Marriner S. Eccles correspondence related to invitations, 1957 [02]

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Title Marriner S. Eccles correspondence related to invitations, 1957 [02]
Description Correspondence from 1957 between Marriner S. Eccles and various people and groups requesting his participation and attendance at various events. Due to his busy schedule and dividing his time between residences in Salt Lake City and San Francisco, Mr. Eccles declined many more invitations than he accepted. Includes an invitation from Henry R. Luce to attend the International Industrial Development Conference in San Francisco on October of 1957.
Creator Eccles, Marriner S. (Marriner Stoddard), 1890-1977
Date 1957
Subject Eccles, Marriner S. (Marriner Stoddard), 1890-1977--Archives; Eccles, Marriner S. (Marriner Stoddard), 1890-1977--Correspondence; Luce, Henry R., 1898-1967--Correspondence; International Industrial Conference (1957 : San Francisco, Calif.)
Collection Number and Name Ms0178 Marriner S. Eccles papers, 1910 - 1985
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Language eng
File Name 0178_205_006
ARK ark:/87278/s6mdxv78
Setname uum_msep
ID 2112827
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