Neuro-ophthalmological Sequelae of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Brief Case Series

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Identifier 20180304_nanos_posters_100
Title Neuro-ophthalmological Sequelae of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Brief Case Series
Creator Sangeeta Khanna; Gillian Roper Hall; Jafar Kafaie
Affiliation (SK) Saint Louis University, St Louis, MO; (GRH) Saint Louis University Department of Ophthalmology, Saint Louis, MO; (JK) Saint Louis University Department of Neurology, Saint Louis, MO
Subject Ocular Motility; Miscellaneous
Description Carbon-monoxide (CO) exposure causes brain damage by hypoxia resulting from binding to hemoglobin to form carboxy-hemoglobin reducing oxygen delivering capacity of blood, increasing free radical formation and cardiovascular compromise related hypotension (1). Neuro-imaging has identified basal ganglia, cortical and deep white matter injury with the latter being attributed to chronic symptoms more than the gray matter injury (2). While varying neuro-psychiatric (impaired cognitive ability, memory loss, mood disorder, personality change) and movement disorders (Parkinsonism, tremors, dystonia) have been reported, descriptions of ocular manifestations of CO poisoning are rare in our literature (3, 4). We report three patients who presented with delayed neurological sequelae (DNS) 2.5 years after accidental carbon monoxide poisoning with emphasis on their neuro ophthalmological findings.
Date 2018-03
Language eng
Format application/pdf
Type Text
Source 2018 North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Annual Meeting
Relation is Part of NANOS 2018: Poster Presentations
Collection Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library: NANOS Annual Meeting Collection:
Publisher North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
Holding Institution Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
Rights Management Copyright 2018. For further information regarding the rights to this collection, please visit:
ARK ark:/87278/s69g9mx3
Setname ehsl_novel_nam
ID 1309404
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