Manti Utah Temple publication

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Title Manti Utah Temple publication
Creator The Pyramid
Source Donors Granary Arts
Date 2024
Description Five color scanned images of Manti Temple Open House publication by the Pyramid. Includes: cover, Table of Contents, advertisements, story: From Stone to Spires: Construction of the Manti Utah Temple, story: Oolite: Building a Temple of Stone, story: Manti Stone Sent East to National Monument. Manti Utah Temple related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint history in the area.
Collection Peoples of Utah Revisited (POUR)
Identifier POUR24_0050_006.pdf
Contributing Institution Crossroads Smithsonian Exhibition: Ephraim, Granary Arts
Publisher Utah Historical Society
Subject Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Open house; Publications; Temples; Manti (Utah); Sanpete County (Utah)
Genre little magazines
Spatial Coverage City of Manti, Sanpete County, Utah, United States
Rights Management Utah Historical Society
Language eng
Type Image; Text
Format application/pdf
Scanned By Michelle Gollehon
Metadata Cataloger Amy Green Larsen
ARK ark:/87278/s66wcf1x
Setname dha_pour
ID 2586632
Reference URL
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