Title |
Carrol Firmage, Salt Lake City, Utah: an interview by Rob DeBirk, 4 June 2008 |
Alternative Title |
No.479 Carrol Firmage |
Creator |
Firmage, Carrol |
Contributor |
Cooley, Everett L.; University of Utah. American West Center; DeBirk, Rob (Robert William), 1979- |
Publisher |
Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah |
Date |
2008-06-04 |
Collection Number and Name |
ACCN 0814 Everett L. Cooley Oral History Project |
Finding Aid |
https://archiveswest.orbiscascade.org/ark:80444/xv48007 |
Access Rights |
I acknowledge and agree that all information I obtain as a result of accessing any oral history provided by the University of Utah's Marriott Library shall be used only for historical or scholarly or academic research purposes, and not for commercial purposes. I understand that any other use of the materials is not authorized by the University of Utah and may exceed the scope of permission granted to the University of Utah by the interviewer or interviewee. I may request permission for other uses, in writing to Special Collections at the Marriott Library, which the University of Utah may choose grant, in its sole discretion. I agree to defend, indemnify and hold the University of Utah and its Marriott Library harmless for and against any actions or claims that relate to my improper use of materials provided by the University of Utah. |
Date Digital |
2014-06-11 |
Spatial Coverage |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/5780993/ |
Subject |
Firmage, Carrol--Interviews; Environmentalists--Utah--Biography; Environmentalism--Utah--History; MX (Weapons system)--Environmental aspects; Urban agriculture--Utah; Local foods--Utah |
Description |
Transcript (18 pages) of interview(s) by Rob DeBirk with Carol Firmage on June 4, 2008 |
Abstract |
Firmage camped throughout Utah as a child with her family. She married Ed Firmage whose educational pursuits took them to Berkeley, California, and then to Israel on an Albright Fellowship. When they returned to Salt Lake City, they began to take weekend trips to the Escalante-Boulder area in southern Utah. Inspired by the scenery, they became interested in landscape photography. Ed's father was an activist who opposed the MX plan to put nuclear weapons in the West Desert. Ed and Carrol followed in his footsteps and became active in the Divine Strake project when the government talked about doing more testing in the West. They were also involved in issues over water rights in Utah involving Las Vegas. Her Master's Thesis at the University of Utah studies historic farming practices in Utah and modern urban gardening in an effort to increase sustainability by growing more food locally. Interview is part of the Utah Environmentalists Oral History Project. Interviewer: Robert DeBirk |
Type |
Text |
Genre |
oral histories (literary works) |
Format |
application/pdf |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Scanning Technician |
Matt Wilkinson |
Conversion Specifications |
Original scanned with Kirtas 2400 and saved as 400 ppi uncompressed TIFF. PDF generated by Adobe Acrobat Pro X for CONTENTdm display |
ark:/87278/s6qz3vbn |
Topic |
Environmentalism; Environmentalists; MX (Weapons system)--Environmental aspects; Urban agriculture; Local foods |
Setname |
uum_elc |
ID |
797840 |
Reference URL |
https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6qz3vbn |