Title | Kent C. Thompson Catalog 1963 |
Creator | Kent C. Thompson |
Description | Collectors notes and catalogs for Kent C. Thompson covering collecting activities from 1963 |
Subject | Zoology Collector Notes |
Date | 1963 |
OCR Text | Show Seatiene| PEt AEAI EAI EEE TE suteHaale —< Pooeee Sout y = UTAY heék @id 43) uet uat Bao Om. Boh Koed, the assistant o€ Hevys Class was my partner We avuived \5 mmuter late. About as heur lake, we caught Tao (nachvtd SGeelopouwus QrAC LOSUS under a card boyd. We @rhived ee ae U Ce ie Oye a 2 Kaute, Saree Ae os Lett Riclogy Bid Ecolooy class amie by ee YU of och CouNnTyY., UTAH U liC with Fm. we C00 PM. See) oye orus graciasus were quite common. We wicked which LT We must W\o wept several 5 Ore at “er my collection. have seen Ge switts. These ditt¥erent Qreund were all smalle. Ahan, tue cauans We PT rola, by, back boa bch F ce\ the Nagle a so. are ey, See eee a ~. <a oe Z fou aon ee sninlirnineanlincania . Came Willams , Uta lh Coy vit el ee 19es | j i Journa ) | En Koute ACM ore LEAT BLO (NATIONAL GUARD) Wwe arrived [O-;CO AM, ae wha Cauant a ON 2 Bull AT BALMEN. We saw Sines bea ll caten iter srakewhch a gee DT almest back ax Aveta SV at Slee =.0a6 em te quite docile colat “ha Bg at many ground suwitts. PiTuaphtis tOmipaved— oe. = Nay 4.00 AM. unit stepoed Sine Wearnved ae ea) . hes tied. En Route aoee Wiawarn, Cette to Came So fic tie Lett Blog,» Bid ab NNO Bm. Steines, Cesk we avewed \o \ace Bre cel SR Receeiee Sa CO notably oi fr pee ele wit, Fealegy Clo ss ate ak initia! = oo =m. Sawa ht ee a ee tla, Caught Soe Previously Sea | tare ete, We arr sed Biolagy Cid aot S.CcaB at back ert Tm. i ae Kent C. Thomsen 1163 Jeourwal big lO May | | ot. te Emigration Cany on, Salt lake Co, Utah lett Wioleay ld cle We rattlesnakes. Che | 2505 eee Dy. ee Picked and <bhewedt “ne UP ert Pees Lele ‘ae Kfernas = — Ecolseay class ab lic em. we arrived et 2Oo. tn. aie designated ealalée snakes. | tage alass Cie e€ the studets caught oe, snaqee on whistjp Mast es LS ae Sn pe. LW-e 4 t avnved } ee | OMe, | | | re | cock shee Siclegy ele oe En Cute ot ccc ost Oeae Were \et*+ Annex G.i\5 Awad. : 3h20 eng ite Se ce Canvor | bs cecewe So WAG Abe Bua Si Ve Se i= I Viceag eee a ee ee tk Canny. lables | keine Les Se out ni iat hee a (ityS oa ek dig lo pt te 2 | heveteleg, Were Legler wx — Aiea Suate undet yraduats sud nts tlacluded +Vere of curt. painter sath ah cca eeeon saan iene ee ae a A Ee ee < }" eur En eute, = Ses e, Wash Co. Utah We Sevted eat tea Kunt heen les houns Sta ta Nhe ve ma| ning befarv.c earty Saecl= time Coh,S Aaa ae SI SABRESPEISIBS OT ETS RESUSRESTS RIESNEE1 NRAETE STN Bok Reed , Kent Sees Dames \D makt, del) ase a ee MS geal | eee daeiesete eee sg hf oa 5 stonsbunena Party ¢. and — Se<e1- Scelewovas - OR]! yy sol te Sala Chemidaphavus , eollected 1o May ANS alsout PL ein prow, YOOX Ol ak Couch % nr ee bp eet lenges Crota lus acnustes Ea ute, “L270 bitliey bak, bee, bao» Co, tab That , Tre nya br Las \env, Rab Feed Le tego pn ele ST a ere aAe ~ ee eee Creele. On the Wary avert Dy. Lea |r seott-ed a sroake o1, +he read. T+ turned ot toa boa Ctus ohis dateniEerr About (B wiceute he foto ae ee ie ob Seay “Yous 5 KAN® \ 7, Per wey aM Q) eS ™o}}.0q A1eM _sAOD meas Sse AND ynq jeods peeG w~ nop Ppa yorves OM “AanlA oben ama. ee) Se ae enN\ ee ae ee oe ae 48PA0Og eueZiAy a4 Ppessodd NS 'hOhL poss sbunb O/ 1) AY WE oe) yo dwop PRO OM, Ls pes oe Qo ae oe ewer P| M a yeionop Se ‘AUAld NG UW) tae ce Aaa eo ye S—-TL Se fates aq (Secs) a e(Ge5 AOS ACH ASCANAA SEER TFS ae o PLLAaASLD SL// ye "PAID ee ee idee” Ste Pon ae Aursod eo ee eT IAB AXVD ay wb > 2m a Moa >- AA a) | ‘jooA -~SSs> SS 4h Sem PYSSeaahrnN ParlA~sy +P Our» Aa\\2A ey LAX NOS AYA ot Soe tee COTA IS On roo Vv A224 D hah 2 eeeLI? Pel OD TTes pee | tent Ps Them epson — os @oO- eae SESE Se ORR SRa IRS ESOS agp:SS SSE SenSS oe ETES ae a =a sate Lor p ii | SSE | Karke Zerby= KEL?2, sk SN q LEeee MaveLa Fok. B. eee Coste KOcEé Ce KVE FR? B47 _G HAD Cav te) Léa TVCla Lt. Leben geo eeey ee JELLY 5s KABeS= 1 ee Co FHBEE AA (Hea JO Lor adSy3 TineLEGATT Lipo Lect? YZ eca<ar 2 A AG- Le ee OOLTRL FAS bee. Le CalGE77 4 Ko LLL Pep eese Battie vaee <bD Cael Lovee Se axes Aa eeee WEEE LOK fer AasyO Cv Ate Mt ieEF, Fala lll olaoeOOOOLED is ee ee ae alLE eTgege ie igi eeee eeeee G0 He paiBuelFes a Cygne regain. LLE Cgugaer— C.tlaVOLES AB EASE sone 2 faye oO eee 274g le, ae Cacgo 7 Rt CAFat a/b TBae eGe ort ree iiss Pan | | te, ZEEE S KBZLAL2, Lles02102g a Fae _, | CEB Abs ZEASA? peel) Ope TeeAS- VW phe 1a he zeaL727 GAOL. Co predit AaEv Ya 7. Le Z apf12ked.J gehoe ge a ee. Lele Shae ot A BOD MAA LT ere | AO eept Ze7s ie Ieme Zs ge, oe aaFae Oo a277 ence Meme eS Ze LBP poer APGYPAti ase LELS CFol /22 Zc8ee oO” SS oe eee yee ra 2 LOE ar Viper. 2°07 Fe Fee Go AaLEY Seer Betenser eae ote aa eK, Leg OLScdpate Geore pEgS3Coxe ee ee a es SPFOC pee Oe | zi Bes, eee Zo He to CS Ae cise eee ee eee adqhe aA | LIES Wise CL. (Cll)SAMAS RIEPOE a Z - 2- 463 . Journal n aute Red Batters, salt Awe OO. ee ES aa Ked Katters \s May, lo atee. Ud EO eel! Se ee eet i\lots A ee # ee my sel t cae by sth Sm cee Bat A Mave =— ee pecethiosa. Jum eed €r-om the shone oe he pond. A€+ey waste aan aoe RX Rann regon ee ree ven oh z YO1 C1eEnS eee my lbes bao k& atk AS wm Sf ln Gm Ee at 6G. FMV. En = dure Keoute Be Syrina Eun, ¥ 7) HEOO Ss. SEQ EE Sb. Co. titeLe i ope ae GAAP AeAAT 2EZER- Call+g aU epee Sie es eyes eT toe EI A eee LAETDP? Lag Ye CDS et eeeee —— BAGH? 7 XH eee ALPLZ ee ae JoeAe amen eeeeeee se CLAP AT. LG29 ite F aegia ee Sih lsa eeePeregmeget gee a 2 PEOras eas earn cles tues | Ei if S dune. Reute— B11HBPEAI)y,SOD_se 109.£&..polowiesttealey snorsesinnryseens ees SRN ee, ot CecucyLat She neji ae Cet aeehs. | Bra eiptens. Tt | me mad ee 2 oe prmetica, dyove “wy Ag *y leaerte the lacetieh of the chine, Whew I 7.Within three el Cour Vavas, Nett C. “Thempson 19 3 Cates oF Ae 4+ Mare lv 2 is Sceele pews ey eee he eoVus 20M Qreca Sus we ot saltair, Saltlake Co, Utah ap » SAC) Sala A prvi} Sceeloporus Aiea 6 1 SS Tih we ot CampWillian’ Utah Co, Utah 22 4 Atuaphis Dole elecks sy. 3 Scel 7 Ari| eaten iter Bert racy, Frers Wis MAA. = Bee UWiaL, coe COs uASs ¥ 7 wes race ane thcot ten Conon, Sl So tee \& on May, Mash cophis tee n (atus Snows_ Canny en, & YW > LD Ly ( S& x rm IS Jd Mi, aaa Seavge, Wash Co. ue May Ute sth wn = bavianes Utz stan bu mtaanna& Uta stanslunang Scelepoms un alert= ‘ =) KENT ¢. THHomeson Sp \Qca SSE SSCS PTO i Cane lag ue ValleyCrack, fine Veye, Washington Co. Utol (I. Bute [é.| Pouto =, Butea Mmicrolcaehus Co uta wmicvosca whus punctatus Vnicroas<2a phus Prew Canyon, 8 Mi NF 3 Mi W. St George, Wash Co.Utatl PRG Po) & |G ; Lt uy Uta stancburiana Cnem ‘do who VUS = gris Chem dapho ms Tigris la ¢ (He Swe i oe LO) Se A tusphis est ok te tera @rryr Ranch, IC MW. Ce Castle Cli €e_ Lash Ca Uta, Ln Wigies 26 Butea micraesca @hus et Bute micvasce eh US ee. Scayhiopus co Bute 24 Bute as Bute MicvaTrcaehus 26 Butea micasca ehus Su €a WCAG Ga elrus 5 2x» a8, $ hammand wmicrescarehus peu netatus CS er \_) May, Uta stansburiang a Iey ee Pie Be Gata Pes Ue Terry'sranch, (© m1 w Castle Cree, Wash Co. , Ural, 1 May 295 Cnemide phoms taris Bs CO pe cles Phrerus S/F Secs loa morus S32 Iw = = = a's Cnemidophe VAS eas Uke sTeansbuUrianagn ma asster Seee Le ics 251 & Uta ee eh Se i cn ST . ; stansburiacnc Callisaurus dra canaides- Cd Katteys| 2 bls VALof Cotonweed Lh S55 SLLUbid So Nay 358 ee one oa Ooms Unversity Circle , Sus tte lexve sia St tue pohis eringBun, F ae O-kal, (Take not Know, | Cate pier Cskin ) UBOS Soo © Sal+ lake Ca., Utal, i = UO (skeleton ) fseudacrnis SUNne nigrita t+riserviaty Cegas ) cs viet SAGES & Tot Wave meee goss 4 seem T — = oa 6 cae a yee ous Sep see bis {As : a. Se ScELOPoRUS GeAcIOsUsS 2a bate Abg/o Zoo, Ser Zoke CO, , SieZ — 4 March TAP HAZAVA crag S aeBcer7 ES ~-=- ee On SDE es ee beeee ee eesa ee oe Mw ALBA Or Lorre ge we Sa> } ieae eeeeGABE Cer 7 yHvees TALLIP oe Ps ig)eee LenB LZ gee ge ee3 A Y Wei | 2 Bore,Bitebittate Gees = SAAS See7 ree A727 PEs FLoL5>EZF BOLE PPI? SepaCS... w2e ELE 7S ASUGHIA SLs pe pets ee 2365 er iee eee SDAOLI~ LEAL oeLLIB. ances TAsaege seer °F“ cota easy Oe 228 Say va PAeae htSi ee ei ee Laceypig, ee CI! WY eee Yara cee athe CSaE |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6mw8bbq |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1669909 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6mw8bbq |