Automated system for measuring tip impedance and among-electrode shunting in high-density microelectrode arrays

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Title Automated system for measuring tip impedance and among-electrode shunting in high-density microelectrode arrays
Publication Type thesis
School or College College of Engineering
Department Biomedical Engineering
Author Gunalan, Kabilar
Date 2010-07
Description Microelectrode arrays are being routinely used today as a means to better understand and interface with the nervous system, in order to develop prostheses that can restore function in systems that do not function properly. The development and effective use of robust high-­?channel-­?count microelectrode arrays for neuronal recording and stimulation depends on effective monitoring of electrode impedances and how these change over time. For multielectrode arrays, conventional electrode impedance measurements may be confounded by possible shunting of signals among electrodes. Additionally, most present methods to monitor impedances in high-­?electrode-­?count arrays are laborintensive, requiring manual testing of one individual electrode at a time. The research effort described herein included the development of a system capable of automatically measuring the impedances of each microelectrode on a 100-­?microelectrode array with a 1-­?kHz, 10-­?mV sine wave.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Subject Electrode characteristics; impedance testing; microelectrode array; shunting impedance
Subject LCSH Impedance (Electricity) -- Measurement
Dissertation Institution University of Utah
Dissertation Name MS
Language eng
Rights Management ©Kabilar Gunalan
Format application/pdf
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 58,005,376 bytes
Source Original in Marriott Library Special Collections, QC3.5 2010 .G86
ARK ark:/87278/s6v98pjv
Setname ir_etd
ID 192264
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