Title |
City Creek Center, Salt Lake City [2] |
Creator |
Trent, Lisa |
Date |
2020-04 |
Spatial Coverage |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States |
Subject |
Shopping malls; COVID-19 (Disease)--Economic aspects |
Description |
"For the first time venturing out after they closed schools and told employees to stay home, I went to City Creek to scope out a place to do some graduation photos for a family member. The sheer emptiness off a usually crowded place was eerie enough, but the fountains were off, stores and restaurants that were usually booming at 2:00pm on a Wednesday we're shut, empty, and signs hung on every door with the word "covid-19" being the first thing your eyes read. I took photos to show the ghost town that was once my routine of an afternoon out for coffee or lunch with friends. I felt like I had been transported to an alternate universe, alone." |
Collection Number and Name |
Utah COVID-19 Photograph Project |
Type |
Image |
Genre |
born digital |
Format |
image/jpeg |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Rights Holder |
Lisa Trent |
Access Rights |
Permission to publish has been granted to the University of Utah or through any of its departments or operating units by the rights holder of this work. Unless otherwise specified, the rights holder retains copyright of this work. |
Note |
The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect any views, opinions, or official policy of the University of Utah or the J. Willard Marriott Library. |
ark:/87278/s6jq6c67 |
Setname |
uum_uc19 |
ID |
1550222 |
Reference URL |
https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6jq6c67 |