Gilsonite Miners

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Title Gilsonite Miners
Identifier 2428T.tif
Creator Thorne, L.C.
Subject Mines--Gilsonite; Miners--Gilsonite
Description At the Rainbow Mine Gilsonite Mine workers beginning their shift are left to right beginning back to front are: Loren Anderson, Mr. Merkley, Gerald Stewart, Harden Nelson: 2nd Row-Fred McCarrell, Marvin Peterson, Parley Parker, Warren Billings: 3rd Row- Mr. Gardner, Loren Whitbeck, Jay Hafen, Evan Anderson, Bert Case, Mr. Merkley, Lawrence Workman, Rine Hatch. 4th Row- Mr. Allred, Unidentified, Vernal Workman: 5th Row: Roy Warburton, Francis McCarrell, Ernest Case, Mr. Hodson, Sol Case: Front Row-Thomas Silka and Marion Hatch. Those miners wearing the white cords around their bodies are miners who fill the sacks with the Gilsonite and then tie the sacks shut with one of the strings from the bundle wrapped around their neck. The sacks are hoisted from the mine or brought out on a rail car. By the end of the day miners are covered with Gilsonite dust. Jensen Book page 474, also on disk 164 as photo #6734a.
Publisher Uintah County Library Regional History Center
Date 1905; 1906; 1907; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1914; 1915
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Format Creation Original scanned on CreoScitex Jazz flatbed scanner and saved as uncompressed tiff. Display images generated in CONTENTdm as JPEG2000 at 15:1 compression.
Source B&W nagative
Language eng
Rights Management Digital image, copyright 2008 Uintah County Library
Holding Institution Uintah County Regional History Center
Archival Resolution 2917 x 2197 pixels
Bit Depth 8-bit gray scale
Scanning Technician Seungkeol Choe
Spatial Coverage Rainbow (Utah)
Source Material Black and White Photograph
ARK ark:/87278/s6tf3c3g
Setname ucl_tp
ID 404096
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