Title | Paul I Derrick 1962 |
Creator | Paul I. Derrick |
Description | Student field notes from zoology classes in 1962 |
Subject | Zoology Student Field Notes |
Date | 1962 |
OCR Text | Show | Pit 2. Oarteek Calategere (FOR ; { Maite Lali Pork, Pani. we of Ie. Ghongse, 2950 #., Washington Co. , wah ZS Pray (96% o> Viselora Mepeda (98 ~ 93-24-27 & ON | F (moembryee) Mupedcemuya grnann 239 -/35-35 -& F (motrrdingse) Ee WmMAMarmniu245-143 - 24¢-// | : : 1 Tlsterrrae Leypada o- /85-9%3-28-/7 Lerr40 Laneh, Beavndam Wack, 2700 f4., ra¢ Crnosbandiay on) Ctogoralhedérrreate 2/9 —-/20-22-F o * (re &mnbrno) Drognalbuo J Rome, 7, Meise State Parke, 479 (05- £477 Al crs MMA af S?. ge 3Soodd,, Warhens lon @o., ULek. 26 ee S96. FE Gne.ambryer) St 232 -/ov- 29—.20 Parcornaggi COntinilis 1'7/-87 - lo -'5 Sami. nee ast , #200f46., TSEROEESTEacREE SS AF RSSFT /O Vreolemn a Lendl 3 sake GOR i eee O2rdu’ «228 ~/37 -35--8 oe hupsdermes edie 232 -/82-37-7 kettle Mece Carnage.. Rte, NE of Piteuntaen heel Eracrvace | S000 fe, Jatt Lake Co., O/ -/FE ~-£6 -402° UATT OTE OO MAA-nTry) eorpuie ow) 5 // v94/ Prous or [0 Grrl : Eacet nribee o ore DLL C CLaard ), oeLathe : d sweet = é - 2 pax. (Jatt Lahe 2s _ i a oe CL Utah wth Resaif amambire ey Aner wrrL.ck <LALty 2 aa ota (/ Ga i aFigs sR —_ Ll eee fot a wieate af ad ‘ = oer ee pk Dole 3 Sa ee Quaher . - | Aan Aa arnt Hullin ga tter Lahe anport ge | Prrorlon e es | | Aa fps a 2e | : Deon , = . Aoadl : ‘ Arig : Como bie iA tarly ae. = va a on Aen : net : ae Attached. Lhe waltz W229 :Law . -. ct we CU <tr LUE purhed 2de ae ie fit 3 larriek oe oftes triage. Dravel Lorie from the Univtraly of tim j a Cara aca ee Mr ao ° Gee _ @ =——" Co wee © eaceeuee oem w OS eee tnd Orie Bayes Elecarer J Ze ial f 70 Maya (50 anus aaccal and | 20 Lee Can Nana) we» acd ahaut /o pone Aare, Fhe Mrag Lore hghncieas Magne Sore C2) amd Nileentntigs aid Otisch puent ert ator thee Akh eS —— speci Bank, aellivig 20 “ete Can Nano and a leeaet ofthis ittt tecakad 2 ha aragts Faun a ert J. dtr ue MFOL 10 Cppret ara flabe She Zul Ly aya0 Were aid altrit Chee fri tenk, Whe rnidum apeciats alerg Cle Adge of rnd flat. . Khe Lap Line enced abheut 30 tp dnhe fem that of Clegent worth She vt Drigpe wire lakd terth, aGabre ari (seeds) placed un the Cane. She muceuern —tattiate liver tached urth a heregd. ete frarut full and erocesh onla(-1tled) lo ~nake tlhe Drayae wre ath Lad tog 6/00 wom. Ph. QA WwWAd sandy 0th accausrally- palette | at Adchey grocerstt. Phe area wane ordered by mniid O1-eatt firth tek ttlerged Lo The a Cleke eee Ceaplelion a0 Ahimast ta ins ORAL, (Nar cob-aliun wWrrrioutativs). agelrwel ( Bhemuaa Acdentala) and A abtitfrualh. Ce prelicsd tviderree aforrel. ality LH Lee area ( Wang frre oles Cerro, Heiidinetpred Athet and Aabhit Lrarcka), Hare wire avraell ack pilta, of Meri Care, kd at wtih ut placed of Aat Mape tach. The group Aft Mh ar1a Aheut 6:00 4m. and rnvored tack th thes Unurerecly of Utah th. Leo Gislegy lols. at tovoaan. the nut | oeere - faut 2. Oerreck FOR 1) Chyorek tat at Bestogy VBldy. at Uni. of Ullah at 6°00 4m. and motiud Tach b ar0a Ofparecicered Aad. Tur Grien and Piece Boyle were tutmatle Corre : Tiheris CLier aaorne -tmile Casey cada tltty, wt arrwed 3ybr. latin. Wagne Lorilh. fatlened Lo Oiaptene O12 Snr. slasiton de fenoD (Pout Marrcek) orciaassed tis nbioay,qirtedeias ig 002. Viaje qauwewtrt, 9 Marrmak cee Canglt un VMagelerte 7! (eee req). Whipodernae Orde! CRangaree nals) wire Cacegat en Che hve Mano, / Qipedernag orLu 4-77 &. “ Firemupwwe snancutalirs ( whatidsiled der 7 Plammelea were Wdpyroed tg Wayne Lavrclh, Onin and Fdoghe « (2 Alcina Mdu and Gg 5 Prrermiyetie maniutalis), When In. Leontardi and Sreached the end ag tae Lorgelbn pricks yo he Maye i Onisn and Xe Ltt REC a Ae waa /banarimeein 70 ape ( One WMeamnonal , Pirbrrnae tue an aren , FoR itoa ete) Live pf-Uhes Rang are Nabe wre larud Gack ahue and Aept unt “tdaags vere Peetlheol and putup /d Apree (762. (4re Calatoque F Gand 10.) Dba hun a Merrcck Past oe OGAALED GAG: ctCAD. wfc wtffor praclee, ahivx hed a6 Sas imea beerng On aAiuctarscded Qe capo te Commemrert for Chae peties (Tatbrrige tua : dt hoatic) I7 Cprek WMeuth of Eaoniga dlasan Canccaptat, tLooo0 ft, JSast Hohe (yo. Utah. (Une. Pate Lothert Kagratdo, Ai bd Harten. 50 fve hapa ana BO arietdeurm dyeeral ayes Lee at Laer9 PAgien cy ord Lie Lie Anape and rotted oat ola oes ie Wigsse ode IG CL Picked up Mape Lotaked wo Exiga leer ae ht Pe aght Before. Cangon ifeee9 eae fom 100 ape, Plerce of Chiee —aparcirnene were put 1p 62 Calalogied. (Lo Comomen fo Cl thunk (?egehlis sreptih.) wae shaneed tt a Abche 4unreun Tear the Ld tf Che Aapline on Lhe bbe. UW was ret Aakirted, tut a Lap (alicl) lomo det ttatrrg A Car Cade t, tattle Deeg Canyon , Ret. VE. Leer Keaervacr, sooo xZ., att Lahe Co. , Uta, PNoetlorod pen Unwerely Village, JattLake Oty uit, oo kth aeel Canyon tig OOD ae Meghiurag 65 thracesh Snignalion Qnr2a unt the bad mahse af Stati Akghar 239, @ tranck pis 2. urtk BeSit Bee the Le patley Corvered withabphalbfa feck — fauk 9.- Oerritlhe (IZ and atteam Lrea with (sllenweodea and oth atlhiue. Continucres along A2auls oS five fat Ca elle, ad ig haitiaha alr fiae Se J wae dene wilh a tott acken 22 (Pines flegs and #12 autabet un the thamby. es State o< State 72. ; : a Wow ith Coatnworr U.s. 46 wh LOStaketyme, SSe S S<E>bia e S s ay | sae VWerseSiom ur Chan & ook te the Lather Miro. poad she Lrr40.1n Lbopsd cn trem Cle Lh Le warek tigh Uushes. She fing fvtiee ahawed eeden 02 of anaw Linrebe Caused up pocket gephera and A member Ree terraced. One Collen lat rabtut dtam—anrd dow a Pa WEaE rea shal, Chron, rapidly onbueng olearr Ainnbumn bed ty vitlowa, maple reo, Calloniusetea and Ldgea ofLhe Crock, here Wee Curiclernreee. f deme Arurnak sratehins ad tle Grace and ahret ore Swick wie only slimmed and afin rstling Tom ever, Ke Care lo and. Aan heiuna mbarthy burrece- Llhee 0oberz MYenwe Slate Parihe, Qi. WWW St. ) 2950 x4, Wathenglen Ce., 2Liak. f a e Yearly mmamnnelegy fretd Lap cvs Lo khyee State York. Whe Artgred b Corerth Eland: Oran, Ginn Bogk, and Fulton Qarmene, Inrdev0d South, tap ntoney of fete Lathe Nath than revo fecacwes affis althoreagl 26rites further, Hee Aol hiacaiseed WAL Ont 200th, Len ec. Satt tohe Ut, hick Converged unt ioe, Fujhoray ee ts hen paced Zalt Aur Acstart Celgaed) Bingham Cajeqonr Ardiuclrse andTthen at Pruth altri lo Stateties hewrny i 56 LMAaiugh Leech, (sad Cly , Paadrrs hrareghe Cah. Valley, whire we aulched FG Prigtewad Ce") Leora. Gut before Metta wwe Téah hivad 26 Zs Leben wlore sue Aut U-S. 91, Arian = /FOZ Ceautfiut feahtabhe Caunti and aternszecde From hve b Uda. Akg and. nto AtGems. (hd wwe moved Pirthin daccth thrargl thee Aut, Lhe Aegh Grete Dltanlians gra decetty hevame Carer of uegslilion ancl rere Chtorficl 2 Ther sale. A9252 treat aprinrtelad urlk arte ceart Cack le ac tt mnblired doth, We At Lunth on Le or the wag dowry (ranhy eieg shpt areal ae way), (td Le wok. Stat ee M8 Ueerard Sroic C. ain Myvi diate fark , WwW 5 Sheet C2980 _LheonLon), Lirrwed at abaut 5:50 perm to Cammy at the end ef Sree Canyon, wheck dlreveng trrie wae Bhout b}re. (Lgt at [ILS rt. — Arrive 530,07. — (5 tesetedes : ip Porth 2-Merrck (962 Beg ge n e ne te vanied Crapee act. The Tayo wtre placed Fe, 3 lon 20 Ke A ces aureclly BAe fsinais. Ciaarege lattice ube hl cadetfur ty a Atrmanacl mmelil Canapy and thes erccked. ley then Pork arroree . Lhe apo were eyeeccata — Phiaee oe pacee Apart, Pad Derrech anil Labi ateee Came a Ge ele Lt fn ae our Ti dpe, ae Cacl edgront i Steaka !f Of Aupaste tid : ) st i : es.cours pa oP semua Saas ereaya wrtere atrat uh, Met 2atrot gree Te Ati aendic pou etheng othira pit are ant Challis Erfore garnet, ted tase trad aA es TETRISITEA deeZ Ce. poet arlerdke aS es Camp tit r0>2e a Te e 4/30 Aaiyn. a fled, ) Ae ade o4 oe e 70 Hapa anty ares Attor vereA .. Aere_ge capliirrcr . Ouran : oe Jlesle rma a eesating winer y Lepid Zi e aud 2 Parone ie atlial Asche FP “ eae eee ie AArtAre eae a A072 “rahe + : a hack eS s . ee. Aas | fa a e ee Pesse — nes eto actutizs Trad tccice oti Bic Ties Learvrlede au a ach ate deen Rearmed 11.4 nrc Lo Pecolama Zand 3), ff heck 1aentebinn— a et ile eee henclns igli Hie cattle d gated ansteuts Lis Fowk (td Len mba et ee J ave 2aw- £4 Lepie den UY Cd 3: sais sale bh. kok ok aunt togaded. wad Fheavicdarn Zarekme : tt seit chet edie ee ens pent mare nn Aft ene dlideut si“ : aah eS eee Canchaes!’ /%6@R as ey ae Rewnetl., Pusan darn tee , 2700 44. Woolston do , ide Om Tee vagy Ls ae wah .t —— oe partvtnd E AMA Or2bor Ff TWhite sage ( Kechia Uriebephylla) Porton pene and Hairtr ~seyioian “ Goria. tta nnircre eddid same Tasctn, Aadsre Thee Barwie wee fe Chedterrg thes Beaver daw aricesliens (deerme? ect PORE afl edict ihe AAG Ait Lag auth Nkvrelet ahet F aril on titrrace that wir. hh ral Athen ceactive 1c Lee Duck, Ahart IS MMuteelh podeui Le Anek- We elomeed once le tbeal. 2. Udth thieersiisn Cisagl tsine £6 G0bidh a ¢fyp. tons idl. Jaetas sngiheédi ba ae ne a Derry Lavek an eats Lar cack et at out sir Vraye (7/) abet S30pnn, Kron demuere eteanny ers aga, Weed baljneel and penal Hull. tr t, slip out Lian. Ahern sv-ere Lact autalors Albee edge (Laat) of a Ainge Pag fuctdabout /0 pacte. apart a fra: ELS — eue es e oft ram steaks when une art traele tr Conia . 246 PY, | Ot 4:00 an. we ole Aneokteact anc Kroded baele te @oautidoem weak. On anual ive found poor Rappong — 2 Progen tans Lorenberer win 1) ob Tape: Ome of Hu aticduats ahead’ g dite One ob d ey aaailt picleatalked Nie Teak fare ted dandene We Cohen. Afli. a Dovey rite feck Sa a itp ange Are Wed Apid un PUparing apeetrmene (vase Catokeque. 1 Sande). Ad rset peteerreien — AVENE fark rag Rom. YN. + byig Sti Pole (dee eat fF Tand 8). Shree ee pha Pomemeer pe) a pon evrypenyy pyr are Beos Si Noma Hs pee peasy “arphrwe = By dee ep 9%} ape rap oh purpem ver merger & emg. Ty Pe(ree bs bana! qyerpen 7%) Pep mor fe due amyZ = qe phen ape) 9 le men pr} wer mrgp Trem peeemmp ir tye bony 00 pro rye, Pore pebble am aay mp Mio por Veo emery oy spore) bewrod> ter aie ‘aeekradeated 14 WO TY 409 ape EP ornare) Te TINT IT ieee brewiBoH atieea jo breorion|eX trary enacts *O Li remy 91S a Boris fo (med lb Poort OU wg erg scey oTPeU HEY Mo TAN “wy 00:8 bon ducoy mer peo prey 0 = trou Lb? spore ey egy yoo 4 Golyy mabe byvor pry pr pre wey oh aoele oper Pop 7M menp pod ~~ a Leper apn ony pee werhy eee ee ee ee wap epee renee mthped oy beret or rg begae pwe etre Leoprneveh ror bprod po opr yargey, op prey necr wren 2p aren © Trg. P5103 Oarrrele INerv dreamer Dum nrotrud, We 89 Chean to Spee tek Cen and ew to Rewdt 211 te Sartfahe. OOPS cae ee O Anerey Dries Aut srpeyodte tray - Lecaunt off Afeccha. shlerArck: 62 Qiaedernye order Simi.&. Jeeta Resort tooft, Sart tale lo ulih, nae cl flat Orr 192-TLee Aang ae oe, He Cangtt 22 Mageordenys Mewma ch oe Aeveched ee Otaerue Cf. Pereyeuee / ares: kLotnay AML Litl Conon , 2 rte. Ae =e Dracentae Meek Aervedr, soooft., Jatt Late Co.,Ulake Lsre Little Crug thy coterced anirrale, Can te letatd Ag thoi de allie.» cstbinich, Abscsasthanwerttttihe hte a tird. Jpecermner Cal. Fi) iwae found. Perched on thu Limnt. ofa borLise (cece kecelifee d) heard rme, te broame fronen” still, Meuvae telanis ewtteil.utitd asa ffaand specie .trhele Asli teat. ta Sei. ae ates hopeee efAarneherd ene hetwth ductobel grid ae orrbe, sTunneH. In Dagens be peck burn wpe te ecarmpsred wut Q Cerner Lister hig Leavta iebseh wee he tprtecrmnin C72. F//) 1vRe a female wilt the aiden 7 Aral arg steoetcllefaea, Le-tey tre prstatily BLEAtay hale oe | ar Bearcats | “Peston 2 Aeyarda Magee State Poche, Pani. ww fe Waehonsg ton Co. ULak XR Apecimene, FD. ff lara were Hihin un ole, were found tucked in AM pockel on Che fhe. Thereal, pruedaartd Ahew 2/2 feed Onteee, SHiwne neled that Atur2k afttecrninc tonliined Lgeparaatac of bere. and hee (Unuident fret), Soitl Alive S704 Atrk, (tari. PNW f —— Aten h., Waahins lorr Co. Ulak if Kabeurt Kegrstele —he callected Le arunel.) OA ale Parte. Fane. VNY of iteeo 2ISO fe ., dashing ln aia eaeieks CPD tH 2 are 3) A Spttimnene were Athen on areitetiterreyeteial Dr ayas wbich wer~g 4A Ged an Jandy Qnbare. Aurroinded by tite AAGeArt which had been freshly dg (Che dant wAtteh wae hres. oct of the Kerrranu— eS Looted rset although Thee Arla Ltt.wd Wy onthe durfaer, es ees Bh Eidoh Ae en Forres & Lone of pecple ue trathedt EY Bee ere QL gt. Lhe didn't SNES SOME POE, xsae”ai Wher it Ran, ut pan 619 sbela fromaA O22 frum a feet: «7 PORE OT accel, Lelthe LG6R AG fe idea re CAnrnlie Qi. Merth Quip Stats Park.) ark. wtwd oo haa ior Ca ieee mi Feige. 3500 ft. tila Dhe mriate Apecimman (PDFI) wae Ropped tig Keoburt Regrstir. Tot thle on Lug 2prteres are her role. wn trotits areanky al ataundered Turrouse. acc gealeacal Hatulats ptt area un wl itu, Seige ach met Fiawe very tinleninl: i OE anler0i & cara. tte areak of rrcete Treglia foron Lorry Ran cel, ie. Wah, 2700 4. : Caahurs lon ©. Died ZZ Cotte wero Caught Aengare an Abfatfle frie on Ore Arde anda aagedtiriuch ADya on th othr ade. She ground wae ruddlad wth treba whrek coud tave Colonsed & The Apttrmerna. CP.2.FFandé), Gn wrrcg alert viss ne d |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6v17vn4 |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1602712 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6v17vn4 |