Title |
"Will You, Huh?" handwritten Note on Picture of Two Young Girls Possibly reference to Marriage Proposal |
Description |
Black and white photograph of two young women holding hands under a tree both wearing light colored dresses one looks into the camera while the other looks at her the handwritten caption "Will You, Huh?" |
Subject |
'Mock Weddings', Lesbian Weddings, Equal Rights, Gay Rights, Homosexual Marriage, Lesbians, LUG - Lesbian until Graduation, GUG-Gay until Graduation, BUG-Bisexual until Graduation, Boston Marriages, Commitment Ceremonies, Research Material |
Date |
1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1914; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1918; 1919; 1920 |
Spatial Coverage |
United States https://www.geonames.org/6252001/united-states.html |
Format |
image/jpeg |
Rights |
https://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-RUU/1.0/ |
Holding Institution |
Utah Historical Society |
Type |
Image |
Genre |
black and white photographs |
Relation |
Homogamy |
ark:/87278/s61qp0ga |
Metadata Cataloger |
Megan Garcia |
Setname |
dha_cdlgbtuh |
ID |
2587964 |
Reference URL |
https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s61qp0ga |