Table of ContentsCollection OverviewCollection Inventory+/-
Biographical Note/Historical NoteContent DescriptionCollection UseAdministrative InformationSubjects |
Collection Overview +/-
Collection Inventory +/-
box 1: Correspondence (1964-1972)
box 2: Correspondence (1968-1975)
box 3: Correspondence (1968-1992)
box 4: Correspondence (1993-1995)
box 5: Correspondence (1995-1997)
box 6: Correspondence and Medical Health Information (1984-1998)
box 7: Correspondence and Financial Materials (1992-1999)
box 8: Correspondence (1975-1995)
box 9: Army of Israel,
Typescript and Drafts
box 10: Army of Israel,
Typescript and Drafts
box 11: Blood of the Prophets,
Typescript and Drafts
box 12: Blood of the Prophets,
Typescript and Drafts
box 13: Blood of the Prophets,
Typescript and Drafts
box 14: Blood of the Prophets,
Typescript and Drafts
box 15: Blood of the Prophets,
Typescript and Drafts
box 16: Blood of the Prophets,
Typescript and Drafts
box 17: Blood of the Prophets,
Typescript and Drafts
box 18: Blood of the Prophets,
Typescript and Drafts
box 19: Blood of the Prophets,
Typescript and Drafts
box 20: "Did You Ever Stand and Shiver" (1971)
box 21A: "Forgotten Kingdom" (1997)
box 21B: "Forgotten Kingdom" (1997)
box 22: Frontiersman: Abner B. Narratives,
Typescript and Drafts
box 23: Frontiersman: Abner B. Narratives,
Typescript and Drafts
box 24: Frontiersman: Abner B. Narratives,
Typescript and Drafts
box 25: Frontiersman: Abner B. Narratives,
Typescript and Drafts
box 26: Frontiersman: Abner B. Narratives,
Typescript and Drafts
box 27: Mountain Meadows Massacre Research and Information (1996-1997)
folders 1-2: Mountain Meadows in Utah State Historical Society and Other Institutions
folder 3: Participants and Victims of the Mountain Meadow Massacre
folder 4: Mountain Meadows Information In Brigham Young Papers
folder 5: Indians Associated with Mountain Meadows Massacre
folders 6-7: Mountain Meadows Massacre, Typescripts, Drafts, Research
box 28: Pioneer Camp of the Saints,
Typescript and Drafts
box 29: Pioneer Camp of the Saints,
Typescript and Drafts
box 30: Pioneer Camp of the Saints,
Typescript and Drafts
box 31: Pioneer Camp of the Saints,
Typescript and Drafts
box 32:
Pioneer Camp of the Saints,
Typescript and Drafts
box 33: "River: A Tale of the Mississippi," Drafts (1975)
box 34: "River: A Tale of the Mississippi," Drafts (1975)
box 35: "River: A Tale of the Mississippi," Drafts (1975)
box 36: A Road from El Dorado (1991-1997)
box 37: Scoundrel's Tale,
Typescript and Drafts
box 38: Scoundrel's Tale,
Typescript and Drafts
box 39: Scoundrel's Tale,
Typescript and Drafts
box 40: Scoundrel's Tale,
Typescript and Drafts
box 41: "Utah Westerners" (1985-1999)
folder 1: Brannan Talk
folder 2: Notebook
folder 3: Monthly Meeting Information
folder 4: Buckskin Bulletin Newsletters
folder 5: Searching for Abner Blackburn Lecture
folder 6: Income Statements from Alta Club
folders 7-10: Alta Club
folders 11-15: Westerners International Executive Committee Meetings
box 42: "West from Fort Bridger" (1994)
box 43: "West from Fort Bridger" (1994)
box 44: "A Winter with the Mormons," and "Across Snowy Mountains" (1990-2001)
This box contains oversized prints, proofreads, historical submissions, and reviews.
box 45: "A Winter with the Mormons" (2001)
box 46: "A Winter with the Mormons" (2001)
box 47: "A Winter with the Mormons" (2001)
box 48: Short Stories and Writings (1969-1999)
folder 1: "This Is a Sense of the Place" (1969)
folder 2: "Babies" (1984)
folder 3: "Farming in the Woods" (1986)
folder 4: "Reuble's Luck" (1980s)
folders 5-8: "A Road from El Dorado" (1991)
folders 9: Joseph Pike Journal (1991)
folders 10: "The Snake Country Outfit" (1992)
folders 11: "Lou Devon's Narrative: A Tale of the Mandans' Lost Years" (1992)
folders 12: "West from Fort Bridger" (1993)
folders 13: "Twelve Days on the River" (1980s)
folders 14: "Memories"
folders 15: "Find the Wind"
folders 16: "River: A Tale of Mississippi" (1975)
folders 17: "Cities of the Wicked" (1999)
box 49: Short Stories and Writings (1975-2000)
folders 1-3: "River: A Tale of the Mississippi" (1975)
folder 4: "The Golden Pass Road"
folder 5: "Ramblin' Around"
folder 6: "Farming in the Woods" (1986)
folder 7: "Our Trip to Fairmont Islands" (1992)
folder 8: "This Is the Place! A Crossroads of Utah's Past" (1995)
folder 9: "Harry and the Wagon Train" (1993)
folder 10: "Looking Evil in the Face" (2000)
folder 11: "Across the Snowy Mountains, Brig Madsen Review" (1990)
folder 12: "Everything is Possible! The Plot to Conquer California" (1993)
folder 13: "A Road from El Dorado" (1991)
folder 14: Charles W. Penrose, "Blood Atonement" photocopy (1884)
folder 15: "West Water Canyon on the Colorado River Trip" (1986)
folder 16: "Army of Israel" (2000)
box 50: Short Stories and Writings (1985-1996)
folder 1: "Farming in the Woods" (1985)
folder 2: "A Bad Wagon Road" (1990-1991)
folder 3: "Ephraim Green: Notes and Comments"
folder 4: "The Great Salt Lake City" (1996)
folder 5: "The Great Western Measure" (1996)
folder 6: "The Snake Country Outfit: Richard Grant Letters"
folder 7: "A Road from El Dorado" (1991)
folder 8: "A Bad Wagon Road, The 1848 Trail Journal of Green" (1991)
folder 9: "A Road from El Dorado" (1991)
folder 10: "A Bad Wagon Road, The 1848 Trail Journal of Green" (1991)
folder 11: "A Road from El Dorado" (1991)
folder 12: "Richard Grant Letters" (1992)
box 51: Short Stories, Writings, Articles, Genealogy Charts (1850s-1997)
folder 1: Jack Adamson, "No Help for the Widow's Son" (1980)
folder 2: Jerald and Sanda Tanner, "Mormonism, Magic, and Masonry" (1988)
folder 3: Genealogy and Marriage Certificates (1850s-1964)
folder 4: Resume, Utah Westerners, Children's Museum
folder 5: Dimick B. Huntington Journals (1857-1889)
folder 6: Emails, Postcards, Jokes Class Reunion
folder 7: Hodder Fellowship (1997)
folder 8: The Colorado River From Westwater to Rose's Ranch
box 52: Dayna Communications (1992)
box 53: Dayna Communications and Prairie Dog Press (1988-1993)
box 54: Evans and Sutherland (1982-1988)
box 56: Evans and Sutherland (1985-1986)
box 57: Evans and Sutherland, Pocket Day Timers (1981-1986)
box 58: Evans and Sutherland, Memos and Progress Reports (1984-1989)
box 59: Evans and Sutherland (1984-1998)
box 60: Evans and Sutherland, Lynx (1985-1987)
box 61: Evans and Sutherland Manuals and Guides (1988-1990)
box 62: Evans and Sutherland (1984-1998)
box 63: Evans and Sutherland (1981-1989)
folder 1: "Systronix Basic Compiler Specification" (1989)
folder 2: Intra-Company Messaging (1986-1987)
folder 3: "PS 300 Graphics Programming" (1983)
folder 4: Evans and Sutherland Certificate (1983)
folder 5: GT12 Video Out Control (1988)
folder 6: Evan and Sutherland Wall Calenders (1981-1988)
folder 7: Seminars (1988-1989)
folder 8: History of Computers and Computer Graphics (1981-1984)
folder 9: CDA Converter Architecture (1988)
box 64: Articles, Papers, and Notes (1965-2000)
folder 1: California Sesquicentennial (1997)
folder 2: Communal Studies Association (1999)
folder 3: The Latter-Day Messenger (1996)
folder 4: "Hoysted Hacker: Forgotten Hero of the American Revolution" (1965)
folder 5: Brigham D. Madsen, "The Craft of History" (1994)
folder 6: Dale L. Morgan, "In Pursuit of the Golden Dream" (1970)
folder 7: Sam Brannan, "The Golden Fleece" (1992)
folder 8: Searching for Abner Blackburn (1991)
folder 9: Sunstone Symposium (1997-2000)
box 65: Articles, Papers, and Notes (1808-1995)
folder 1: "Captain Hoysterd Hacker of the Continental Navy"
folder 2: Donner Party Information, Articles and Clippings (1927-1948)
folder 3: Evelyn D. Gibson, "Blackburn" (1978)
folder 4: Dimick B. Huntington, (1808-1879) (1992)
folder 5:
Andrew Jenson,
Biographical Encyclopedia (1920)
folder 6: Lansford W. Hastings, Notes and Articles (1993-1995)
folder 7: Journal of Josiah Rogerson (1864)
folder 8: "The California Trail Wells to Granite Pass" (1993)
folder 9: Outdoor Recreation: River Information (1984)
folder 10: Harvey Wassermam, "Killing Our Own"
folder 11: "The Flood," "Haunted Garage," "The Gun," Drafts
box 66: Articles, Papers and Notes (1846-1994)
folder 1: The Robert A. Allen Collection, Nevada Historical Society, Blackburn Diary
folder 2: Key Archuleta, "The Brannan Saga"
folder 3: Blackburn: Response Articles
folder 4:
Kent Fielding,
Lamanite Redemption: The Mormon Experience with Indians (1994)
folder 5:
Chester Ingersoll,
Overland To California
folder 6: Ledger of Company Mormon Battalion, Copy (1846)
folder 7: Heinrich Lienhard, "From St. Louis to Sutter's Fort"
folder 8: Maps
folder 9:
Mark Hofmann, News clippings,
LA Times (1987)
folder 10: Mike Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters, "Inventing Mormonism" (1994)
folder 11: Roy Meyer, "The Village of Indians of the Upper Mission"
folder 12: Mormon Battalion and Roster, Notes, Articles
folder 13: Ken Owens, "The Mormon Carson Trail in Western History" (1991)
folder 14: George Trip, "The Pioneer Settlement of the County"
folder 15: Utah Emigrant Trails- Salt Lake Cutoff, Articles (1993)
folder 16: James Younger, "Wild West Show"
box 67: Articles, Papers and Notes (1856-1997)
folder 1: Paul Bailey, "Sam Brannan and the California Mormons" (1943)
folder 2: San Bernadino, Early Settlement, San Bernadino County Library (1990)
folder 3: The Circleville Massacre
folder 4: Richard Dillon, "Fools Gold"
folder 5: "Richard Grant: Aristocrat in the Wilderness," OCTA Convention (1997)
folder 6: Kelly and Morgan, "Old Greenwood Pathfinder of the West" (1967)
folder 7: Gustive O. Larson, "Journal of the Iron County Mission John D. Lee, Clerk"
folder 8: John D. Lee, "Diary of the Mormon Battalion Mission"
folder 9: Journal of Rachel Andora Woolsey Lee, Copy (1856-1860)
folder 10: Missouri River, Western Historical Manuscript Collection (1991)
folder 11: Morgan and Scobie, "William Perkin's Journal" (1964)
folder 12: Mountain Meadows, Copy Text
folder 13: Muncee Homestead Restoration Project (1991)
folder 14: B. H. Roberts, " History of the Church" (1932)
folder 15: Traveling West, notes, articles (1991)
box 68: Articles, Notes, and Writings (1846-1995)
folder 1: American Diabetes Association, Notes (1987)
folder 2: W. Francis Bailey, "Recollections of the Early East Mill Creek"
folder 3: Martha Warren Beckwith, "Mandan and Hidista Tales" (1934)
folder 4: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing notes
folder 5: Frederick E. Hosen, "Rifle, Blanket and Kettle"
folder 6: The Diary of James Johns, Article
folder 7: Mandan Indians, Wilson (Gilbert Livingston), Papers
folder 8: Personal Notes (1991)
folder 9: H. Lee Scamehorn, E. P. Banks, "The Buckeye Rovers in the Gold Rush" (1989)
folder 10:
The Ship,
, articles and notes
folder 11: Richard D.and Kathryn L Thompson, "Outlaws on the Mojave" (1995)
folder 12: Rules and Regulations for the Trader of the Bay of San Francisco, articles and Notes (1846)
folder 13: U.S. Bomb Testing, Notes, Article
folder 14: Wasatch Hollow Park Newsletters and Personal Notes (1990-1991)
folder 15: Lt. R. S. Williamson, Report, Explored 1853, Published (1855)
folders 16-17: Miscellaneous Notes and Articles
box 69: Newsletters, Pamphlet, Programs, B-U (1990-1998)
folder 1: Blackburn Beginnings Newsletters (1990-1998)
folder 2: Heritage Newsletters (1992)
folder 3: Maps
folder 4: Mountain Meadows Memorial, Program (1990)
folder 5: Odyssey
folder 6: Rivers, Canyon and Parks, Pamphlet
folder 7: Utah State University, Evans Biography Workshop (1991)
folder 8: U.S. News and World Report (May 1990)
box 70: Utah Humanities Council Speakers (1994-1997)
box 71: General Materials, B-Z (1987-1996)
folder 1: Sam Brannon, "The Golden Fleece (1990)
folder 2: Brooklyn, Sesquicentennial (1996)
folder 3: Humor
folder 4: Instructions for Surveying Emigrant Documents (1991)
folder 5: Journal of Ephraim Green, LDS Archives, Copy
folder 6: St. George History Conference (1991)
folder 7: Stereo Components, Odyssey, Postcard, Hoftman (1992)
folder 8: Zephyr: The Train (1987)
box 72: General Materials, B-T (1991-1994)
box 73: General Materials, H-W (1951-1996)
folder 1: The Hastings, Brannan Benson Conspiracy (1951)
folder 2: Index, West from for Bridger
folder 3: Journals of James S. Clyman and Edwin Bryant
folder 4: "Innocent Blood: Brigham Young and the Mountain Meadow Massacre" (1996)
folder 5: Scoundrals Empire, "With a Cent" (1992)
folder 6: West from Fort Bridger
box 74: Correspondence, Utah River Council, and Other Materials (1993-2002)
folder 1: Correspondence
folder 2: Thank You Cards From Room 22
folders 3-5: Utah River Council (1998-1999)
folder 6: Performance Audit of "Central Utah Water Conservancy District" (1999)
folders 7-14: Utah Rivers Council (1999-2000)
folder 15: To Do Lists (1993-1998)
folder 16: Needed Sources (1994-1998)
folder 17: Grants (2000)
folders 18-19: Resumes, Job Listings, and Applications (1997-1999)
folder 20: Cover Letter of Doom and Resumes of Doom (2002)
box 75: Associations, Societies, Fellowships, and Diabetes Center (1984-2003)
folder 1: Pacific Coast Branch of American Historical Association Proposal (2000)
folders 2-6: Oregon-California Trail Association (1993-1999)
folder 7: L. A. Westerners (2000)
folder 8: Bradley Fellowship (2000)
folder 9: "Every Thing is Favourable! And God is on Our Side," Brannan Article (1997)
folders 10-11: Mormon History Association (1996-1997)
folder 12: The Mormon Bibliographic Newsletter (1993)
folder 13: Princeton Fellowship (1998-2003)
folder 14: "Utah Valley Historical Society Talk" Exerpt (1994)
Photo copy
folder 15: Westerners International (1988)
folder 16: San Francisco Westerners (1998-2000)
folder 17: Conference of Intermountain Archivists (1996-1999)
folders 18-20: Diabetes Health Center Records (1984-2001)
box 76: Articles, Notes, Photocopies, and Miscellaneous (1872-2002)
Lots of photocopies, no originals.
folder 1: Lord Scott Elliot (1948)
folder 2: "History of Abraham Hunsaker and the Family" (1957)
folder 3: "The True Man's Magazine" (1959)
folder 4: "Bill Hickman" (1872)
folder 5: Bill MacKinnon Articles (1977-2002)
folder 6: The Auerbach Collection (1992)
folder 7: Andrew Jenson's "Day by Day with the Utah Pioneers"
folder 8: Brigham Young Notices (1850s)
Photocopies of notice posters and flyers.
folder 9: Charles Kelly Art Exhibit "Salt Desert Trails"
folder 10: Charles Kelly "Miles Goodyear First Citizen of Utah"
folder 11: "Flash Back Snodgrass"
folder 12: "Scoundrel's Empire" Exerpt
folder 13: Trail Maps
folder 14: Tribune Newspaper Articles (2000)
folder 15: Tribune Tales (2000)
folder 16: Pat's Notes
folder 17: Shelledy Notes
folder 18: LDS Archives Utah War List (1998)
folder 19: Skovlin McCarty Project (2000)
folder 20: Brigham Young Magazine (1994)
folder 21: "Finding the Right Place" Activity Book (1996)
folder 22: Pioneer Heritage CD, James Baker, and Miles Goodyear (1996)
folder 23: Microsoft Papers (1993)
folder 24: COED Program Papers (1994)
folder 25: National Geographic Project (1999)
folder 26: Prairie Dog Book Purchases (1999-2001)
folder 27: Miscellaneous
box 77: Planners (1985-1990)
box 78: Brigham Young Letters
box 79: Brigham Young Letters
box 80: Brigham Young Letters
box 81: Brigham Young Letters
box 82: Publications
folder 1:
W. L. Rucho,
Bumpy Road for Glen Canyon Dam
folder 2: Park City's Chinese
folder 3: A Gentile Island Park City and the Mormons
folder 4:
Jack Tykal
Early Presbyterianism in Utah
folder 5: That God Provoking People
Transcriptions of letters.
folders 6-8: Defending Zion The California Mormon
box 83: Publications and Research (1963-2002)
folders 1-2: The Long and Hazardous Jouney
This manuscript is incomplete.
folder 3:
William P. MacKinnon,
George Washington's Posthumous
folder 4:
William P. MacKinnon,
The Buchanan Spoils System and the Utah Expedition (1963-2000)
folder 5: Seeing the Elephant in Utah
, Remarks by David L. Bigler
folder 6: West of Zion
folder 7: Research the Mountain Meadows Massacre (1996-2000)
folder 8: Letter from William Bedford Temple and an Incomplete Manuscript about the Mountain Medows Massacre (1997)
box 84: Abner Blackburn Manuscripts and Transcribed Letters (1990-1992)
folder 1: "The Snake Country Outfit Richard Grant Letters 1844-1851" Transcribed (1992)
folder 2:
Book Porposal for
Frontiersman Abner Blackburn's Narrative (1990)
folders 3-5:
Master Copy of
Frontersman Abner Blackburn's Narrative (1991)
folders 6-8:
Final Draft for
Frontiersman Abner Blackburn's Narrative (1992)
box 85: California Research and Manuscripts (1993-1999)
box 86: Gold Rush Saints,
box 87: Gold Rush Saints and Mountain Medow Massacre, Manuscripts (2000-2004)
box 88: Defending Zion Manuscripts (2002)
box 89: Defending Zion
Fort Limhi
box 90: Fort Limhi,
box 91: Blood of the Prophets,
box 92: California Research and Manuscripts (1995-2005)
box 93: Correspondence (1992-2001)
folder 1: Macolm Barker, Correspondence and Research (1992-1999)
This folder contains research related to Samuel Brannan.
folder 2: Ron Barry, Correspondence (2000)
folder 3: Todd Compton, Correspondence and Talks (1999)
folder 4: Kent Fielding, Correspondence and Research (1999-2000)
folder 5: Chris Graves, Correspondence (1997-2000)
folders 6-9: Bill MacKinnon, Correspondence, Articles, Research, and Financial (1996-2001)
folder 10: Trudy McMurrin, University of Nevada Press Correspondence (1999)
folder 11: Ron Wallace, Correspondence (1999)
This folder contains information on "100th Meridian West."
folder 12: David A. White, Correspondence and Papers (1997-1999)
box 94: Research (1849-2000)
folder 1: Beineke Library and Huntington Fellowship Applications (1999-2000)
This folder also contains research done at the Beineke Library.
folder 2: California Trip Documents (1999)
This folder contains research done on Mountain Meadows, the Utah Expedition, and Utah War.
folder 3: Lyman Wight Documents (1849-1850)
folder 4: Marriott Library Collection Bulletins (1998)
This folder also contains correspondence related to Mountain Meadows.
folder 5: Mormon Alliance Articles (2000)
This folder contains responses to the dedication of the Mountain Meadows Monument.
folder 6: Nauvoo Temple Endowment Register (1845-1846)
folder 7: Overland Monthly (1890-1892)
This folder contains "A Girl's Letters from Nauvoo" and "The Story of Margaret M. Hecox."
folder 8: Utah State Historical Society Documents, Utah Expedition Members (1857-1858)
box 95: Manuscript Drafts (1996-2003)
box 96: Manuscript Drafts and Articles (1995-2007)
folder 1: Pioneer Camp of the Saints,
Review Copy
(Aug 2005)
folders 2-3: Scoundrel's Tale,
Proof Pages
(Nov 1998)
folder 4: "Be Careful What You Wish For" (2007)
folder 5: "Every Thing is Favourable! And God Is On Our Side": Samuel Brannan and the Conquest of California (1997)
folder 6: Fort Limhi,
The Trial of Sylvanus Collett Keepsake Proof Pages
(May 2003)
folder 7: This is the Place: A Crossroads of Utah History,
box 97: General Materials, B-O (1991-2007)
folder 1: "Battalion" - KUED Documentary (2003)
folder 2: Claremont College, lectures (1996-1997)
folder 3: Divorce and Family Documents (1999-2002)
folder 4: Donner Party Documentary (2003-2007)
folder 5: The Flatlander Nugget (1999-2002)
folder 6: Greg Franzwa and Thomas Hunt Correspondence (1994)
folder 7: Friends of the Marriott Library (1991-2000)
folder 8: Kent Fielding, "Growing Up Mormon" (1997)
folder 9: Richard Stockton, The Instant Success Newsletter (1998-1999)
folder 10: La Mochila (1997-2001)
This folder contains the newsletter of the Sacramento Corral of Westerners International.
folder 11: Larry King Live Gordon B. Hinckley Interviews (1998-1999)
folder 12: LDS Church History Encyclopedia (1998)
This folder contains an article written on Samuel Brannan for the Encyclopedia.
folder 13: Montana
Magazine Reviews
folder 14: The Mormon History Association - Documents and Reviews (1996-2001)
folder 15: National Park Service - Comprehensive Management Plan (1995-1999)
This folder also includes correspondence with Thomas Hunt.
folder 16: National Park Service (1998-2001)
This folder includes the Hastings Cutoff Study and design and editing for Newsletter.
folder 17: Oregon-California Trails Association (1998-1999)
box 98: General Materials, O-W (1992-2002)
folder 1: Oregon-California Trails Association (2000)
folder 2: Pat Bagley Cartoons (1994-2001)
folders 3-4: Research Sources (1992-2000)
folder 5: RLDS Library Archives (1999)
folder 6: Joseph Fielding Smith Institute Bibliography (1980-1999)
folder 7: William P. MacKinnon, "Statehood for What? Utah's Shrinking Borders 1850-1896" (1995)
folder 8: Sterling Village Court Case Editing (2002)
folder 9: Sunstone Symposium Papers (2000-2001)
folder 10: Ship Brooklyn Association (2000-2001)
folder 11: Utah State Historical Society Newsletters (1998-2000)
folder 12: Utah Humanities Council, Grant Applications (1998-1999)
folder 13: Utah Humanities Council, Quick Grants and Book Festival (2000-2001)
folders 14-15: Utah Humanities Council, Speakers Bureau (1998-2001)
folder 16: Western History Association (1997-2000)
This folder contains presentations, fellowships, and correspondence.
box 99: Rough and Edited Drafts: "The Long and Perilous Journey" (2005-2006)
box 100: Revised Review Drafts: "Doing the Works of Abraham" (2006)
box 101: Rough and Edited Drafts: "Always A Cowboy" (2007)
folder 1: Rough Draft (2007)
folder 2: Edited Draft: Chapters 1-5 (2007)
folder 3: Edited Draft: Chapters 6-11 (2007)
folder 4: Edited Draft: Chapters 1-6 (2007)
folder 5: Edited Draft: Chapters 7-12 (2007)
folder 6: Wilson McCarthy's Speeches (1928-1954)
folder 7: McCarthy Family Genealogy and Memorials (1880-1956)
box 102: Edited Draft and Page Proofs: "Innocent Blood" (2006-2008)
box 103: Manuscripts, Articles, Correspondence and Speeches (1868-2007)
folder 1: Untitled Manuscript: Chapters 1-6 (2005-2006)
folder 2: Untitled Manuscript: Chapters 7-12 (2006-2007)
folder 3: David Bigler's " A Lion in the Path: Genesis of the Utah War, 1857-58" (2006)
folder 4: Charles M. Larson's "A Mountain Meadows Retrospective (2006)
folder 5: "Two-Wheeled Torture Devices: The Handcraft Disasters" (2006-2007)
folder 6: Correspondence: Jesse C. Little and Samuel Brannan Letters (1868-2000)
folder 7: "History Matters" Correspondence (2000-2004)
Relates to Bagley's weekly column which appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune.
folder 8: Speeches (2004-2007)
box 104: Conference Participation, Awards and Correspondence (1998-2008)
folder 1: Sunstone Symposium Panel: An Editors' Roundtable (1998)
folder 2: Writers at Work Conference Panel (2003)
folder 3: Western Writers of America Award and Convention Panel (2003-2004)
folder 4: John Whitmer Historical Association Meeting Paper and Award (2003)
folder 5: "Wild West" Articles and Correspondence (2003-2007)
folder 6: Charles Redd Center for Western Studies Award (2004)
folder 7: Western History Association Conference Paper, Award and Panel (2004-2007)
folder 8: "A Mormon Mother" Project (2004-2006)
folder 9: Book and Manuscript Reviews (2004-2006)
folder 10: Mountain Meadows Massacre Descendants Meeting Talk (2004)
folder 11: Whidbey Island Writers Conference (2005)
folder 12: Friends of the Marriott Library Advisory Board (2005-2006)
folder 13: Utah Humanities Council Award (2005)
folder 14: Utah State Historical Society Meetings (2004-2006)
folder 15: Park City Literary Festival (2006)
folder 16: Oregon-California Trails Association Talk (2006)
folder 17: Salt Lake Acting Company Play (2005)
folder 18: Sam Weller's Bookstore Newsletter Interview (2006)
folder 19: Helen Whitney's Frontline Documentary: "The Mormons" (2006-2007)
folder 20: Mormon History Association Conference Commentator (2006)
folder 21: Mormon History Association Conference Paper (2007)
folder 22: South Pass (2006-2007)
folder 23: University of Utah Press Director Position (2007)
folder 24: Jack and Helen Higbee Correspondence (2004-2006)
folder 25: Assorted Writings (2000-2006)
folder 26: Assorted Materials (2004-2008)
Biographical Note/Historical Note +/-Will Bagley (b. 1950) is a Utah native. In 1971 he graduated with a B.A. in history from the University of California at Santa Cruz. Bagley is recognized as an award-winning writer, editor, and publisher. He has written and edited more than a dozen books on the history of Utah and the American West. His column, "History Matters," appeared every Sunday for four years in the "Salt Lake Tribune". Bagley has served as a consultant for the National Geographic Magazine, the National Park Service, and several documentary films. His seminal work, entitled "Blood of the Prophets", was published in 2002 and received numerous awards. He has served on the Executive Committee for the Journal of Mormon History, and on the Oregon California Trails Assocation Board of Directors. Bagley, a free lance writer and historian, resides in Salt Lake City and is involved in research projects concerning Mormon-Indian relations, a biography of Judge Wilson McCarthy, and a multi-volume history of the Oregon-California Trail. Content Description +/-The Will Bagley papers (1836-2008) contain manuscripts, correspondence, articles, notebooks, health diaries, journals, drawings, postcards, notepads, newspaper clippings, pictures, speeches, manuals, and reference guides. The majority of this collection revolves around his five published books, "Blood of the Prophets", "Frontiersman", "Gold Rush Saints", "Kingdom in the West", and "Scoundrel's Tale". In addition to his writings, Bagley's papers contain a great deal of his endeavors at Evans and Sutherland, where he was employed for twelve years as a technical writer for the company. This collection also includes other editorial and research work which he did for different newsletters and journals. Collection Use +/-Restrictions on Access: Twenty-four hours advance notice encouraged. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law. Administrative Information +/-Acquisition Information: donated by Will Bagley, 2001-2009 Processing Note: Brandon Rasmusson, Jennifer Sessions, Charlotte Hansen, and Roger V. Paxton 2003, 2005, and 2009 Creator: Bagley, Will, 1950- Language: English Quantity: 41.5 linear feet Language of the Finding Aid: English Author of the Finding Aid: Brandon Rasmusson, Jennifer Sessions, Charlotte Hansen, and Roger V. Paxton EAD Creation Date: 2003-2009 Subarea: Manuscripts DivisionSubjects +/-Subject Terms: Immigration and American Expansion Personal Names: Bagley, Will, 1950---Archives |