Sorex Viagra ds Mc- 5 S25 207 SSA Thomo mys ta |: Aleveda Co; Abeth er hot Smith Creek, ra Ne Cfeer fal = Ka 1] DtitVITAIL ae ie Cols EZuttance to Cave se by LTountains. zu te i Zs July 199-6 SK lupbis oustfs S; FAIL 7rrray Sb7 oyYotis Vilane SEE Lyetis Vola ge Ht B—5%, : Fine gS . ereeSGTRTRaTEr setoramernweesnaneeiner , (986 fe Cor YujiS county line NEVAL: EWE-Co, Marcissus L adiag Lteodeurs, eS eaol uby La Yo Liildt tev Kot “ 6-01Ly L926 S69| So tex Vageans NEVATA!Elk Co Sriag 7. Foil Atal CaF AOL 4? re Ko- LF Jul tte $e csne oF S70| Satexvegtans Ss iy . K Vag s ee S71 Satex Co AV: ftf— # 9g-25-/-¢ S72 Forex Vaqtans , MALY om 7-7 i & gkulloaly Softer Vaorans lol-4/-]-S" NEVAGH: Ell Co! E end of Bpocon Die fuby LWAL,Uk betuge, oF T2747 KSbEcod33) SIE” UL August L926 S74 Ji(envbpode ws neat + f ¥S-77-2/-F Ki wr 06 S75 Sorex VArad5 a eis, eal! Elynr i sz Themonny s umbrinus Ary - 4 U6 - 38 -//-F Ky }} on Ly S71 Fichenife umb rin) a " ue S281Thoasvoay brinus _'' : a sy agarus Cecrn~tortees dey Lidl caly (eecereececrerR noernaerneennares NEVADA: Flfhs Co, WV. Fack ot Fiave be Ltt £, Aver. $30 LS Jue TL om ary< Uintgh sy¥f CRY ump <7 2 ay SFY Sol ex S90 us = £5 nwS99 ae Yet ounthut Ser eX Sry Lite he etterce ho ‘th bool abboty< J£ES. JMysY S77 by eletn LAC SINE Skeleton LA C/I MH Ozy che ayLC Serex skeleba LACMMH Zoguc Sore chektort NEVAOH : Elfo Ca. Actvil ~ Els City Airport 10 dane LTT. 591|Bahkemian blaxtying 549A CB ibcwiay hax sip (Lh Gf Mag 402-87 -MS -Z5— NEVADA: Enreha Co” UWPrws oy: Knitter 18 Segst. LF EK iboop ors Hew ois, (9.3—C7-/12 -ZR * v eee Lai (AL col|: Dds be Hilts NEVADA: Kiteridac “pings, Ani N. of Elke on nN. Sth céfea Tas N, AZSEe, Sec 73a Ve, é Till yr. a7o). So Lex vag Lars oeTs aos | A9¢-3S-D0-# nek sKeleen LA CAINE LenS. he les) LHF ey deeTVie Be Te LAC Sof2X Vagrans aitOla & embryo, Se pet past cles) Ze Sefex 72- i 7 July [987 syrda Shitt hull ofex VAGpon § =tt ££00-6500 te mae LA C/TWY vy fs vy p face 2 rues Yr ftat 72-3-—“/-3 _—F sane tive 19— 26-/-3 POR L Clo Fee / JECOn/a,ters a lfl- El eae : NEVGLN: Kuby Lake Zoe: Ketucy 3, Fs, AJee Yetuae Zoe guartelc 60) Solex 60Z| Sorex $hi/' L // Vag rin . 4 saalent £o¥Y| Salex Vagransae Sorex oe NSheloe4 LOS| Serex £06 Sovex @ Vosrans : ul, LAA C6 — Fo ril—S3 / mer ree a tbe 19 PFential X¥7—17-)-32 = Lice{7 Ts —~3Y9- //-3 + 12-—38-U- 3 bapro_@_faceé dt eeoon ek Vagrads Oeee LN. 93— #6-Il/-3 NEVIVA : E/ho Re oS ae Nelot >rindstese Sucka ba the Harubolld ¥ iver. partie i tfans, Y, oO 6 1z97/) shelQ67| SorexvayrasseT aoe 1e34—[-¥ elev) 66% Kelere 07 hls ) Rj 1 Sorex De Cex LAc aES ¥Bo38—[/-¥ Learpoe oem ie So eK é, lect, NEVA OL: Elko Ge: jof-326-U-7F fxr et Lot CarL2 g7/ 73 3NAS.SE se.2/ ee ide [98 HambolHe iver ca i pd Bs teeth worn a bL/ Sote,x ee o o ffa = oe ead ot onal /sameI Se Lex Vagtadi fF— 38—--Y¥ Soln L/8 vagre ee ns ech 1 9& —37-U-¥ es preg 105 — #9 — csWee Gr oF Sole Vagrant NEVIUE: Llla_G.} e apy Lae, Kuby Lat Sgaie we c os 4 BLS bLh lA Jute we c fg eK ond Coca? _</3OEEZe LanJscusSawniculebuc™ eyjefeSePoe | ¢ Z, 6phath 2 Ab6/—MS-l14/~—X AIRGAS Roaneeee ner 4 *¢ 2Z(a) Arctbeset) pethySe Kero mysouss NEVO : £fhks G. + Elo N side st teu 71. ZLtatcht ce ae SiS American L987 aM £7 rbotLax toi Sk 470)fae PatCo. ZO J)Wwe (957 ivitess Conn VMEVEDE: 2 Wiyte Lite Co. \ Sacrartentle 7 Pcs y Snake Kartoe Jb May Vea Ba ASsafiSl s ee. a feed skilt VEVAOR? Elie Co. ; Worthot Canyon Creek fast idpe Lints. side at AP Lach,62a Sofex TEN, ALLE, secld S Septem ber 1437 7 oy 4R-os- 614 Sorex Vasrans 7, kook Hint brush G4-29-U-¢ "ee $25 beer es “TI 63 -/§-// 62% Pevortyseus _ ehh -19-I2 $27 FecpyttYS oe 7\ absifs 14 a 1§—lf Peepee OF aE) lhite Pine Cov 45 Stratsberry Creek ny WE of Laker, a: Eange flagust [427 Ltitpetes latp.caudes scereetensirwca mancetenetieee NEVADA Elko Co. s Toyn Creek, a oe arian Fad ee fhuby ee 22 flupust (737 Cariprtyeof LA cr pH630\ Sorex tals Ly Steve Srfee 7 pruryrst 12 LACMY 63/ Sofey Colt Ly Steve fayec LADUE Bolage HEE Hy: Ebr Q..: Ve Creck Dehra NEVA: ELE Ca. net Creek (lari'nn ary Th F. Pia EK6 (Ts4N, & TEsect ooLy LUE. 7 Shhtletay sheet) / £34 Solex 92 —3%7-W/-3 ‘ $Rele Qn of Bu f beeL/7 a, 635 Sage Teaches 6FY CommortExige tarsus bi// Cx ra pose je?i A~l0- GEASE 1S tahse J 7 b// AZ0- 22s bate —L7 WEVIV Ei 6s Bubs Jake Ae ey. BeeLIfe felipe ae Hey L757 & 35- Pereqadns hrysen B36 B27 crag fla.this os : parvus foro Wea Zhe. 638 Dapthamys A WIE 1s-S— _ “4 74 = Fs 18/~-7F 23S. Bee [soot ffe Reece nomewimnewer MEVKUE: Elo Co; Elo, si ee oe city aliscarded Lé Jee Mountasa Chick, aL z PAG witht se Tea IFO pail-b0 ee NEVAOY - PRs ;| £ Sellies CreeK Ca yenBabs inuntaine i jo /y Act 957 ot Juv. = Ca Gar Nevado : Refuge E \ko > Co. ci tts ay Buby OWN east A wuqust hake (rila Lite. St adc Last Neo tomo Mustela brea: NEVADA: £lho Co. of Rocks aboye Sarbidse. bes ieiioes ek. ellie d TAG WV, ove to Ten Eh Seth Fark C, EEE 4; amon: sta Copec sKekboy Fiance 87 NEVA OF: EaCar ip Elko Starling {4ele-h2) April {lack aCf Lithia) NEVADA : Lincoln GU 644 havacmus Aori\ ee Kershaw - Ryan State Vt, | fy We Rec Area Uwbrinus eis ot 19% \Al7 Y a Calicn de _/4% April (ies shull ouly Spermeplac lus elding | stant! only S perme ph lus lakericy. UAT) ly 7 \ screen meronHendra ; Z, Z é. ihe A: WiueCoy Ruby Lake Aktanal Ly, sKull Siull oul Nectoma Thwncisocr Evergqrowing . 1 NEVOL: blbete bite CO. | Arh exd. at Orahe Aahee, AVY otLLte- Lor ah Lt Ang Lai" NEVA: Eko G Cree x faby Lable LdeatDLBE Eo: tg Jude L7757 fest flys tts,ees subulatus LEK Lbyetis shit SKualf ss SRA Cee ff Eureka Aik: LX0 Lo,4 S17WE. ot Carho OM L029 fe ee ZHetil JIE eeST tel, K59|_ 77LVMOLY& potas hu lf, andy LE YY;CLO ZeS$ Profats Bef!ogy Fiul/ avoly | 19-98 % $60 sates monticala ,hye <| NEVAQZ: Vrntallf- Creek, Sanh Kosn Kane 1A Joly (9$8 b4/ Lapus prince inact. & bb2 Vetoghe aiJalvns a inect. J kb3 avivileages nuttaliit v2 oer Je NEVADA: Elk Gu; Lhe, Nerth Erk of Oe ea Aver Se.192/. chia only bb6Y(vas) Ochotara princeDS schistscops Tie e¢ Tahoe Bester, Colt. # ZooesL 13 July 1919 Leow ZL. Ae.MALH.: Eutampus atinines, *- ~ Mou MV. ot Elko we Lint. GLY Hesy. Saval Koreh,Elbe Ce Neva 2- 1985 ell cE Uh Lbyotis luecs - VZrw V Wo - t Jn Cr fA aad SET Pe:TFlob't_ EUG C V NE AG30M they . 03?xf__s00 nonscetotal Cat- tb , : C4 Acie. aldparion! 7 LTies a;‘s | ‘ , . a I | ti r | © pecs, ft aA) ul 5 we ZL-e?, a-¥ Catee oO nee j } Hae . ; [ t ; 17 Jah naeGf __sec_} 237 H t p Creek | ACpoof S ot -)Ke , Eli. 2 G. J im y 1/4 Wey any =SFL A Fr ela nastscrate / : NEVALH: Elbe Cn: 22.5mei S. ad | be aut tot enobver, Fetoutts Le (THs, REE, sect) 17 Seat: 1984 Lh -129-L9-22 Alb -97-31— 4 Tgexits dhe sali os ee ene 24-1032- 1F [76-26-22 -27 173 -~ YY-ZA-23 § a. fuel mys Keithre I | : Ln Suvent tp —L1_ LSh- TY.“7 LelagmbY-(3— sCrotal ce7—6.aes 2-66-46-l G rt oe ni Soot r t)fs ae Zinn Ce e L, ee es Felousont Hasy Shatha, Ferm sol Saritos Zo Sette 1IZ9 ‘c kT ie sec f ju. LE 128-5%-1h-10 [Trirvtuy ae A adele (§3-4212§LY Aiyatis |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6qc5vbj |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1619511 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6qc5vbj |