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Show D.Londs ren Cata lo oue C7OA * Bmi. Co. NE Camel lack LA4:, 4 306 5 Ttooe/e ? Ofah. / ce Lepus Calf ornices 5 45 - 96-/32-”14 ++ March 1964, 5 ami NE Co. oS Camelback pits, 4300 | Taoe/e , Ofak.. 2 C. Ths a 4 AY¢A-1¢-F-BE fown sendSis 10 March (362 Oo Citelos fownsendir 294- 74~36-7 /O@ Marck 17 OF ¢ CrTelfes (Ne [mi Fl fee pS embroos ) N. Little 4 H30 - F975 -¥- K% 10 WHarch Dauis Mt., %1"964 Foo" fooele , CQ, Utah. oo Dipodo-my» Ordit #3 1 Ab6A-~ (54-44 ~ ZB (2. “7A 176 3~ Gatzlozo% Dlondgren = Dipocdlomss (No a ore: As 3. ~ FF) en brsos ) Neetoma. CA leyarda *1Aa9. (Perom 5 SEs mManicelatus (Mo Embryos) a Mycrop~s ] (ve ered (Fed. AY4-1X6- 4/- [F 7 1A 125 ? Dipedems. ordi. CPC A 159-24¢- AA-ZS 7A TA 5 Diyodemss 176 Pas 3O 4+ //3-35 =30 lA “125 + 72-79 (762. ASD -142- dod 4 tas 166 I Ltin erary i Lundgren 1%62 BZ mi 4 March NE Camelback Mt., — oe Lowese im. Ais Drove through mixed Grush ane vegetative dones A in this areg with % ten pickup a (6 grape S4 of. henting rabbits unth, Shotgum Peung Anumerous using rabbits 6 chH were Atel vers AcHive. Several adult rallbds were also Seen and sue in this aregz was shot. Worker mentrinel rhat cottanteds Aad heer, plentifel im This area were (ast gear Gut aene Sishted on Tys Aafve. Absc~ Atle rniles sere driven wht,/e hom ting tn ah off the -toad AWtm. JO March S mi WE Cameléak (It. 1302" we 7aoe/e Ca tah. (4 Aave-2~-Aark fraps cere set (7 An mMmear avez of taxed Grosh vegetative Sancl Sones. Tar Cites town sedi~g and one CTelles oe tut re. clusht. #2) Lunds ren 196A & IA Mag (mi. I76 P~ N L.ftle Davis Tooele Co. Me, + f00' Otah AS can traps me al can Aye > were set (uA jomyer —mixed hresh Area at a distance of aboot (8 gards betocen Traps : Rodent 6. rrowSs TAroush ool the AreZ. Sylecinzerns were e SCUs Kero 3 m were w1bw70700 9 The pense c2usas : manieclatus , 3. Dipodimss ordi, | Diyodomys = —F microps and / Neofoma bepei hoes Lepus D. bLundpren cal Por nices 196A + March 3mi NE Camelback Mt, 4300; Tooele , Co., Utah. One ih syecrmen 5 DL 7 isa ss art area of specimen twdS Appeared to be shat mined brosh. Fhe ues active ane wu jooed health, 2 Loneloren EFM. Fasc See] ii 176A. « JO Merah. Lis SPECIMENS J were ceflected. Arevg Fat. DL *2 Both acre pLi*3 s/ecimens were D. Louvre. Tren Ci tellus levecxvcs 1964 & /O March One sy7ecimen , colfectecl »yn the lhe and litlellas DL #7. Mo Seg Fat. DL. #44 was Same gzrez as teesn 8 tazel DL a Hes animals aag Dhonddyren feromsoscos mahicel2 tos L964. & er a One 5p ecimcn_, DLL KF 2323 Cacsht. BR Londsren Dijo orgs erelir £967. € Ji FTAs - s specrmens, Dit s pte“¢ end PLL F/G Qwere cACshy - ”~ e RL ondyren Dips climss ie ee /76R a Th /1a4 One YLis yecrm71e das ‘ BLL BBL*G was ¢2Kker Neatoma D Lundgren [eyricla /76AR @ SA 1TAG One this Sectmen date, was DLL * 7. takewx |